10,000 A.D.: The Legend of a Black Pearl

Directed by Giovanni Messner and Raul Gasteazoro
2008    84m    R
In a post-apocalyptic world, humanity is shattered into rival tribes. As they'll battle for survival, a mysterious adversary emerges, threatening to annihilate them all. United by destiny, they must confront their darkest fears to reclaim hope and humanity.
Where to Watch 10,000 A.D.: The Legend of a Black Pearl
Cast of 10,000 A.D.: The Legend of a Black Pearl
  • Julian Perez
  • Loukas Pappas
  • Edgar Feliciano
  • Nina Carney
  • Raul Gasteazoro
  • Lilly Husbands
  • Marsin MogielskiPlaebian

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