Hell Target

Directed by Nakamura Keito
1987    52m
In a perilous rescue mission to the treacherous Inferno II, a crew of nine faces an extraterrestrial predator that hunts them down one by one. As terror unfolds, the last survivor, Makurou Kitazato, races against time to obliterate the beast before it claims more prey.
Where to Watch Hell Target
Cast of Hell Target
  • Katsunosuke HoriHans Kruger (voice)
  • Akira MurayamaMakuro Kitazato (voice)
  • Sumi ShimamotoTiki Kalmak (voice)
  • Gara TakashimaMeryl Brown (voice)
  • Hirotaka SuzuokiHarry Howard (voice)
  • Kaneto ShiozawaJean Miaura (voice)
  • Ikuya SawakiRico Fernandez (voice)
  • Shin MoriChang Lee (voice)
  • Asami Mukaidono(voice)
  • Nobuo Tobita(voice)
  • Hideyuki UmezuSoldier (voice)
  • Ayako Shiraishi(voice)

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