Theater at Home
"Theater at Home" was a classic Yugoslavian TV sitcom that ran for five seasons from 1972 till 1984. It was a story about the working-class Petrovic family. Patriarch Rodoljub is a lawyer from the small village of Przogrnci. His wife Olga is an architect and they have a son, Borko. Their maid Tina poses as their relative for tax reasons. The most memorable characters are the old-school mother-in-law Snezana and her friend Vasa S. Tajcic, who has a huge imagination but is disliked by the rest of the family. Other characters include landlord Ceda Mungos, his cheating wife Rajka, Rodoljub's co-worker Taja, and Rodoljub's mother Vuka from Przogrnci.
Where to Watch Theater at Home
2 Seasons
Cast of Theater at Home