
Season 8

Heldt is a German television series, which is broadcast since 2013 on German ZDF.

Where to Watch Season 8

12 Episodes

  • Club der Detektive
    Club der DetektiveHeldt has mixed feeling being the hero of a local club of Bochum hobby-detectives, who analyzes unsolved police cases, whose incompetence could compromise his cases. Then they call on him, as their president, mall detective Markus Mehrling 'Sherlock Holmes', went missing. Members Eveline Willholz 'Miss Marple', Sina Cohrs 'Veronica Mars' and Walther Rotbucher 'Matula', are after the same local serial robber as team Heldt, appalling Grün who fears incompetent lay meddling. Latest victim Cordula Walden chased the robber at night. Heldt and forensic Dr. Holle concentrate on similarities with a similar Bochum 1989 theft wave.
  • Die Zuflucht
    Die ZufluchtLikeable wine merchant Christian Giezelski is nearly run over by a car passing his home. Heldt and Grün can't sympathize, as Christian's wife Nina took their daughter Hannah to a woman's shelter, claiming persistent abuse. Her buddy there, Doro Laus, provides a false alibi and later makes a false confession. Christian and Nina's brother Florian argue her mental stability requires custody of Hannah being vested in him alone. The cops also look into nosy neighbor Kerstin Schiesser and Christian's vindictive former business partner. Suspicions keep shifting in this case.
  • Beste Wohnlage
    Beste WohnlageHeldt and Grün investigate the failed berry-poisoning of Felix Unger, the activist leading a campaign from a mobile-home with his pregnant partner Mira Trost in front of the villa of real estate investor Mark Groller, who tries to get rid of all tenants in a building, with senior Magda Lohmeyer holding out as stubbornly, despite sabotage more then undoing the unpaid handyman Ruben Freundlich's regular repairs. Local TV reporter Ina Petermann covers the case eagerly. Mark Groller regularly files complains against unwilling (ex-)tenants, his wife Kerstin hates the youngster vandals who bully their son at school, and resorted to bribery. Felix was poisoned with a plant from the villa in an anonymous cheese cake. Magda, donated her life savings to savior Felix, whose campaign and private finances prove fascinating.
  • Flug des Todes
    Flug des TodesHeldt's colleagues and best mates give the games-lover an original birthday present: they all enter Bochum's original, never-solved escape room aboard a converted airplane "Flug des Todes" (Death Flight). Mario Korthals, Dr. Holle, Grün, Ellen Bannenberg, Heldts and buddy Achmed are costumed as pilot, stewardess, air-marshal, first- and tourist class passengers, joined by two outsider: engineer John Kuhl and hairdresser Tatjana Klug who won her ticket by accident. Security-agent Patrick Lessig checks them in, warning to trust or believe nothing, but Achmed soon collapses from claustrophobia, the compartments are locked. After successfully preventing the simulated crash, the team is told s fiend took over control and seeks lethal vengeance. It turns out this threat has layers, only partially part of the game, with a legacy hacker posing the gruesome threat, as forensic deputy Monthomery simultaneously finds out by identifying the knocked-out and replaced escape room executive.
  • Das Müller muss weg
    Das Müller muss wegStanding in for Ellen Bannenberg at PTA school trip session, Heldt witnesses a hooded assault on Emily's teacher Andrea Müller. She's contested as chaperon given her open membership of "Transgender Bochum", mainly by attorney Norbert Preuss, father of pupil Marius, the prime assault suspect, whom Andrea rightly presumes innocent. Andrea's former straight partner Sabine Weber hated her transition, but is cleared. The hoodie logo leads to Mike Stankowsky's gym, which sells it exclusively and is used by both Preuss boys. Andrea is nearly ran over by Norbert's car. Graffiti "Das Müller muss weg!" champion the campaign to chase Andrea as unnatural role model.
  • Die Träume der anderen
    Die Träume der anderenAchmed's wallet is stolen with Heldt failing to catch the agile thief, but returned at home, lacking only the cash and with a note "SORRY", as happens to various victims all over Bochum, Ahmed even poses for a newspaper article. While Grün, Ellen Bannenberg and Mario Korthals chase a masterly document forger, Heldt trails the honorable thief to superior amateur regional football team SSV BANZHAUSEN, where his nocturnal trap works. The endearing thief is Brasilian Rafael, aged 17, whose family lost their 10 000 Euro savings for a fake opportunity to enter lucrative European pro football, leaving the 'shamed' knave homeless. Heldt helps Rafael escape while student Adam Krämer's fake ID to drink under age helps his team trap the master forger, who ignored this evil use of his work by the fake talent scout, whose identity shocks all.
