Die Rosenheim-Cops

Season 10

A team of inspectors investigates murders in and around the small Upper Bavarian town of Rosenheim, and they still have plenty of time to see idyllic landscapes and luxurious pre-alpine villas and enjoy sumptuous Bavarian fare with beer.

Where to Watch Season 10

28 Episodes

  • Die kalte Gräfin
    Die kalte GräfinDevoted butler Arthur finds countess von Falkenberg fatally stabbed at her desk in the castle. He shortly returned from a walk with her sister Lucia, who is in wheelchair since a terrible accident she blames her for left Lucia in a wheelchair instead of starring on stage. The countess was generally disliked, as Sven and Korbinian keep hearing from everyone, including young maid Colette Messner and her hunky lover, cheeky forester Sebastian Dorfler, who rather enjoyed the countess trying to seduce her, unlike the part-time castle stable-master Toni Wallner, who was refused resigning from that job and her attentions to entertain his lover, under threat of cancel his family's farm tenancy. Meanwhile Sven is amused by stuck-up accountant Ortmann needing his help to entertain her haughty, naive mother and her latest prospective lover as sailing yacht owner.
  • Wer stört, stirbt
    Wer stört, stirbt
  • Mord auf Rezept
    Mord auf RezeptDr. Heinz Berger's eye clinic's HR director Dorothea Hinz* is found necktie-strangled in her home apartment by mailman Josef Pfistermeier, who couldn't fit a super-size envelope in her mailbox. Sven and Korbinian initially assume a caught robbery. She rowed with the night receptionist, ex-military Wilhelm Pothoff, whose tie was the murder weapon. Hinz recently joined a dating agency, matched with fake-wealthy Dietmar Kolle, a serial charmer-fraudster. However the letter concerned hearing aids and DNA links someone with previous crimes.
  • Tod auf dem Golfplatz
    Tod auf dem GolfplatzFlirtatious golf instructor Tobias Kühn was clobbered to death by the links. The killer left shoe-prints. He was recently fired by the club owners, Klaus and Angela Habach, who claim popular Kühn embezzled. Club manager Hermann Fuchs points Hansen and Hofer to investor Alois Schäfer, who recently rowed with Kühn for an affair with his wife Martina Schäfer. Both men were invested in a golf hotel on land that was recently found problematically polluted. Mystery money going to Kühn suggests he blackmailed his employer. Korbinian finds a last clue suggesting the murder was more means then target. Meanwhile, Stockl buzzes about flowers delivered without clear destination.
  • Waidmanns Unheil
    Waidmanns Unheil
  • Tod in den Ferien
    Tod in den FerienMailman Josef Pfistermeier discovers another corpse : skull-smashed hearing aids executive Tobias Kuntz, on holiday with his Swiss mistress Lisa Frenkel, who points Sven and Korbinian to wife Sarah Kuntz, both women claim he intended to dump the other. Tobias lastly met Munich audio-physics researcher Dr. Siegfried Aumann, who hides their dodgy business plans. The cash bribe is missing but found. Meanwhile innkeeper Jo Caspar wines and dines the academy's foxy musicologist guest Ariane von Otto, even borrows Sven's boat.
  • Der letzte Atemzug
    Der letzte Atemzug
  • Auf den Hund gekommen
    Auf den Hund gekommenMadeleine Friedl is found, skull-smashed against a statue in her dog hotel, by client Edeltraut Gerber. The latter refuses all cooperation, because her dog Molly is dog-napped by the murderer. Korbinian isn't amused that Marie offered to host Sven's father Olaf Hansen even before he insists to tag along, Sven hates being manipulated to sail another regatta with him and be bossed. The yellow car spotted around the murder time is found at an inn, with its owner: Iris Schuster, Friedl's former founding partner and friend of slick industrial sun-glass designer Guntram Strehler, Friedl's ex. US client Derek Portman planned to sue the dog hotel as his Lincoln was run over and heard Friedl declining a call from by Strehler. Mohr trails the dog-napping to former employee Hannes Asam, Stockle spots a tiny cue.
  • Die strafende Hand Gottes
    Die strafende Hand GottesSculptor Hollmann is fatally spine-crushed in his workshop by his latest work, but also his fight injuries. The concrete right hand was part of a giant Christ, originally conceived by colleague Benedikt Grasser, which he was sculpting in Ganting, patronized by mayor Karl Schretzmayr -whose wife had an affair with him- and contractor Volker Feisler. It offended Bible fanatic Roswitha Schober. Model was actor Antonio Moser, whom Hollman considered too frail by modern insights.
  • Ruhe in Frieden
    Ruhe in FriedenDementing Louise Staudinger is found skull-smashed besides her husband's tombstone. The MP-video-player of Max Leutner being found on site points interim detective team Tobias Hartl and Christian Lind to son and heir Georg Staudinger, a marketeer in financial trouble. Johanna Erler, who found the fellow elderly church chorister, admits only to have been jealous due to attention from her husband, and reports Louise was photographed there by Jutta Brösel, whom Michi found snooping in the victim's home. She also saw her hide all heirloom jewelry in the tomb, now missing, till Max Leutner fails as private detective to put it back there, hired by Georg. The murder weapon is found in cemetery keeper Alois Knoll's shed, with Leutner's fingerprints. Various Asiatic e-mails to the precinct surprisingly provide multiple testimonies.
