Directed by Chiang Hsiu-ChiungA woman who believes she chose an unconventional path in her life is startled to find her children are stepping farther beyond society's boundaries in this drama from Taiwanese filmmaker Hsiu-Chiung Chiang. Ai-tsao (Li-li Pan) is a widow who is nearly 60 years old; her husband, over twenty years her senior, has been dead for nearly two decades, and Ai-tsao's life has settled into a comfortable routine of looking after her elderly mother and doting on her two adult children. Ai-tsao had a strong independent streak when she was young and struck out on her own over the objections of her parents, but she's not quite as willing to accept that her children have chosen lives different from her own. Ai-tsao slowly comes to the realization that her son is gay and struggles to come to terms with his lifestyle, but it's even more difficult for Ai-tsao when she discovers her daughter is going to be the unwed mother of a mixed-race child.