Dui Duari
Directed by Humayun AhmedThe story is centered around a well-established family and their daily life issues, with the inclusion of a mysterious man (Riaz) who does not know where he has come from or even what his name is. The story flows and complex issues of life seem to have very easy solutions in interesting ways, and that mysterious man has a role behind that. That neglected fellow somehow gets into influencing the members in a mysterious way and doing ultimate good for the family. The rich family has a mentally-distorted sister they keep locked up in a room; the brother, the head of the family, can't deny his wife's decision. His daughter (Shaon) falls in love with a meritorious (Mahfuz), who turns out to be the grandson of a beggar, who through hardship had raised his grandson after his son and daughter-in-law died. One day the mysterious man walks away and is never seen again.
Where to Watch Dui Duari
Cast of Dui Duari