Dragon Ball Z Kai

Season 4

In February of 2009, Toei Animation announced that as an honor to 20 years of Dragon Ball Z, they will begin the production of a renewed DragonBall Z, named Dragon Ball Kai. This new anime chronicles the plot of DBZ and consists of parts from the original anime which are edited to a better quality and with new voices. Toei Animation also confirmed that the plot of DBK will be closer to manga style.

20 Episodes

  • Cell on the Verge of Defeat! Krillin, Destroy Android 18!
    Cell on the Verge of Defeat! Krillin, Destroy Android 18!Goku continues to train Gohan so he can become a Super Saiyan. Kuririn has found the Artificial Humans. Vegeta effortlessly overpowers Cell with the results of his training from the Room of Spirit and Time. Cell is furious that he hasn't achieved his perfect form and gives Vegeta an offer to fully test his strength.
  • The Battle Turns for the Worst! Cell Attacks Android 18!
    The Battle Turns for the Worst! Cell Attacks Android 18!Cell successfully persuades Vegeta to let him find and absorb Android #18, but Trunks is determined to prevent this.
  • The Tables Are Turned! Witness the Power of Perfection!
    The Tables Are Turned! Witness the Power of Perfection!With Cell having gained his perfect form, not even Vegeta stands a chance against him.
  • Vegeta's Final Push! Defeat the Invincible Cell!
    Vegeta's Final Push! Defeat the Invincible Cell!Vegeta, still willing to fight on, tries his best in his latest powered up form to take on Cell. But with the villain literally at the peak of perfection, can anyone stand a chance against him?
  • The Strongest Super Saiyan! Trunks' Power Unleashed!
    The Strongest Super Saiyan! Trunks' Power Unleashed!With Vegeta out for the count, Trunks finally sees it fit to reveal his own new transformation to finish off Cell once and for all.
  • Cell Invades the Airwaves! Announcing, "The Cell Games!"
    Cell Invades the Airwaves! Announcing, "The Cell Games!"Willing to allow his enemies time to regroup and train, Cell interrupts a television broadcast to announce to the entire world his idea for a tournament: The Cell Games.
  • Training Complete! Goku Sizes up the Competition!
    Training Complete! Goku Sizes up the Competition!Goku and Gohan finally emerge from the Room of Spirit and Time. However, sensing Cell's current strength, he is still unsure as to whether he is able to defeat him in his current state.
  • The Truce Is Broken! The Defense Force Strikes Back at Cell!
    The Truce Is Broken! The Defense Force Strikes Back at Cell!The Cell Game is only a few days away, with Cell keeping his promise with Goku about not killing anyone before then. However, with the army taking matters into their own hands, Cell is forced to act accordingly.
  • A New Guardian! The Return of the Dragon Balls!
    A New Guardian! The Return of the Dragon Balls!With Kami and Piccolo having fused together, the Earth's dragon balls no longer exist. Knowing this, Goku travels to New Namek in search of someone to create new dragon balls.
  • Hercule Takes the Stage! The Curtain Rises on the Cell Games!
    Hercule Takes the Stage! The Curtain Rises on the Cell Games!The Cell Games finally begins. But as Goku and the others reach the fighting area, they realize another warrior is willing to join the fray going by the name of "Hercule."
  • Showdown! Cell vs. Goku!
    Showdown! Cell vs. Goku!Following the humiliating match of Hercule vs. Cell, the much anticipated battle has finally arrived: Goku vs. Cell.
  • Battle at the Highest Level! Goku Goes All Out!
    Battle at the Highest Level! Goku Goes All Out!Goku shows the fruits of his training, giving everything he has to fight Cell who wants nothing more than a good tournament between him and every willing fighter.
  • The Opening Round Is Concluded! Goku's Moment of Decision!
    The Opening Round Is Concluded! Goku's Moment of Decision!The match between Goku and Cell nears a close, Goku finishing it off with a surprising decision that may cost him dearly.
  • Get Angry, Gohan! Release Your Hidden Power!
    Get Angry, Gohan! Release Your Hidden Power!Goku makes the decision to forfeit his match, leaving the fate of the entire Earth to his reluctant son - Gohan, confident that he has surpassed everyone in strength, Cell included.
  • Tears for An Android! Gohan's Inner Rage Bursts Forth!
    Tears for An Android! Gohan's Inner Rage Bursts Forth!With some unexpected help from Mr. Satan, Artificial Human 16 is able to give Gohan the necessary push to transcend the Super Saiyan level that others before him failed to reach.
  • Unleash the Warrior Within! Gohan Takes the Offensive!
    Unleash the Warrior Within! Gohan Takes the Offensive!Having reached a new form of Super Saiyan, any hesitation to fight back has been removed, as Gohan holds nothing back to destroy the Cell Juniors.
  • Perfection's End! A Fury, Beyond Super Saiyan!
    Perfection's End! A Fury, Beyond Super Saiyan!Gohan, having absolutely no qualms over killing the Cell Juniors has moved on to Cell itself, willing to drag on the fight as long as possible if only to make Cell suffer that much more.
  • A Hero's Sacrifice! Last Chance to Save the World!
    A Hero's Sacrifice! Last Chance to Save the World!Cell has been driven to his breaking point, willing to detonate himself to destroy the rest of the planet. Gohan is at odds with himself as to what to do until his father steps in one last time to help.
  • Combine Your Strength! The Final Kamehame-ha!
    Combine Your Strength! The Final Kamehame-ha!Gohan can't help but feel helpless in front of the newly revitalized Cell. However, some words of encouragement from the heavens give Gohan the strength to fire one last kamehameha.
  • A Bittersweet Victory! Until We Meet Again!
    A Bittersweet Victory! Until We Meet Again!With Cell finally defeated, the fighters all part ways, closing this chapter in their lives.

Cast of Season 4

  • Masako NozawaSon Goku / Son Gohan / Son Goten (voice)
  • Joji YanamiNarrator (voice)
  • Mayumi TanakaKrillin (voice)
  • Ryo HorikawaVegeta (voice)
  • Toshio FurukawaPiccolo (voice)
  • Hiromi TsuruBulma (voice)
  • Naoko WatanabeChi-Chi (voice)
  • Takeshi KusaoTrunks (voice)
  • Toru FuruyaYamcha (voice)
  • Masaharu SatôMaster Roshi (voice)
  • Hikaru MidorikawaTenshinhan (voice)



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