In this show, the stars of music and humor will look for talented singers without hearing them. They will have to determine which of the participants has a voice, and who just likes to sing, regardless of what others think about it.
Where to Watch Musical intuition
4 Seasons
Season 1
Season 112 Episodes
Season 2
Season 211 Episodes
Season 3
Season 39 Episodes
Season 4
Season 41 Episode
Cast of Musical intuition
Azamat MusagalievSelf/Host
Denis DorokhovSelf/Team participant
Ilya SobolevSelf/Team participant
Sergey ShestepyorovSelf/Team participant
Anton ShastunSelf/Team participant
Evgeniy ChebatkovSelf/Team participant
Artyom MuratovSelf/Team participant
Ivan AbramovSelf/Team participant
Dmitriy PozovSelf/Team participant
Daniil PrytkovSelf/Star participant
Arseniy PopovSelf/Team participant
Marina KravetsSelf/Team participant
Irina MyagkovaSelf/Team participant
Ulyana PylaevaSelf/Team participant
Guram AmaryanSelf/Team participant
Mikhail StognienkoSelf/Team participant
Aleksey ChumakovSelf/Star participant
Marina FedunkivSelf/Team participant
Aleksey ShcherbakovSelf/Team participant
Ida GalichSelf/Team participant
Pelageya KhanovaSelf/Star participant
Ekaterina IvanchikovaSelf/Star participant
Anna SedokovaSelf/Star participant
Yekaterina VarnavaSelf/Team participant
Anton IvanovSelf/Team participant
Vasiliy VakulenkoSelf/Star participant
Yuriy MuzychenkoSelf/Star participant
Sergey MatvienkoSelf/Team participant
Natalia OreiroSelf/Star participant
Dima BilanSelf/Star participant
Timur YunusovSelf/Star participant
Klavdiya VysokovaSelf/Star participant
Sergey ZhukovSelf/Star participant
Mariya KravchenkoSelf/Team participant
Polina GagarinaSelf/Star participant
Levan GoroziyaSelf/Star participant
Nurlan SaburovSelf/Team participant
Ilya MakarovSelf/Team participant
Yuliya SavichevaSelf/Star participant
Zoya YarovitsynaSelf/Team participant
Andrey BeburishviliSelf/Team participant
Irina DubtsovaSelf/Star participant
Aleksandr RevvaSelf/Star participant
Demis KarabidisSelf/Team participant
Kseniya BorodinaSelf/Team participant
Mikhail BelyaninSelf/Team participant
Olga BuzovaSelf/Team participant
Ivan DornSelf/Star participant
Sergey LazarevSelf/Star participant
Yulianna KaraulovaSelf/Star participant
Ekaterina ReshetnikovaSelf/Team participant
Lyaysan UtyashevaSelf/Team participant
Egor BulatkinSelf/Star participant
Vera BrezhnevaSelf/Star participant
Danya MilokhinSelf/Team participant
Ani LorakSelf/Star participant
Nikita FirsovSelf/Singing participant
Valeriy MeladzeSelf/Star participant
Matvey MelnikovSelf/Star participant
Roman KagramanovSelf/Team participant
Mariya MinogarovaSelf/Team participant
Cahid HuseynliSelf/Star participant
Andrey AverinSelf/Team participant
Garik KharlamovSelf/Team participant
Timur KerimovSelf/Star participant
Elizaveta IvantsivSelf/Star participant
Dmitriy ShepelevSelf/Team participant
Elena TemnikovaSelf/Star participant
Dmitriy SorokinSelf/Team participant
Anna DenisenkoSelf/Singing participant
Timur BatrutdinovSelf/Team participant
Pavel VolyaSelf/Team participant
Artur BabichSelf/Team participant
Tambi MasaevSelf/Team participant
Valeri RavdinSelf/Team participant
Dmitriy MalikovSelf/Star participant
Dmitriy FominSelf/Star participant
Yuliya AkhmedovaSelf/Team participant
Vladimir KrestovskiySelf/Star participant
Mikhail GalustyanSelf/Team participant
Manizha KhamraevaSelf/Star participant
ValeriyaSelf/Star participant
Dmitriy MaslennikovSelf/Team participant
Maksim LagashkinSelf/Team participant
Natalya KorolyovaSelf/Star participant
Stanislav KostyushkinSelf/Star participant
Anatoliy TsoiSelf/Star participant
Ivan DmitrienkoSelf/Star participant
Olga KartunkovaSelf/Team participant
Aleksandr PanayotovSelf/Star participant
Aydar GaraevSelf/Team participant
Oleg VereshchaginSelf/Team participant
Aleksandr BreslavskiySelf/Star participant
Stas PekhaSelf/Star participant
Marina AbrosimovaSelf/Star participant
Ekaterina AdushkinaSelf/Team participant
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