2001 Movies

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The Best Movies of 2001

The year 2001 gave us a blend of films that continue to resonate with audiences even decades later. Some of the films that stood out were 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring,' 'Memento,' 'Ghost World,' 'Amelie,' 'Moulin Rouge!', 'In The Mood For Love,' 'Shrek,' 'The Royal Tenenbaums,' 'In The Bedroom,' and 'Mulholland Dr.' Let's revisit these cinematic masterpieces.

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

This is a film that masterfully combines the grandeur of mythology and modern cinema. It stands testament to director Peter Jackson's dedicated work and the richness of J.R.R. Tolkien's fantasy trilogy. Filled with the enchantment of its own universe, it shows how a humble hobbit can bear the weight of a heroic quest.

Ghost World

This movie is a witty and realistic portrait of youthful disaffection. Thora Birch's performance is a striking portrayal of an angry young woman on the brink of adulthood, struggling to find authenticity in a world saturated with falseness.


Amelie, a charmingly naive and innocent girl, stealthily helps those around her and inadvertently falls in love in this whimsical French film. It strikes a chord with audiences due to its delightful sense of comic timing and earnest, unaffected optimism.

Moulin Rouge!

This movie skilfully combines different time periods, with its dramatic plot unfolding amidst a selection of rock-era music. It's an ambitious venture that stirs together elements of romance, music, and spectacular visuals. A testament to the power of film to captivate and enrapture, this is an epic you'll love or hate but never forget.

In The Mood for Love

This film captures a profound and lingering romantic relationship that remains unconsummated. Its mesmerizing exploration of desire is beautifully executed. The meticulous attention to detail and the impeccable use of interior space evoke an emotional resonance that's both poignant and captivating.


Shrek is an animated fairy tale that delivers real wit to adults while offering a healthy dose of fun for the young ones. Eddie Murphy's vocal characterization of the donkey lends a delightful spirit to the movie, creating a balance that is as entertaining as it is refreshing.

The Royal Tenenbaums

This film presents an engaging portrait of a dysfunctional family trying to grapple with their past. It's a witty and perceptive exploration of the family dynamic, showcasing excellent performances from a stellar cast that helps create a compelling narrative.

In The Bedroom

This movie is a heartrending domestic drama that immerses you in the grief of a couple grappling with the loss of their only child. The performances of Sissy Spacek and Tom Wilkinson bring to life the profound sorrow and resilience of parents in the face of unspeakable loss.

Mulholland Dr.

David Lynch's film is a compelling Hollywood dreamscape. It involves elements of film noir and backstage stories combined with crime and intrigue. The movie is a fascinating enigma, drawing you in with its compelling scenes, leading you down a winding path of mystery and suspense.

Spirited Away

Hayao Miyazaki, a revered name in the world of animation, presented audiences with "Spirited Away," a fairy tale replete with fantastical creatures and a unique visual language. The film's surreal charm, reminiscent of Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland," elevates it into a class of its own. The story's plot, revolving around a young girl's encounter with spirits and monsters in a deserted amusement park, is as captivating as its beautiful animation.

Y Tu Mama Tambien

"Y Tu Mama Tambien," a Mexican drama-comedy by Alfonso Cuarón, traverses the tumultuous landscape of adolescence with a balance of humor and depth. The narrative subtly explores the angst and confusion associated with the journey towards adulthood, offering an honest portrayal of adolescent pursuits.

2001 Movies & Industry Highlights

This period birthed some of the most monumental franchises in the film industry's history. With the inception of Harry Potter, Fast & Furious, Spy Kids, Monsters, Inc., and Shrek franchises, as well as The Lord of the Rings and Ocean's trilogies, the cinematic landscape was forever changed. In addition, the year saw an upsurge of noteworthy non-English language films, notably Monsoon Wedding, Amélie, and Spirited Away.

Groundbreaking Film Releases of 2001

In an extraordinary turn of events, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was re-released in 2020, crossing the $1 billion threshold. This release further cemented the film's importance within the franchise and its cultural influence. The initial entries of both the Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings franchises had a profound impact on the film and literary industries, establishing fantasy as a prominent genre in mainstream culture, encouraging a newfound appreciation for young adult novels, and redefining the nature of blockbuster films to support franchises and engage fandom communities.

Highest-Grossing Films of 2001

2001 set a new standard for box office performance. For the first time, two films released in the same year—Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring—exceeded $800 million in box office revenue. The top three grossing films were Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone with approximately $975 million, followed by The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring with roughly $884 million, and Monsters, Inc. rounding out the top three with around $529 million.

The fourth highest-grossing film, Shrek, collected almost $488 million, followed closely by Ocean's Eleven with approximately $451 million. Films like Pearl Harbor and The Mummy Returns also made substantial earnings with almost $449 million and $433 million, respectively. Jurassic Park III, Planet of the Apes, and Hannibal were also among the highest earners of the year, with all three films collectively grossing more than $1 billion.

Impact of Non-English Films

The influence of non-English films in 2001 should not be underestimated. The highest-grossing non-English film of the year was the anime Spirited Away by Studio Ghibli. This film stood as the 15th highest-grossing film of the year, contributing to the diversification and enrichment of global cinema.