2008 Movies

Plex's Database of 2008 movies is a concise collection for film enthusiasts. Every film released that year is efficiently cataloged in this easy-to-navigate resource. Streamlined and user-friendly, the Database provides direct links to all movies, minimizing time spent searching and maximizing viewing enjoyment.
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The Best Movies of 2008

The Dark Knight

An exceptional example of superhero cinema, The Dark Knight stood out as a revolutionary film. Directed by Christopher Nolan, it focused on the ever-evolving battle between Bruce Wayne's Batman (Christian Bale) and his chaotic nemesis, The Joker (Heath Ledger). Ledger’s performance was unforgettable, aiding the film in firing on all cylinders with its excellent casting, superior direction, and ingenious screenplay.

Slumdog Millionaire

Another standout of 2008 was Slumdog Millionaire, an inspirational journey about an eighteen-year-old Indian boy named Jamal Malik (Dev Patel). As he stands on the brink of winning a popular Indian quiz show, his incredible life story unravels. The film was a resounding success, with Danny Boyle bagging the Best Director Oscar and the movie itself winning an impressive seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture.

The Wrestler

Then, there’s The Wrestler, an emotional drama about Randy "The Ram" Robinson (Mickey Rourke), an aging professional wrestler who must give up his career or risk death. Directed by Darren Aronofsky, the movie allowed Rourke to deliver a potent performance, resulting in a triumphant resurgence in his career.

Kung Fu Panda

In the realm of animation, DreamWorks’ Kung Fu Panda was a delight for viewers of all ages. It chronicled the journey of Po (Jack Black), a clumsy panda who dreams of becoming a kung fu hero. With its vibrant visuals, good-natured humor, and martial arts action, it was an instant hit and is still a fan favorite today.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button offers a captivating tale of a man, Benjamin Button (Brad Pitt), aging backward. While it didn’t achieve the same acclaim as some of David Fincher’s other movies, Brad Pitt’s performance and the innovative aging effects used in the film made it a must-watch of 2008.


An adrenaline-fueled thriller, Taken, introduced us to Bryan Mills (Liam Neeson), a retired secret agent in search of his abducted daughter. The film cemented Neeson’s status as an action star, allowing him to showcase a different side of his acting prowess.

In Bruges

In Bruges presented the unusual tale of two professional hitmen ordered to lay low in Bruges, Belgium, after a botched job. The film boasted a sharp script and great performances from Brendan Gleeson and Colin Farrell. Its unique blend of dark humor and dramatic elements solidified it as one of the best Irish comedies.


Pixar’s WALL-E, an animated love story set in a post-apocalyptic Earth, was another gem from 2008. Despite starring a pair of robots, the film succeeded in telling a moving love story. Its depiction of a planet devastated by humanity’s recklessness resonates with viewers even today.

Let the Right One In

Hailing from Sweden, Let the Right One In is a modern horror masterpiece that juxtaposes a touching friendship with chilling horror. It follows twelve-year-old Oskar as he befriends his new neighbor, Eli, who holds a haunting secret.

Iron Man

Finally, there’s Iron Man, the film that kickstarted the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Robert Downey Jr.’s charismatic performance as tech billionaire Tony Stark helped the film shine, marking the beginning of an epic superhero saga.

2008 Movie & Film Industry Highlights

The film industry, a realm often synonymous with art and entertainment, thrives on constant evolution. Every year presents a new set of movies, each contributing something unique to the industry. However, among all these years, 2008 stands out as a monumental period in the history of cinema. From grossing millions at the box office to ushering in a new age for comic book adaptations, 2008 left an indelible mark on the global film industry.

Top-Grossing Films of 2008

The financial aspect of the movie industry is just as crucial as the artistic, and 2008 was no exception to this rule. The year’s highest-grossing film was The Dark Knight, which accumulated approximately 1 billion dollars at the box office. Following close behind was Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, with a gross of about 790 million dollars. Other top performers included Kung Fu Panda, Hancock, and Mamma Mia! Overall, the top ten films of 2008 consisted of an eclectic mix of three superhero films, three animated films, three action films, and one musical film.

Record-Breaking Feats

2008 also witnessed several record-breaking feats in the industry. Domestically, it almost surpassed 2007 as the highest-grossing year, falling short by a mere $30 million dollars. The Dark Knight set a record by reaching a $400 million dollar domestic gross in just eighteen days, smashing the previous record held by Shrek 2, which took forty-three days to reach the same milestone. Further, after forty-five days in release, The Dark Knight crossed the half-billion-dollar domestic milestone, only the second film to do so after Titanic. Mamma Mia! broke records in the UK, becoming the highest-grossing film until its record was overtaken by Avatar in 2010. Slumdog Millionaire also set records, becoming the most successful British independent film at the worldwide box office. At the UK box office, it established itself as the highest-grossing British independent film, outdoing Four Weddings and a Funeral, and marked the biggest ever weekly “increase for a UK saturation release.”