1944 Movies

Our Plex database is your ultimate guide to the film scene of 1944. With a vast collection of movies from this year, you can immerse yourself in the captivating stories and unforgettable performances of the past. Our database is specially designed to enhance your movie discovery process, making it easier than ever to find the perfect film for your mood.
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The Best Movies in 1944

Going My Way

Released in 1944, "Going My Way," directed by Leo McCarey, emerged as a cinematic success, capturing the audience's attention and affection. The film narrates the story of Father Chuck O'Malley, portrayed by Bing Crosby, whose progressive methods breathe new life into a struggling parish. This movie not only topped the year's box office charts but also garnered seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture. Bing Crosby's portrayal of the young priest earned him the Academy Award for Best Actor, a testament to his compelling performance.

Double Indemnity

Billy Wilder's "Double Indemnity" stands as a paradigmatic film noir, renowned for its suspense-filled narrative and multifaceted characters. The storyline intricately weaves an insurance salesman and a femme fatale's conspiracy to commit murder. Although it did not secure an Academy Award, its enduring acclaim and pivotal role in shaping the film noir genre are unmistakable. The film's legacy extends beyond its immediate critical reception, influencing countless narratives within the genre.


"Gaslight," directed by George Cukor, is a psychological thriller featuring a stellar Oscar-winning performance by Ingrid Bergman. She portrays a woman subjected to psychological manipulation by her husband, played by Charles Boyer, who seeks to conceal his criminal past. Awarded for its remarkable portrayal of psychological distress, the film introduced "gaslighting" into the English dictionary, symbolizing a form of psychological abuse aimed at making a person question their reality.


Otto Preminger's "Laura" serves as another quintessential film noir. The story unfolds with a detective, played by Dana Andrews, who becomes enamored with the woman whose murder he is tasked to solve. Celebrated for its intricate plot, atmospheric cinematography, and strong performances, particularly by Gene Tierney in the titular role, "Laura" occupies a distinguished place in the film noir category. The film is hailed for its ability to captivate audiences with its suspense and character complexity.

Meet Me in St. Louis

Vincente Minnelli's "Meet Me in St. Louis," featuring Judy Garland, stands out as a delightful musical set against the backdrop of the 1904 World's Fair. The film offers a glimpse into the life of a family navigating the challenges and joys of everyday life. Garland's renditions of "The Trolley Song" and "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" contributed to the film's charm and success. Garnering several Academy Award nominations, the movie was not only a box-office hit but also established itself as a beloved classic.

Film & Industry Highlights of 1944

The Landscape of 1944 Cinema

1944 proved to be a year of cinematic innovation and remarkable production despite the backdrop of World War II. This period introduced audiences to a plethora of genres, but it was film noir that truly stood out, with titles such as "Double Indemnity," "Laura," and "Gaslight" leading the pack. These films, characterized by their dark themes and moral ambiguity, captivated audiences and have since become staples of the genre. Meanwhile, musicals and comedy-dramas like "Meet Me in St. Louis" and "Going My Way" offered escapism and heartwarming narratives, showcasing the versatility of Hollywood's offerings.

Box Office Success and Trends

"Going My Way," distributed by Paramount, emerged as the year's top-grossing film in North America, amassing $6,500,000. This comedy-drama, intertwined with musical elements, struck a chord with audiences, perhaps due to its uplifting storyline amidst the ongoing global conflict. Following closely were "Meet Me in St. Louis" by MGM and "Since You Went Away" by United Artists, which also enjoyed commercial success. The financial achievements of these films reflect the entertainment industry's adaptability and resilience, even in times of widespread uncertainty.

Impact of World War II on Hollywood

The influence of World War II on the film industry was multifaceted, extending beyond mere narrative content. Hollywood played a pivotal role in the government's war-aims information campaign, producing films that both entertained and bolstered morale. Moreover, the war-induced population shifts and government restrictions led to changes in moviegoing habits, with theaters becoming central hubs for community engagement. This period underscored the role cinema plays in society, particularly during times of crisis.

Notable Events and Developments

In addition to its cinematic achievements, 1944 was marked by several events within the industry. The filming of "Theresienstadt," a Nazi propaganda documentary, took place from August 16 to September 11. However, the film's completion was overshadowed by tragedy, as co-director Kurt Gerron and many participants were sent to Auschwitz concentration camp afterward. The documentary was completed in 1945 but was left unreleased. Furthermore, in September, approximately 640 motion picture actors, writers, and directors were listed on the Nazi Germany's Gottbegnadeten list, exempting them from military conscription. This reflects the complex intersections between politics, art, and personal survival during tumultuous times.

The 16th Academy Awards: A Milestone Event

The year also witnessed the 16th Academy Awards, a ceremony notable for several reasons. Held on March 2, 1944, it honored the films of 1943 and was the first Oscar event hosted at a large public venue, Grauman's Chinese Theatre. "Casablanca" clinched the Best Picture award, while "The Song of Bernadette" garnered the most awards (4) and nominations (12). This ceremony highlighted the industry's capacity for excellence and innovation, even in the face of global upheaval.