Neighborhood Story
A Misunderstaning concerning Bikes
S1 • E13 Dec 9, 1995 25m
Mikako continues to be ill-at-ease as she agonizes over the sparse data she has about Tsutomu's current status as Ruriko compromises her manga synthesis workload in order to offer her home cooking along with a restaurant meal and even a late night snack in order to rejuvenate her daughter. For Ruriko, who seems to think that Akindo is a biker gang, the one thing that Mikako is after is beyond her economy's ability to easily bankroll it. It does not help matters that Ruriko wanders in on Mikako before an advertisement for adult entertainment and that Mikako refuses to properly explain what she plans to do while out and about. While Mikako finds slim pickings in the job market, Ruriko talks things over with Hiroaki before cornering the newly-arrived Mikako into properly explaining her volition. Hiroaki is taken aback at how easily Mikako cajoles Ruriko into purchasing the motorbike she wants; never one to waste a beat, Mikako next approaches Yuusuke with her navigation volition to a place to purchase the vehicle in spite of Yuusuke's libido polluting his logic with thoughts of Mariko. The ultimate irony is that while the newly-licensed Tsutomu is in seventh heaven that Mikako has successfully acquired the motorbike, it will be a calendar year before Tsutomu can piggyback any passengers—the calendar year in which Mikako could have saved up her money for the bike.