CBS Playhouse
Season 1
CBS Playhouse is an American anthology drama series that aired on CBS from 1967 to 1970. Airing twelve plays over the course of its run, the series was nominated for a number of awards and featured many noteworthy actors and playwrights.
Where to Watch Season 1
6 Episodes
- The Glass MenagerieE1
The Glass MenagerieStory about an African American soldier in Vietnam. It focuses on the past and present of a war-weary GI who, after 20 years of professional soldiering, begins a quest for life. Master Sergeant Olly Winter, winding up a long career, is serving as an advisor in Vietnam. When his platoon is ambushed by the Viet Cong, Olly, the only survivor, sets out on the long trek back to safety. Along the way he picks up company, a young Vietnamese girl, her dog, and an orphaned baby. The girl doesn't understand English, but Olly talks to her--and himself about the wars he's seen, his family, and the life he plans to lead 'If I get out of here alive.' - The Final War of Olly WinterE2
The Final War of Olly WinterWhen carpenter Peter Schermann needed a home, he built it with his own hands. And the house, like Peter, was strong; solid as a tree. But now he's old, too old. His children have no room for him. Peter winds up in a rest home--where he angrily rebels. He resents being treated as if he were senile or crippled. And he is offended by the empty atmosphere of waiting for death. Loring Mandel's compassionate drama follows Peter's lonely, courageous struggle to find a life in a world that has shut him out. - Do Not Go Gentle into That Good NightE3
Do Not Go Gentle into That Good NightAfter 15 years of marriage, Michael and Lois Graves have decided to pack it in. No bitterness or tears; just a divorce. Their friends think it's childish. They invite the couple to dinner, where blind to their personal motives, they hope to talk Mike and Lois out of splitting up. What they ultimately do to themselves is quite another story. - Dear FriendsE4
Dear FriendsAfter fifteen years of marriage, Michael and Lois Graves separate and await divorce. Their best friends, three other married couples, arrange a dinner party in an attempt to reconcile the pair. However, in the process, the complex and often precarious relationships between all of the couples, as well as individuals within the group, begin to emerge. - My Father and My MotherE5
My Father and My MotherMuch of the action takes place in the mind and memory of Ned, a father who is struggling to cope with a spiritual crisis. He has placed his only son, who is retarded, in an institution and it is a hard decision to live with. Tortured by doubt, Ned searches desperately in his past, reliving and twisting memories, hoping to sift out solace and some answers from the heritage handed down by his father and his mother. - SecretsE6
SecretsFollowing a chance encounter that brings him face to face with his past, conservative businessman Bryan Gray goes in search of Janet Ferguson, an actress with whom he had a relationship many years before. His unwillingness to share private parts of himself arouses the suspicion of wife Doris who is determined to know all of his secrets and the motivations behind them.