  • Treppe abwärts
    Treppe abwärtsHeldt can't prevent young Sabrina Bergmann being pushed down a metro stairs, into IC. Heldt is determined to find the culprit, convinced unlike Grün, she was a deliberate target. Security video footage only shows a FC-Schalke-logo on the fiend's hoodie. One such is seen in the car of her overprotective, choleric ex-con brother Michael, who is most furious about her relationship with older ice parlor partner Benjamin Schmitz. Heldt sees them row even at her sickbed. Sabrina demanded distance from both, having been in her brother'' custody after an abusive childhood and foster care. Laura Schmitz, Benjamin's ex-wife who co-owns the ice parlor, also has a jealousy motive. Michael is in anger management therapy and the club badge is found different. Grün checks out Sabrina's employer, fancy hotel-restaurant "Goldene Taube" manager Gerhard Kaiser, whom she threatened with sexual harassment charge, as other men before, and hotel supervisor Stefan Grotte, whom she blackmailed for stealing luxury wine. Laura Schmitz was jealous of Ben's younger lover. Finally Heldt sets a trap.
  • Der Superheld
    Der SuperheldDriving to the precinct, Heldt notices on the roof of the psychiatric hospital Günther 'Günni' Lawniczak, his favorite comics-shopkeeper, costumed as he believes to be a superhero. Playing along as the fitting sidekick, Heldt prevents him from 'flying off' to certain death, aided by social service year volunteer Samantha Kühlwein and Dr. Ava Nasrim, who treats his bipolar condition and supervises him as participant in a manic-depression drug study. Heldt realizes Günni's inseparable attache case full of first editions was robbed empty. The team suspects Günni's shop employee Falk Lückow, who was drug debts, and ex-girlfriend Irina, who rowed when she accompanied him to the clinic. Günni's memory proves too fragmentary. The team must go undercover as s costumed superheroes, to crack the unfortunate ploys.
  • Der falsche Heldt
    Der falsche HeldtThe precinct gets an uninvited visit from AI's dreaded "Fränkin" Herzel to investigate complaints against 'abusive' detective Heldt, allegedly bribed in the prostitution scene according to an anonymous tip. Heldt went there only to get client Steve Grimsel's wallet returned discretely by madam Friederike Willms, so as to keep his girl friend unwitting, but was inadvertently slipped 500 Euro cash in his pocket, on video. The team's efforts to clear him can't prevent Heldt's suspension due to amassed indications, notably of drug trade, so he risk arrest. Achmed motivates him to fight back, tracing the false leads to former cop Arne Dehnitz, and hooligan Alex, whom Heldt recently arrested with home-made bomb. How does it all link?
  • Das Karma kein Zufall sein
    Das Karma kein Zufall seinHeldt pays little attention to antiquities dealer and 'seeer' Esther Habeck, who comes tell him she'll soon die by s hand, an inevitable accident he's not to feel guilty about. Driving her home, Heldt says another stone being thrown through her window, soiled in pig's blood which forensics traces to Grün's favorite butchery, Könnicke, where adolescent heir Maik hates being forced to help his widowed mother Anna keep the third generation family firm going. Heldt gets him to confess, apologize and be forgiven, but Esther Habeck insists Heldt's fate remains to kill her, as his nightmares now seem to confirm. Mario Korthals's new 'preventive policing' software SKALA predicts more antiquities robberies, so Heldt must stay on her case, complicated by valuable tobacco boxes she sneakily bought for pittance from the Könnickes.
  • An'ne Bude
    An'ne Bude
  • Krankenhausreif
    KrankenhausreifUnder narcosis from an experimental drug, Heldt, who collapsed while arresting most wanted Danish mob boss Bengt Olsen, but operated for appendicitis, hallucinates in hospital, starring an atypical white-costumed angel and conscience version of Detlev Grün. Nikolas can't even convince Ellen, Dr. Holle and the real, strict Grün of irregularities in hospital which he believes to compromise a conspiracy to hide Olsen. Heldts treating physician Dr. Veronika Stöckel is inclined t believe dragon head nurse Gudrun it's a drug side effect requiring a lower dosage. Meanwhile the team works on the disappearance of Katharina Willich during a business trip.

Cast of Season 8

  • Kai SchumannNikolas Heldt
  • Janine KunzeEllen Bannenberg
  • Timo DierkesDetlev Grün
  • Angelika BartschDr. Hanna Holle
  • Felix VörtlerCarlo
  • Steffen WillMario Korthals
  • Yunus CumartpayAchmed
  • Lilli BudachEmily Bannenberg
  • Sabine PfeiferCarlotta



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