Cleaning Women is unique Finnish band, which plays self-made instruments made from eg. drying rack and large tin cans. This documentary follows their Eastern Europe tour.
Where to Watch Cleaning Up!
Cast of Cleaning Up!
Risto PuurunenCW01 / Self
Timo KinnunenCW03 / Self
Tero VänttinenCW04 / Self
Inka KovanenTour still photographer
Jari LaakkonenSound technician's voice
Dobran DrobjazkoKartel band member
Olga IkkoDubbing of St. Petersburg interviewer (voice)
Hanna SalomaaInterpreter
Anu KeränenCW02 (archival footage)
Mikko KeinonenBand manager
Svetlana TerentjevMixer at the artist house
Irina PapernajaOwner of Chinese Pilot at Moscow train station
Erna LahtiMikko's girlfriend
Irina SedovaInterpreter at the Chinese Pilot club
Artemiy TroitskiyPolitical Speaker at Chinese Pilot club
Grigori GoldenzweigEditor
Teemu KotilaSound technician
Raine SahrmanMan listening at Pub Zavood
Mario PizzolantiPub keeper in Tartu
Janne ImmonenPerformer in music video for The Beginning of the New Age
Olivia HirviPolish speaking host
Mari KoivunenHost in Krakow
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