The Vision of Escaflowne
Season 1
Hitomi is a girl with psychic abilities who gets transported to the magical world of Gaea. She and her friends find themselves under attack from the evil Zaibach empire, and the Guymelf Escaflowne provides the key to it all.
Where to Watch Season 1
26 Episodes
- The Girl From the Mystic MoonE2
The Girl From the Mystic MoonIn a shaft of light, Hitomi and the prince Van tranports to the world of Gaea, where Earth is known only as the "Mystic Moon" in the nightly expanse. Van returns to the capital of his country Fanelia to be coronated after obtaining the Energist crystal from the dragon. During the coronation rite, the Zaibach empire launches an invasion with Guymelef Alseides mecha, and Van must retrieve at his mentor Balgus's bidding Escaflowne, the legendary god of protection of Fanelia. - Memories of a FeatherE9
Memories of a FeatherAllen and his men make their way to Freid, hoping to find Van and Hitomi. Meanwhile, Hitomi learns more about Van's past and his wings. As they make their way to Freid, they encounter Zaibach and their invisible Guymelefs. Will they finally get Escaflowne? - The Blue Eyed PrinceE10
The Blue Eyed PrinceHitomi has already seen more destruction and sadness than she thought possible. Now, a stray feather causes her to see into Van's past with her special abilities. She learns what his life was like, but there is little time for pity, as the Dragon Slayers are after the Escaflowne. Allen is wounded in battle, and a Zaibach spy attacks Hitomi with the power to see into her mind. But the prophecy of death he sees - who is it for? - Prophecy of DeathE11
Prophecy of DeathHitomi has already seen more destruction and sadness than she thought possible. Now, a stray feather allows her to see into Van's past with her special abilities. She learns what his life was like, but there is little time for pity, as the Dragon Slayers are after the Escaflowne. Allen is wounded in battle, and a Zaibach spy attacks Hitomi with the power to see into her mind. But who does he see in his prophecy of death? - The Secret DoorE12
The Secret DoorThe struggle on Gaea continues and Hitomi begins to realize her importance in this war. Allen and company prove their loyalty and are cleared of any charges. Meanwhile, amidst all the fighting, Millerna makes a shocking discovery! Zaibach's forces march through Freid, destroying everything in its path. Folken is determined to retrieve the legendary Sword of Atlantis and make Hitomi's vision a reality. During the battle, Van and the Escaflowne suffer near-fatal injuries. Can they both be healed, or will the blood pact that binds Van to Escaflowne doom them both? - Red DestinyE13
Red DestinyZaibach devastates the capital of Freid, and the duke and Prince Chid flee with Hitomi's party to Fortona temple in the country's outskirts. The monks here present the duke with the sword that unseals the legend of the power of Atlantis. Folken directs the Zaibach troops towards the temple, intent on claiming the sword and fulfilling Hitomi's vision of a bloody outcome to the battle. - Lost ParadiseE15
Lost ParadiseVan is enveloped into the world of the dead, and Hitomi goes to retrieve him -- but not before envisioning the destruction of Atlantis. The previous battle's trauma disorients Dilandau as well, so Folken sends out Naria and Eriya (the intensely loyal leopard girl twins who directly answer to him) to continue the mission of capturing the Escaflowne. - The Guided OnesE16
The Guided OnesDryden discovers the location of the Mystic Valley (and purportedly also, the entrance to Atlantis) in Allen's father's diaries. In the process, Allen confronts his bitterment towards his absent father, and Hitomi discovers her grandmother also visited Gaea. The party is pursued by Folken's floating fortress until Hitomi's pendant and prayer opens a portal to Atlantis. - The Edge of the WorldE17
The Edge of the WorldAt the ruins of the legendary Atlantis, Hitomi, Van, and Allen encounter various figures in their past, including Hitomi's grandmother, Van's mother, Balgus, and Allen's sister and father. Hitomi also watches the history of Atlantis from the creation of the thought-realizing Atlantis Machine through the genesis of Gaea to Atlantis's eventual destruction. - The Gravity of DestinyE18
The Gravity of DestinyAfter Van receives a new Energist from his mother, Hitomi, Allen, and Van tranports to Dornkirk's fortress when Dornkirk attempts to activate his Destiny-Altering Device. Dornkirk explains to the disbelieving trio his apparently well-intentioned motives for all of Zaibach's actions. - Operation Golden Rule of LoveE19
Operation Golden Rule of LoveThree weeks have passed since Hitomi, Van, and Allen's ordeal in Dornkirk's fortress, and all of Asturia prepares for Millerna and Dryden's wedding and worries over King Aston's ailing state. Van give Hitomi an almost-but-not-quite love confession that disillusion Hitomi, making her vulnerable to Folken's test of the Destiny-Altering Device. - False VowsE20
False VowsWith her upcoming marriage to Dryden on her mind, Millerna ask omi for a tarot reading on its outcome. Hitomi reads a prediction of misfortune and disaster, but decides to tell Millerna a prediction of happy fortune instead. She hopes her thoughts and faith alone would be enough to change fate and reverse the prediction. Her hope is shattered by the entrance of fortune-enhanced soldiers Naria and Eriya at the wedding. - Reaction of FortuneE21
Reaction of FortuneHitomi surrenders herself before the twin Zaibach leopard girls, but the reemergence of the sun causes a debilitating reaction in the fortune-enhanced soldiers. Naria crashlands back on Asturia, and returns to the royal castle on foot to capture Hitomi again. However, the side-effects of the fortune-enhancement process continues to stymie she and Eriya and eventually leads to Folken rethink his cause. - The Black Winged AngelE22
The Black Winged AngelAsturia's royal council discusses whether to submit to Zaibach or rally against the empire. Folken summons Van (and Hitomi) back to the ruins of Fanelia which he indirectly helped destroy. Here, the brothers and Hitomi face two dragons, and Folken reveals the truth about his disappearance during the pre-coronation dragon-slaying ritual ten years ago. - Storm PremonitionE23
Storm PremonitionAsturia and its neighboring countries agree to unite their forces against Zaibach and prepare for war. Folken joins the allied effort against Zaibach and lends his expertise and knowledge, despite Van's doubt and lingering resentment. Also, Dilandau at last returns to strike preemptively on the assembled forces at Rampant Port and fight Van again. - Fateful DecisionE24
Fateful DecisionWhen Hitomi asked to get away from this world of fighting, she found herself transported back to Earth. It is once again the day before Hitomi would make her fateful confession to Amano and thus encounter Van. Reliving the events would reunite her with Van, but at the risk of hurting her best friend Yukari and returning back to the war. - Zone of Absolute FortuneE25
Zone of Absolute FortuneThe pivotal battle between Zaibach and the allied forces continues. Even after the Basram army employs the "doomsday weapon" in the form of a devastating Energist bomb, the fighting goes unabated. Folken decides the only way to end the war is confront Dornkirk personally and end his vision of the Sphere of Absolute Fortune. - Eternal LoveE26
Eternal LoveAt long last, Dornkirk's vision of reviving the power of Atlantis seems realized as the Sphere of Absolute Fortune's effects spread across the battlefield and the world of Gaea. However, the war does not end as the Destiny-Altering Device only turns the combatants' bellicose thoughts into reality. Gaea's fate in the end lies in a girl from the Mystic Moon and a white-winged dragon.