  • Späte Rache
    Späte RacheSingle farmer Seth Rottmeier suffocates in his smoking chamber, locked in by somebody, found by in-living spinster sister Annamierl. Lindl and Hartl look into his girlfriend Mandy Brombach, his neighbor Wilfried Duch whose wife Gerlinde Seth -his fake alibi- Seth once courted, and ruthless investor Berthold Wagner who was hell-bent to buy the Rottmeier farm for a recreational development.
  • Mord im Bergrausch
    Mord im BergrauschHarald Gremm was fatally stabbed in his discotheque with a jagged diving blade. The previous night he battered with his former employer, Max Burger. Having dropped out of law school in police chief Achziger's time, Harald won ten out of twelve recent trials. Fresh widow Juliane denies the anonymously (allegedly by plummer Dirk Stegner, who was condemned to hefty damages) reported affair he planned to divorce her for, having engaged PI Torsten Gosch to no avail. Micki is not amused Stockle ascribes his recent bad luck to his horoscope, actually just last week's.
  • Tod beim Live-Chat
    Tod beim Live-ChatWerner Kuhnert's popular, single pharmacy assistant Marita Müller is found suffocated in textile at home after her hot chat partner Hugo Behringer in Munich reported a worrying noise and shutdown after she let someone in. Only disgruntled retired client Siegfried Dankl accused her of killing his wife by selling the medicine which fatally interacted with those she didn't mention, a court case was coming up. Supplier Xaver Gruber chatted with her a lot, yet she avoided professional contact. Cash found at her home suggests some dark deal. An exclusive watch left an alternative 'fingerprint'.
  • Mord auf Raten
    Mord auf RatenChristian Lind is about to leave for his new Hamburg job, but agrees to stay a few days till his exchange-successor Sven Hansens arrives in Rosenheim and meanwhile solve a last murder case with Korbinian, while Marie insists on a sendoff dinner. Pharm firm co-owner founding manager Tauber's naked corpse was found in bed at the apartment he officially uses when working late, in fact a love nest for sequential affairs, which fresh widow Cosima claims to be a case of mutual sexual freedom, but she risked to end up poor as he considered a divorce. The cause of death was 'reverse poisoning in slices': replacing is vital cardiac medicine with placebos, which takes weeks, impossible to time. Among the adultery partners are his sole-succeeding business partner's wife and Silvia Grabowski, equally 'ambitious' wife of rising executive Hajo, but the infidelity doesn't end there.
  • EX und Hopps
    EX und HoppsTwo of the three members of the blind tasting jury in a hotel's cocktail mixing contest die from drinking Norbert Prinz's creation. Is third juror Ralph Kipplinger, husband of victim Lore, prime suspect or potentially still a target, having stepped out from a breather due to a mild asthma attack, which he could fake, to punish her adultery with famous Norbert Prinz? What about his jealous ex Sabine Mehringer? "Times Square"-publican Jo noticed victim Sandmann and sponsoring host Carsten Roessler argue bitterly before the event. Hofer and Hansen, whose well-started Caribbean regatta was wrecked by a storm, investigate. Precinct secretary Stockl and controller Ortmann plot about expenses.
  • Mord ist aller Laster Anfang
    Mord ist aller Laster AnfangCommissioner Florian Prantl returns as interim welcomed by new colleagues, even a cake which Stockel planned to bill as reception expenses, but accountant Ortmann warns that's against rules. His first case is the stabbing at her weekend cabin of Elke Willmers, who runs an inherited shipping firm tyrannically. Husband Wilhelm Nolte is disrespected and she planned a divorce. Both employee Walter Zengler, a senior with expensive taste who discovered the corpse, and Fritz Hübner, whom she fired and was about to report to the police for clandestine extra cargoes, lack alibis, and the one employee Elke Willmers eagerly offered for Nolte proves fake.
  • Mozarts Rückkehr
    Mozarts RückkehrKeyboard maker and tuner Salome Adler is found by apprentice , skull-smashed in her workshop. Separated husband Gernot couldn't buy out her half of the grand house, but remains sole heir. Rising concert pianist and weekly tuning client Johannes Heidersberger hides his affair with her, notably from his domineering mother. Hansen and Florian Prantl wrestle with the atypical clue, a partial music score manuscript page with a cryptic post-it, which chief Gert Achtziger shows to a music professor after Classical music shop owner August Weimar claims he can't identify it.
  • Die letzte Fahrstunde
