Dragon Ball Z Kai

Season 3

In February of 2009, Toei Animation announced that as an honor to 20 years of Dragon Ball Z, they will begin the production of a renewed DragonBall Z, named Dragon Ball Kai. This new anime chronicles the plot of DBZ and consists of parts from the original anime which are edited to a better quality and with new voices. Toei Animation also confirmed that the plot of DBK will be closer to manga style.

25 Episodes

  • Goku's Final Attack! Countdown to Planet Namek's Destruction!
    Goku's Final Attack! Countdown to Planet Namek's Destruction!Goku's ill-advised display of mercy leads to a treacherous final attack by Frieza. As the epic battle between the two warriors reaches its climax, planet Namek teeters on the brink of ultimate destruction!
  • Goku Vanishes into Space! Welcome Home, Super Warriors!
    Goku Vanishes into Space! Welcome Home, Super Warriors!Frieza is defeated, Namek has been obliterated, and the whereabouts of Goku remain a mystery. How will Earth carry on without its Super Saiyan hero? And what will become of the Namekian refugees?
  • There Is Planet Earth, Father! Frieza and King Cold Strike Back!
    There Is Planet Earth, Father! Frieza and King Cold Strike Back!The wreckage of Frieza's body is rebuilt by the monster's fiendish father! Together, they embark on a mission to eradicate life on Earth. Will Goku return home in time to save his friends?
  • I Will Defeat Frieza! Another Super Saiyan!
    I Will Defeat Frieza! Another Super Saiyan!The bone-chilling onslaught of Frieza and King Cold is brought to a halt by a mysterious stranger with a mighty sword, but only time will tell if this new warrior is friend or foe!
  • Welcome Back, Goku! Confessions of the Mysterious Youth, Trunks!
    Welcome Back, Goku! Confessions of the Mysterious Youth, Trunks!The formidable stranger finally reveals the secret of his origins after a Super Saiyan sparring session with Goku. The oddly familiar fighter is a visitor from the future sent to deliver a grave warning!
  • Goku's New Move, Instant Transmission! The Three-Year Training Session Begins!
    Goku's New Move, Instant Transmission! The Three-Year Training Session Begins!Goku tells the amazing story of how he survived the destruction of Namek, and the heroic warriors begin their training for a looming showdown with the Androids!
  • Undetectable Monsters! The Androids Appear!
    Undetectable Monsters! The Androids Appear!Goku and his friends eagerly await the arrival of the Androids, but Yamcha's confrontation with the mechanized monsters suggests that Earth's heroes may be up against more muscle they can handle!
  • The Unbeatable Enemy Within! Goku vs. Android 19!
    The Unbeatable Enemy Within! Goku vs. Android 19!Goku tries to pulverize the Androids with a devastating display of his Super Saiyan strength, but a mysterious ailment prevents the mighty warrior from unleashing his true power!
  • No Victory for Android 19! Enter Super Vegeta!
    No Victory for Android 19! Enter Super Vegeta!Vegeta's sudden arrival creates an opening for the others to rescue Goku. While Yamcha rushes the fallen hero to safety, Vegeta reveals his new and improved fighting style - including the Big Bang Attack!
  • Piccolo's Assault! Android 20 and the Twisted Future!
    Piccolo's Assault! Android 20 and the Twisted Future!Goku wages a life and death battle with a deadly heart condition, Piccolo takes center stage in the battle to destroy Android 20, and Trunks returns from the future with a disturbing revelation.
  • The Hunt for Doctor Gero! Discover the Hidden Laboratory!
    The Hunt for Doctor Gero! Discover the Hidden Laboratory!While Piccolo and company search for Dr. Gero's secret laboratory, Vegeta sets out to hunt down and destroy Android 20. Meanwhile, Trunks tries everything in his power to save his stubborn father!
  • Number 17 and Number 18! The Androids Awaken
    Number 17 and Number 18! The Androids AwakenThe newly activated Androids 17 and 18 provide a display of their unprecedented power and cruelty. Vegeta is eager to fight, but he soon finds himself outnumbered three to one!
  • A Sweet Face and Super Power? Android 18 vs. Vegeta!
    A Sweet Face and Super Power? Android 18 vs. Vegeta!One by one, Vegeta and his reluctant allies meet horrific ends at the hands of the unstoppable Androids. A bed-stricken Goku is Earth's only hope, but there's a specially-designed Android waiting to destroy him!
