A Guerra dos Rocha

Directed by Jorge Fernando
2008    76mComedy
Clumsy old lady Dina Rocha lives with her aspiring-musician Marcelo who is supported by his wife Carol. After a series of incidents at home caused by Dina, she moves to the house in Santa Teresa where her son Cesar lies with his wife Júlia and their teenage daughter. Cesar is a hypochondriac lawyer who has love affairs, and Júlia hates Dina and asks her to leave the house. Dina moves to the house of her son Marcos Vinícius, who is a senator responding an inquiry and is promoting a party at home with his wife Paola to their friends. Marcos asks his bodyguard Marcondes to take his mother to Cesar's house. However, she meets her old friend Nonô and pays her a visit. Her sons do not know where she is and they go to the hospitals and morgues. Coincidently there is the body of an old lady smashed by a truck, and they believe that she is their mother. Meanwhile. two small-time thieves break into Nonô's house and keep the two old ladies locked in the bathroom. During the funeral of Dina Rocha, the dysfunctional families have a quarrel disputing their heritage.

Where to Watch A Guerra dos Rocha

Cast of A Guerra dos Rocha

  • Ary FontouraOndina "Dina" Rocha
  • Nicette BrunoDinorá "Nonô" França
  • Diogo VilelaMarcos Vinícius Rocha
  • Marcello AntonyCésar Rocha
  • Giulia GamJúlia Rocha
  • Lúcio Mauro FilhoMarcelo Rocha
  • Taís AraújoCarol Rocha
  • Ludmila DayerPaola Rocha
  • Aílton GraçaMarcondes
  • Ângelo Paes LemeCurió
  • Cecília DassiBebel Rocha
  • Felipe DylonBilinho França
  • Zéu BrittoMagrão
  • Antonio PedroSr. Vicente
  • Alexandre ZacchiaDelegado
  • Ana Paula GuimarãesAssistente de Júlia
  • Ângela BismarchiFlávia
  • Berta LoranNair
  • Catarina AbdalaZenaide
  • CoralistaJesseni, Esmeralda, Maria e Onádia
  • CrispimMotorista de Marcos Vinícius/Homem de peruca
  • FelipeHomem afoito
  • Francisco FortesCarteiro
  • Hilda RabelloNeide
  • Jaime LeibovitchSaul
  • Jorge FernandoCassiano França / Kassandra
  • Felipe GabrielaRaulzinho 1
  • Gabriel FonsecaRaulzinho 2
  • Leina KrespiVelhinha
  • Lucas DomsoRepórter 1
  • Luciana RigueiraRepórter 2
  • Lupe GigliottiAnita
  • Marília PortugalAntônia
  • Michel MaxPolicial
  • Pasqualino VilardoArmando (foto do marido falecido de Dina)
  • Paulo GustavoIML worker
  • Rafael HaddadPersonal
  • Ricardo DuquePolicial
  • Terezinha ElisaJurema
  • TutucaSaraiva
  • Duse NacarattiLeila



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