    Die letzte FahrstundeManaging driving school owner Hauser is murdered. The relationship with his brother Oliver wasn't nearly as harmonious as he pretends, as he was considered a squandering loser, especially by sister in law Nina. His accounts are doctored, but he also stole clients from competitor Erwin Nimbach by offering a 'flexible' interpretation of the rules, so as to admit people who should be excluded.
  • Ein ehrenwertes Haus
    Ein ehrenwertes HausRetired dance school owner S. is asphyxiated on bed at night with a cushion, in the building he inherited after his partner was murdered right there years ago in the very same apartment. Sven an Florian check out the tenants, who all had motives to want him dead, for one as he planned to sell the building if he got rid of all of them, including the nosy petty thief who ransacked his apartment while discovering the corps with the new janitor. Lover Martina Lembach dumped him for an even richer man, according to their investment adviser, a large sum seems missing.
  • Der Schlaf der Gerächten
    Der Schlaf der Gerächten
  • Alles Schwindel
    Alles Schwindel
  • Ein mörderischer Verdacht
    Ein mörderischer VerdachtA bully wood trader is murdered at home. He was impossible to please, regularly threatened with the sack and recently fired someone for real. There was a doubly adulterous affair. His son and deputy manager already arranged for another job next month, and won't inherit any share since recent testament in favor of his stepmother. The sales manager took bribes to pay a quality supplier above the going rate. Meanwhile Florian Prantl's missing expenses declaration delays the quarterly precinct accounts and landed in a confidential files pile to be shred.
  • Musik ist Mord
    Musik ist MordMusic academy janitor Rudi Grass -who has an alibi- finds the corpse of pianist Nikolaus 'Niki' Waldorf, who was skull-smashed with a tuning hammer. He was expected to win the contest for a scholarship in New York. Remaining top candidates and Gerry Polster -with alibis- and Rudi's son Stephan Grassl, recently come into mystery money, whom caterer Elisabeth Kiermeier's daughter Chantal Kiermeier dumped recently for Nikolaus, whom employee ?Stephan threatened for bothering her, and after his alibi falls through claims to have found Niki dead. Niki blackmailed contest chief Bernd Völz.
  • Tod nach Schankschluss
    Tod nach SchankschlussExclusive club president Joseph was strangled by nightfall after drinks at their reserved tavern bench. Achtziger assigns unenthusiastic Korbinian instead to mentor with willing Stockl- the psychology internship of their ministry supervisor Lausekönig's niece Sophie Kühn, so Hansen investigates with fraud detective Tobias Hartl. Prime suspect is Markus Erbacher, who challenged Joseph at the upcoming presidency (re)election. Robert Zenker and Vinzenz Kolb were rejected as new members, while desperately in need of such access to rich clients for their recently founded law firm in debt.
  • Hochzeit mit Hindernissen
    Hochzeit mit HindernissenSkull-smashed building materials market owner Joseph Stuller is found by theft-suspected employee Franz Eicher and his own daughter Julia. The cash earnings were taken from the safe, Joseph had the only key. Tobias Hartl helps Hansen investigate, as Korbianian is still stuck with Sophie Kühn but reports sick preferring odd farm jobs, yet can't shake the psychology student. Weaker competitor Thomas Ohlmüller's merger plans ended in a row, but his playboy son Thomas remains engaged to Julia, whom he planned to disinherit. Ohlmüller's employee Florian Happach received mystery payments from Joseph to spy on Thomas.
  • Verona sehen und sterben
    Verona sehen und sterbenBrilliant, professionally paid choir master Tim Haubig was fatally skull-smashed with the cup his otherwise amateur choir just won in Verona. Sven and Korbinian loo into the board, run by sponsoring chairman Friedrich Dollinger, and find secret gifts, blackmail as well as a are original Monteverdi score print. Chief Achziger discovered the corpse after bringing him a gift basket from his counterpart in Verona, where the choir won a prize for his music academy, but Ortmann freezes the distribution of goodies until Munich rules about possible bribery suspicions.
  • Tödliche Neugier
    Tödliche NeugierWidow crone Ilse Fromm* was killed at home, staged as an accident. As her neighbor stresses, she made enemies among the neighborhood, especially taking plumber Ulrich Fromm to court, ruining his 'nuisance' multi-family home dream project. Her stepson Martin Mentzel fails to hide he visited her, in vain asking for money to save his ailing boutique. Stockle falsely overhears Ortmann is about to quit, actually only her rent.
  • Erbschaft mit Folgen
    Erbschaft mit Folgen

Cast of Season 10

  • Max MüllerMichael 'Michi' Mohr
  • Joseph HannesschlägerKorbinian Hofer
  • Marisa BurgerMiriam Stockl
  • Igor JefticSven Hansen
  • Karin ThalerMarie Hofer
  • Alexander DudaGert Achtziger
  • Diana StaehlyPatrizia Ortmann
  • Michael GrimmTobias Hartl
  • Andreas GiebelFlorian Prantl
  • Christian SchaefferJo Caspar
  • Petra EinhoffDr. Sabine Eckstein



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