1999 Movies

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The Best Movies of 1999

As we journey back to the tail end of the 20th century, let's reflect on some of the standout films of 1999. We find a year peppered with memorable storytelling and cinematic magic that still resonates today.

The Sixth Sense

M. Night Shyamalan introduced a new level of suspense and terror with his psychological ghost thriller, "The Sixth Sense." The film gifted us with an unforgettable catchphrase: "I see dead people." The film's plot is woven around a child psychologist, played by Bruce Willis, who embarks on a mission to assist a young boy (Haley Joel Osment) capable of communicating with ghosts. With a famous twist in film history, the film successfully kept audiences on the edge of their seats.

Fight Club

David Fincher's "Fight Club" was all the rage during this time, despite the first rule clearly stating otherwise. It became one of the most discussed films of the era, with its dark theme, exceptional performances, and gritty storytelling. Edward Norton portrayed an unnamed insomniac narrator who forms an unconventional fight club with Brad Pitt's charismatic, reckless soapmaker character.


Paul Thomas Anderson's "Magnolia" artfully intertwined several narratives involving individuals connected to the LA entertainment industry. Filled with intriguing themes and robust performances, the film captures one's attention from start to finish. The standout performance was Tom Cruise's surprising transformation into a professional stud giving seminars on how to attract women.

Bringing Out the Dead

A cinematic rollercoaster ride of excitement and dread, Martin Scorsese's "Bringing Out the Dead" depicted the struggles of a New York paramedic, portrayed by Nicolas Cage. Trapped in a sea of suffering, the protagonist ventures out nightly, realizing his work was more about witnessing suffering than actually being able to help.

The Insider

"The Insider" was a riveting exploration of the tobacco industry's concealed truths. This film centered around Russell Crowe's character, a tobacco industry scientist, revealing his industry's deadly secrets to "60 Minutes". It was a masterclass in the demonstration of journalistic integrity and the fight against corruption.

American Beauty

Sam Mendes' "American Beauty" delivered a bitter critique of suburbia, capturing the dissatisfaction and ennui of Kevin Spacey's character. With remarkable performances from Annette Bening and Thora Birch, the film painted a grim picture of familial strife.

Boys Don't Cry

"Boys Don't Cry" showcased stellar performances by Hilary Swank and Chloe Sevigny. It revolved around a girl, Teena Brandon, who transforms herself into a boy, Brandon Teena. This emotionally charged film provides a keen insight into gender identity struggles and the societal prejudice that often accompanies them.

Being John Malkovich

The ever-inventive "Being John Malkovich," helmed by Spike Jonze, was a delightful surprise that year. The plot centered around a man who stumbles upon a portal into the mind of John Malkovich, inviting audiences on a cerebral journey that continuously exceeded expectations.

The Matrix

"The Matrix" was a trailblazer in the science fiction genre. The film followed Keanu Reeves's character, a computer programmer who discovers he's been living in a simulated reality. This boundary-pushing film has left a lasting influence in its wake.

South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut

Lastly, we had the boundary-pushing "South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut." While it may have pushed the envelope in terms of adult content, the film's unapologetic social satire and sharp commentary on hypocrisy left a lasting impression on audiences.

1999 Movies & Industry Highlights

Let's take a stroll down memory lane, revisiting the movies and industry highlights of 1999.

Landmark Films

Cinema saw its landscape shaped by a mix of genres and storytelling techniques. Stanley Kubrick's final cinematic venture, Eyes Wide Shut, was released. Pedro Almodóvar's All About My Mother not only won the hearts of viewers but also garnered an Oscar.

The genre of science-fiction was expanded with the release of The Matrix, a movie that questioned the very nature of reality. On the animation front, The Iron Giant, South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, and My Neighbors the Yamadas brought stellar imagery and engaging storytelling to the screen. Meanwhile, the unforgettable American Beauty took home the Best Picture award.

Noteworthy Releases

Adding to the diversity of the cinematic landscape were several other standout releases. M. Night Shyamalan's The Sixth Sense caught audiences off guard with its groundbreaking twist, creating an immediate buzz and solidifying Shyamalan's reputation as a master of suspense. Fight Club, despite its controversy, has since cemented its status as a cult classic.

Martin Scorsese's Bringing Out the Dead and Paul Thomas Anderson's Magnolia were among other films that left an indelible mark on the industry. Furthermore, George Lucas' Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace dominated the box office, signaling a resurgence of the Star Wars universe in the mainstream.

Top-grossing Films

The box office was ablaze with a mix of genres and creative expressions. Topping the list was Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, raking in a whopping $924.39M. Following were The Sixth Sense with $672.89M and Toy Story 2 with $511.39M.

The Matrix stunned not just with its unique narrative but also at the box office, earning $465.9M. Other movies that significantly contributed to the box office include Tarzan, The Mummy, Notting Hill, The World Is Not Enough, American Beauty, and Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me.

Box Office Figures

Here are the top 10 films of 1999, along with their worldwide gross:

  • Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace: $924.3M
  • The Sixth Sense: $672.8M
  • Toy Story 2: $511.4M
  • The Matrix: $466.0M
  • Tarzan: $448.2M
  • The Mummy: $416.4M
  • Notting Hill: $363.9M
  • The World Is Not Enough: $361.8M
  • American Beauty: $356.3M
  • Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me: $312.4M