2000 Movies

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The Best Movies of 2000

The year 2000 gave us a blend of films that had an undeniable impact on cinema. Let's revisit these cinematic masterpieces.

Requiem for a Dream

Darren Aronofsky's "Requiem for a Dream" takes us into the agonizing heart of addiction, pushing the boundaries of subjective storytelling. Ellen Burstyn delivers a profound performance as a housewife addicted to diet pills, lost in her hallucinations of impending stardom. Her son and his girlfriend, portrayed by Jared Leto and Jennifer Connelly, spiral downwards into the abyss of heroin addiction, marking their journey with a horrendous collapse into self-destruction.

The Cell

"The Cell" enthralls with its uncanny fusion of psychology, psychic abilities, and a police procedural. Jennifer Lopez, in a stellar role, uses a pioneering method to penetrate the mind of a coma-stricken boy, which then becomes a life-saving tool to locate a serial killer's latest victim. Tarsem, the director, juggles numerous themes with utmost finesse, crafting an original film that is visually stunning and narratively compelling.

Almost Famous

Coming-of-age narratives don't come better than "Almost Famous." Cameron Crowe modeled the plot on his personal exploits as a young Rolling Stone reporter accompanying the Allman Brothers Band. Patrick Fugit convincingly plays the earnest young reporter thrown into the chaotic world of rock and roll. The cast's accurate and soulful performances, including those of Billy Crudup, Kate Hudson, Frances McDormand, and Jason Lee, augment the film's charm.

High Fidelity

"High Fidelity" offers a refreshing peek into the quotidian lives of young working people. John Cusack shines as a used vinyl store owner in Chicago, struggling with love and life. The comedy, helmed by Stephen Frears, gracefully balances charm and heart, rendering a keen observation of how characters navigate their humble existence with a sense of chosenness.

Wonder Boys

"Wonder Boys" delves into the life of a 50-ish professor portrayed by Michael Douglas, wrestling with the manuscript of his second novel. The plot is set on a chilly campus in Pittsburgh, where the protagonist grapples with personal and professional crises. With its empathetic gaze on the elusive dreams of its characters, the film is a testament to the nuanced acting prowess of Michael Douglas.

You Can Count on Me

"You Can Count on Me" presents Laura Linney in a performance worthy of an Oscar. As Sammy, a single mother and bank loan officer, tries to make sense of her life when her brother Terry, played by Mark Ruffalo, turns up unexpectedly. Directed by Ken Lonergan, the film steers clear of predictable resolutions, offering instead an honest depiction of life in all its perplexing contradictions.


"Pollock," the directorial debut of Ed Harris, is an insightful biopic about Jackson Pollock, the abstract expressionist. It offers a robust narrative about the art world, unraveling its greed and inspiration and the challenges of accommodating artists. Harris' remarkable acting alongside Marcia Gay Hardin as his wife, Lee Krasner, provides the backbone to this powerful film.

George Washington

"George Washington" drifts through seemingly aimless summer days, disrupted by a sudden, dreadful event. The film chronicles the lives of young children inhabiting a rusted industrial cityscape, their interactions punctuated by desultory conversations and their response to a catastrophic accident. The film's power lies in its evocative ambiance, capturing the rhythm of summer days and the lingering effects of conversations.


Steven Soderbergh's "Traffic" ambitiously dissects America's drug problem, intertwining multiple narratives to portray the chain of sale and use. Benicio Del Toro shines as a Mexican cop, while Michael Douglas brings depth to his role as a parent grappling with his child's addiction. The film questions addiction as a public health issue rather than a crime, indirectly commenting on the nation's drug laws.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Ang Lee's "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" stands out for its poetic approach to martial arts narratives. The film serves as a canvas for a tale of myth and obsession, interspersed with some of the most exhilarating action sequences ever filmed. The film marries narrative substance with breathtaking visuals to present a martial arts film like no other.

2000 Movies & Industry Highlights

The year 2000 marked significant events and blockbuster films in the film industry.

Top Films of the Year

Leading the pack at the box office, "Mission: Impossible 2" topped the list as the highest-grossing film worldwide, garnering a total of $546,400,000. This action-packed sequel to the first Mission: Impossible film mesmerized audiences with its intense plot and thrilling action sequences.

Trailing not far behind, "Gladiator" was also a massive hit, raking in over $503 million worldwide. It wasn't only a box office success but also a critically acclaimed one, winning the Academy Awards for Best Picture and Best Actor (Russell Crowe).

"Cast Away," a film that would go on to become a classic, came third, grossing over $420 million. This film's depiction of human survival and resilience resonated deeply with viewers, making it a standout among the films of 2000.

Special Mentions

In the niche of stop-motion animation, "Chicken Run" made history, becoming the highest-grossing stop-motion animated film ever. Its captivating storyline, coupled with its meticulously crafted visuals, earned it a place in the hearts of many.

"Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas" made waves too. Its opening weekend gross of $55.1 million set a new high for Christmas-themed films. This film, showcasing Jim Carrey's versatile performance, managed to surpass the opening weekends of both "Batman Forever" and "Ransom," earning it the title of the highest debut for a Jim Carrey and Ron Howard film.