1957 Movies

Our Plex database is dedicated to the movies of 1957, presenting a well-organized collection. This resource aims to facilitate easy exploration and access to the best 1957 films.
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Top 5 Movies from 1957

The Bridge on the River Kwai

David Lean's direction in "The Bridge on the River Kwai" presents a gripping narrative set during World War II. The story follows British prisoners of war tasked with constructing a railway bridge across the river Kwai for their Japanese captors, unaware of the Allies' intention to destroy it. The film features performances by Alec Guinness, William Holden, Jack Hawkins, and Sessue Hayakawa. Its impact was recognized with seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture.

Peyton Place

Adapted from Grace Metalious' novel, "Peyton Place" delves into the intricate lives and scandals of a New England town's residents. The film, directed by Mark Robson, stars Lana Turner, Hope Lange, Lee Philips, and Arthur Kennedy. Its portrayal of controversial themes led to multiple Academy Award nominations, reflecting the societal norms and challenges of the era.


Joshua Logan's "Sayonara" explores the complex relationship between an American Air Force fighter pilot during the Korean War and a famous Japanese dancer. Marlon Brando, Patricia Owens, James Garner, and Miiko Taka deliver compelling performances. The film's sensitive handling of cross-cultural relationships was acknowledged with four Academy Awards, including Best Supporting Actor for Red Buttons.

Old Yeller

"Old Yeller," directed by Robert Stevenson, is a poignant family film set in post-Civil War Texas. It narrates a young boy's experiences with his loyal dog, Old Yeller. The film, starring Tommy Kirk, Dorothy McGuire, Fess Parker, and Beverly Washburn, is celebrated for its emotional depth and has been recognized as a classic in the family genre.

12 Angry Men

Directed by Sidney Lumet, "12 Angry Men" is a riveting court drama focusing on the deliberations of a jury in a capital murder case. The film stars Henry Fonda, Lee J. Cobb, Ed Begley, and Jack Warden. It is acclaimed for its intense narrative and powerful dialogues, earning nominations for three Academy Awards, including Best Picture.

Industry Highlights and Notable Moments from 1957

1957 was a year marked by events both within the Hollywood film industry and in broader American culture. These events not only influenced the movies of the time but also reflected the changing dynamics of society.

  • Decline of the Hollywood Blacklist: The Hollywood blacklist, which targeted individuals in the entertainment industry accused of communist affiliations, began to lose its grip. Dalton Trumbo, a blacklisted screenwriter, won an Academy Award under a pseudonym, highlighting the absurdity and injustice of the blacklist. This event played a critical role in the eventual dissolution of this suppressive practice in Hollywood.

  • Integration of Little Rock's Central High School: The integration of Little Rock's Central High School was a landmark event in the Civil Rights Movement. This significant social change influenced American society broadly, including the narratives and themes explored in Hollywood films, reflecting the industry's response to ongoing societal shifts.

  • Sputnik 1 Launch: The Soviet Union's launch of Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite, had a profound impact on American culture and the film industry. This event spurred a heightened interest in science fiction and space exploration themes in cinema, reflecting the era's fascination with space and technology.

  • Elvis Presley's Rising Fame: Elvis Presley's continued ascent to stardom in 1957 had a considerable influence on both the music industry and Hollywood. His film "Jailhouse Rock" became a cultural phenomenon, showcasing the interplay between popular music and cinema during this period.

  • 29th Academy Awards: The 29th Academy Awards recognized the films of 1957, with "Around the World in 80 Days" securing the Best Picture award from the previous year's ceremony. This event highlighted the diverse range of storytelling and filmmaking styles that characterized the era.