
Guilty Party

Set in the remote Canadian winter wilderness, the story revolves around a group of former summer camp counselors who are forced to return to the isolated campground to retrieve evidence of a crime they committed in their youth. Before long the group, and the camp’s latest inhabitants, members of a spiritual retreat with their own secrets to hide, find themselves targeted by someone – or something – out for horrific revenge.

8 Episodes

  • Six Feet Under
    Six Feet UnderFive years after concealing a murder, guilt-stricken summer camp counselors return in midwinter to the scene of their crime, now a utopian commune.
  • Between Good and Evil
    Between Good and EvilAfter a body is found, and a guest vanishes, both groups discover that they are trapped at the camp with communication cut off from the outside world. As tensions rise suspensions develops and the groups divide off into two. As one group works together, the other one's ugly past turns them against each other. Flashbacks give clarity to each ex camp counselors roles in the murder 5 years ago.
  • Saint Sebastian
    Saint SebastianAs the list of victims continue to grow, so does the number of possible suspects. The groups start to work together, knowing that this is their only way to survive. Flashbacks continue creating a broader picture of the life that the utopian commune members are running away from.
  • Night of Hunters
    Night of HuntersThe histories of several characters unfold in flashback, revealing surprising connections, while an innocent hiker is pulled into the unfolding drama.
  • Out of the Frying Pan
    Out of the Frying PanThe gruesome past and false identity of a commune member is discovered, although it may be too late to save the fellow camper they have kidnapped.
  • Drone
    DroneDesperate to discover the identity of the killer preying on them, the remaining survivors reluctantly conduct a mock hearing to learn the truth.
  • Dawn of the Dead
    Dawn of the DeadMisinterpreted evidence points everyone in a false direction, while one camper finds evidence that makes him question the motive behind the slaughter.
  • The Past is Never Dead
    The Past is Never DeadThe serial killer confesses to another camper, but the rest of the stranded survivors are still in the dark as final twists and truths are divulged.

Cast of Guilty Party

  • Leslie HopeJudith Berry
  • Paulino NunesMark Rankin
  • Lovell Adams-GrayPeter Burrow
  • Sebastian PigottOwen "Wren" Turnbull
  • Madison CheeatowKeira
  • Paula BrancatiDawn Duguin
  • Jim WatsonNoah Jenkins
  • Christopher JacotAntoine
  • Ty OlssonGlenn Morgan
  • Joanne VannicolaRenée
  • Melinda ShankarTalvinder Gill
  • Kaitlyn LeebSusan Lam
  • Rebecca LiddiardAndi Criss
  • Dean McDermottAlan Haight
  • Rebecca AmzallagStéphanie
  • Jefferson BrownGene

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