21 Jump Street

Season 2

21 Jump Street is the headquarters for a squad of police officers who specialize in investigations relating to young people. Each of the Jump St. personnel was selected for their ability to pass for high school or college students, allowing them to operate undercover in areas where it is difficult for regular police officers to blend in unnoticed.

22 Episodes

  • In the Custody of a Clown
    In the Custody of a ClownThe Jump Street unit discovers that a boy who was being used as a pawn by his feuding parents faked his kidnapping with the aid of his grandfather to get away from his parents.
  • Besieged (1)
    Besieged (1)Hanson goes undercover at a rough school after a drug dealer is found shot to death in the parking lot. Penhall dons a uniform and patrols with a veteran officer that works in the community. Hoffs tries to help a junkie involved in the case.
  • Besieged (2)
    Besieged (2)With Fuller's help, Penhall tries to prove that Adabo pushed the drug dealer from the roof, and Hanson replaces him on the beat with Adabo. Meanwhile, Hoffs tries to help Darlene get clean. Also, Hoffs and Penhall turn to each other for help with their problems.
  • Two for the Road
    Two for the RoadFollowing an increase in drunk driver accidents involving teens Hanson and Penhall investigate the source providing fake identifications to underage drinkers. Meanwhile, Captain Fuller gets busted for DUI.
  • After School Special
    After School SpecialHanson is unable to keep his mind on the investigation of a shooting of a teacher at an inner city school when he learns that his mother is moving in with her boyfriend.
  • Higher Education
    Higher EducationA pregnant school girl fingers Ioki as the father to be.
  • Don't Stretch the Rainbow
    Don't Stretch the RainbowHanson and Hoffs go undercover in a school with a new black principal and a recently integrated student body to investigate escalating racial tension between white and black students. Meanwhile, Penhall aspires to be a stand-up comedian.
  • Honor Bound
    Honor BoundHanson and Penhall find the military code of honor hampering their undercover investigation of a military academy where the cadets are suspected of killing homosexuals.
  • You Ought to Be in Prison
    You Ought to Be in PrisonHanson and Penhall work as body guards protecting a popular young actor that has received threatening letters. Drug dealer Tyrell "Waxer" Thompson escapes from prison and goes after Hanson for revenge.
  • How Much is That Body in the Window?
    How Much is That Body in the Window?Penhall gets close to a football player suspected of using steroids at a school where an olympic hopeful gymnast died after a performance due to steroid abuse. Hanson considers becoming a big brother.
  • Christmas in Saigon
    Christmas in SaigonIoki faces being dismissed from the force when internal affairs discovers that he is a Vietnamese refuge who is using an alias. Flashback sequences show his escape from Saigon.
  • Fear and Loathing with Russell Buckins
    Fear and Loathing with Russell BuckinsHanson contemplates leaving the force and leaves town instead of going to a refresher course at the police academy he and Penhall had been assigned to take after they went drag racing to try to catch a hit and run driver.
  • A Big Disease with a Little Name
    A Big Disease with a Little NameDorothy an old girlfriend of Penhall's, who walked out on him two years ago, returns and decides to move in with him. Hanson gets assigned to protect a student with AIDS who is being made to feel unwelcome in class.
  • Chapel of Love
    Chapel of LovePast romances that didn't have happy endings are the subject of conversation at a Valentine Day Eve poker game.
  • I'm OK- You Need Work
    I'm OK- You Need WorkHanson becomes trapped in a private drug clinic where he had himself placed in order to investigate claims of patient abuse made by a kid he once busted on drug charges.
  • Orpheus 3.3
    Orpheus 3.3Hanson blames himself for failing to prevent the shooting death of his girlfriend in a convenience store robbery and becomes obsessed with revenge.
  • Champagne High
    Champagne HighPenhall & Hanson go undercover as the McQuaid brothers in a suburban high school, that recently has had inner city kids bused in, to investigate the theft of a Porsche. Meanwhile, Judy must deal with a love-sick teenage boy.
  • Brother Hanson & the Miracle of Renner's Pond
    Brother Hanson & the Miracle of Renner's PondWhen a small-town teacher refuses to teach the theory of evolution after his son has a near-death experience, Hanson infiltrates the school to try to discover who's behind the recent burning of the science books.
  • Raising Marijuana
    Raising MarijuanaHoffs works a drug case by going undercover and becoming the dealer's girlfriend, but she gets a little too close. On the same case, Penhall and Ioki go into a school posing as "twins" who want to help ship the drugs.
  • Best Years of Your Life
    Best Years of Your LifeThe suicide of a popular student, whom Hanson and Penhall had arrested the night before, leaves his family, fellow students and Hanson in a state of depression and forces Penhall to relive bitter childhood memories.
  • Cory and Dean Got Married
    Cory and Dean Got MarriedHoffs and Penhall must deal with a pursuing husband when they are assigned to escort a girl arrested for killing her father when he tried to prevent her from eloping.
  • School's Out
    School's OutHanson goes undercover to find a student who is blowing up toilets. Meanwhile, Fuller must convince the higher-ups that the Jump Street program, which is scheduled to be deactivated over the summer, should be reactivated in the fall, and Doug decides it's time to grow up.

Cast of Season 2

  • Holly Robinson PeeteJudy Hoffs
  • Johnny DeppTom Hanson
  • Peter DeLuiseDoug Penhall
  • Dustin NguyenHarry Truman Ioki
  • Steven WilliamsAdam Fuller



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