The Wind in the Willows

Season 3

Based on the characters created by Kenneth Grahame, this award winning animated series follows the adventures of Mole (Richard Pearson) as he leaves home to discover the world. Mole finds friendship with Rat (Peter Sallis), Badger (Sir Michael Hordern), and Toad (David Jason), and together they face the terrors of the Wild Wood.

13 Episodes

  • Paperchase
    PaperchaseWhen the field mice, voles and shrews accidently break a stained glass window in Toad Hall, Rat attempts to find something else for them to do,so “The Riverbanker’s Paperchase Championship” is made.
  • Mercury of the Motorbicycle
    Mercury of the MotorbicycleToad invests in a motorbicycle. The blame is immediately put on Toad when the calm of the countryside is disrupted, and Toad cant convince his motorbicycle has been stolen.
  • Mr. Toad's Telephone
    Mr. Toad's TelephoneThe Weasels have sold Toad an electric telephone. With Mole’s help, Toad installs the telephone but learns from Mole that he cannot call Mole, Rat, or badger as they do not have telephones.
  • Toad, Astronomer
    Toad, AstronomerToad’s latest craze is Astronomy. So he buys a large, expensive telescope. With great reluctance, his friends help get it up to the roof, and abandon him up there.
  • Caught in a Maze
    Caught in a MazeToad learns of a maze in the grounds of Toad Hall and sets about renovating it after he is inspired by a visit to Hampton Court Palace. Badger, Ratty and Mole join him for the grand reopening and explore it.
  • School Days
    School DaysBadger discovers that the local school has been temporarily closed. While Badger, Rat and Mole make plans for alternative lessons, Toad decides that he can turn Toad Hall into Toad Hall Academy for the Children of gentlepersons.
  • Badger's Remedy
    Badger's RemedyMole has been stricken with food poisoning! In the basket of remaining mushrooms, Badger is shocked to see a deadly poisonous toadstool. There is an antidote, a fungus, but even though Badger sends out all Mole’s friends, the fungus cannot be found.
  • Masterchef
    MasterchefTea at Ratty’s finds Toad reminiscing about his last visit to London - Toad had called on Mole’s cousin, where Toad discovered ‘Cooking’. Badger, Rat and Mole are invited to Toad Hall for the gastronomical experience of the decade.
  • Fire at Toad Hall
    Fire at Toad HallWhen Toad accidently sets fire to the Hall, Mole offers Toad a place to stay. Mole soon regrets this offer as car upon car load of furniture begins to arrive at Mole’s modest home.
  • Unlikely Allies
    Unlikely AlliesOne grey November morning a Stranger Weasel appears with a persuasive power and turns the Henchmen and Weasels against the Chief. The Stranger takes command and the Weasels go on a rampage, as the Stranger plans to take over Toad Hall.
  • A Producer's Lot
    A Producer's LotThe Riverbankers Annual Production is The Pirates of Penzance! This is Badger’s silver jubilee, but Toad is worried he does not have the biggest part. Half way through the performance, there is a scene that Badger does not remember rehearsing…
  • Champion of the Green Baize
    Champion of the Green Baize“The Game No Gentlemen’s Residence Should Be Without” - a billiard table is installed in Toad Hall and Toad is challenged to a game with his beloved Rolls Royce at stake!
  • Winter Haunts
    Winter HauntsUnable to reach their homes in the snow, Mole, Rat and Badger spend a night with Toad, and soon they’re telling ghost stories. The appearance of the ghost of Toad Hall, however does not exactly terrify them. Moreover it looks strangely familiar.

Cast of Season 3

  • Peter SallisRat (voice)
  • Michael HordernBadger (voice)
  • David JasonToad (voice)
  • Ian CarmichaelNarrator (voice)
  • Richard PearsonMole (voice)



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