  • The Time for Reunification Has Come! Piccolo's Unshakeable Resolve!
    The Time for Reunification Has Come! Piccolo's Unshakeable Resolve!Faced with an unbeatable enemy, Vegeta flies away in a solitary rage, and Piccolo seeks out Kami on a quest to increase his power by whatever means necessary!
  • Another Time Machine? Bulma Uncovers a Mystery!
    Another Time Machine? Bulma Uncovers a Mystery!While Kami considers merging with Piccolo, Trunks and the others discover a second time machine. Elsewhere, Vegeta vows to become strong enough to defeat the Android invaders!
  • The Monster Goes into Motion! Strike of the Super Namekian!
    The Monster Goes into Motion! Strike of the Super Namekian!During their investigation of the second time machine, Gohan and company stumble upon the shell of what appears to be a monstrous creature. Later, a horrific vision forces Kami to accept his fate and merge with Piccolo!
  • I am Your Brother! The Monster with Goku's Energy!
    I am Your Brother! The Monster with Goku's Energy!The Super Namekian formerly known as Piccolo finds himself face-to-face with the most terrifying monster the world has ever seen. Who is this new threat? And why does he have Goku's power?
  • The Dizzying Deception and the Daring Escape! Defeat the Android Cell!
    The Dizzying Deception and the Daring Escape! Defeat the Android Cell!Cell - believing he has defeated Piccolo - foolishly reveals the mysteries of his hideous origins. Little does the monster know, the powerful Super Namekian cannot be conquered so easily!
  • The Hunt for Cell Is On! Goku, Back in Action!
    The Hunt for Cell Is On! Goku, Back in Action!Cell continues his bloodthirsty rampage, Krillin and Trunks destroy what little remains of Dr. Gero's laboratory, and Goku awakens from his extended slumber ready to fight!
  • Break the Super Saiyan Barrier! Into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber!
    Break the Super Saiyan Barrier! Into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber!Goku leads his Saiyan brethren to a secret room designed for highly-advanced training. Meanwhile, Piccolo puts his enhanced powers to the test against an Android adversary!
  • The Super Namekian Powers Up! Piccolo vs. Android 17!
    The Super Namekian Powers Up! Piccolo vs. Android 17!Piccolo and Android 17 trade blows in a battle of unprecedented brutality! Cell - sensing their presence - races to the scene of the skirmish in pursuit of his terrifying perfect form!
  • Run, Android 17! Piccolo's All-or-Nothing Struggle!
    Run, Android 17! Piccolo's All-or-Nothing Struggle!Cell's arrival forces Piccolo and the Androids into an uneasy - and temporary - alliance. While the Super Namekian mounts a desperate, final attack, Goku and Gohan wait for Vegeta to emerge from the Room of Spirit and Time!
  • Power Unknown! Android 16 Breaks His Silence!
    Power Unknown! Android 16 Breaks His Silence!After defeating Piccolo, Cell turns his attention to his true prey: Androids 17 and 18. The monster must absorb them both to achieve his perfect form, but Android 16 still stands in his way!
  • Tien's Desperate Attack! Save Your Friends, Goku!
    Tien's Desperate Attack! Save Your Friends, Goku!Desperate to help Android 18 escape, Tien places his own life at risk in an unwinnable battle with the monster Cell. When the three-eyed warrior's power quickly fades, he'll need a lift from a friend to avoid a gruesome end!
  • Beyond Super Saiyan! Vegeta Confronts the Monster Cell!
    Beyond Super Saiyan! Vegeta Confronts the Monster Cell!Vegeta puts his new powers to the test in a shocking slugfest with Cell. Back in the Room of Spirit and Time, Goku attempts to teach Gohan the secret to a Super Saiyan transformation!

Cast of Season 3

  • Masako NozawaSon Goku / Son Gohan / Son Goten (voice)
  • Joji YanamiNarrator (voice)
  • Mayumi TanakaKrillin (voice)
  • Ryo HorikawaVegeta (voice)
  • Toshio FurukawaPiccolo (voice)
  • Hiromi TsuruBulma (voice)
  • Naoko WatanabeChi-Chi (voice)
  • Takeshi KusaoTrunks (voice)
  • Toru FuruyaYamcha (voice)
  • Masaharu SatôMaster Roshi (voice)
  • Hikaru MidorikawaTenshinhan (voice)



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