
1979    24mAnimation, Action,
In the 21st century, humanity is threatened by rampaging monsters of unknown origin. Officer Chouichirou Hikari of the Science Defense Squad is bonded to Ultraman Jonias, an alien from the planet U-40 who has been tasked with defending the planet Earth. The joined heroes face many foes while maintaining a secret identity. The actual threat is a planned alien invasion by the Heller Empire, a renegade faction of Ultra People.
Where to Watch The☆Ultraman
1 Season
  • Season 1
    Season 150 Episodes
Cast of The☆Ultraman
  • Kei TomiyamaChôichirô Hikari (voice)
  • Eve MasatohUltraman Joneus (voice)
  • Sumi ShimamotoMutsumi Hoshikawa (voice)
  • Hidekatsu ShibataCommander Daisuke Gondô (voice)
  • Masaya NiheiHiroaki Tobe (voice)
  • Kinya MorikawaCommander Tetsuo Akiyama (voice)
  • Shingo KanemotoTakeshi Marume (voice)
  • Junpei TakiguchiPigu (voice)
  • Shigeru ChibaMonki (voice)
  • Kazuo KumakuraProfessor Henry Nishiki (voice)
  • Eiji KanieNarrator

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