Galina Polskikh
ActorBorn November 27, 1939 (85 years)
Galina Polskikh is a Soviet film actress. She has appeared in more than 100 films since 1962.
In 1979 she was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia, and in 1999 - Order of Honour (fourth degree). The lead roles in Walking the Streets of Moscow (1964) and The Journalist (1967) directed by her teacher Sergei Gerasimov made Polskikh one of the most outstanding film stars in the Soviet Union. The distinctive feature of Polskikh's acting was convincing depiction of subtle emotions of female personages in affecting scenes.
Polskikh became famous after playing lead roles in such Soviet films as The Wild Dingo Dog (1962), There Was an Old Couple (1965) and Faithfulness (1965).
In 1979 she was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia, and in 1999 - Order of Honour (fourth degree). The lead roles in Walking the Streets of Moscow (1964) and The Journalist (1967) directed by her teacher Sergei Gerasimov made Polskikh one of the most outstanding film stars in the Soviet Union. The distinctive feature of Polskikh's acting was convincing depiction of subtle emotions of female personages in affecting scenes.
Polskikh became famous after playing lead roles in such Soviet films as The Wild Dingo Dog (1962), There Was an Old Couple (1965) and Faithfulness (1965).
Known For
2023 | Yolki 10 · as Tamara |
2023 | Rodnyye lyudi (TV Series) · as Лидия Михайловна |
2023 | U lyudey tak byvayet · as Галина (мама) |
2022 | |
2022 | Ева, рожай! (TV Series) · as Бабушка Евы |
2021 | Boomerang · as Widow |
2021 | Стажёры (TV Series) · as Cast |
2021 | |
2020 | Death in The Lens (TV Series) · as Regina Rykova |
2020 | Filatov (TV Series) |
2019 | Cold shores (TV Series) |
2019 | Волшебник (TV Series) · as Матрена |
2016 | |
2014 | |
2014 | The Wonder-Worker (TV Series) · as Анна Владимировна Арбенина (мать Николая И Юрия) |
2014 | |
2013 | Vtoroe Dykhanie (TV Series) · as Galina Ivanovna |
2011 | Фарфоровая свадьба (TV Series) · as Мать Олега |
2010 | Svyaz vremyon · as Мама Маши |
2010 | Дом без выхода · as Домоправительница |
2009 | |
2008 | |
2008 | Ranetki (TV Series) · as Yelizaveta Matveyevna Kopeikina |
2007 | I'm Staying · as Svetlana Yurievna |
2006 | The Frauds (TV Series) · as Olga Natanovna |
2006 | Doktor Zhivago (TV Series) · as Mikulizyny - Yelena, Marfa, Serafima |
2005 | Adyutanty lyubvi (TV Series) · as Madlen |
2005 | |
2005 | Talisman lyubvi (TV Series) · as Ulyana Kovrigina |
2004 | Moya Prekrasnaya Nyanya (TV Series) · as Cast |
2004 | Russkoe · as Nina Pavlovna |
2001 | Tayozhnyy roman · as Mariya - Zhena Polkovnika Borzova |
2000 | Frontier: Taiga novel (TV Series) · as Mariya - Zhena Polkovnika Borzova |
2000 | Zhenshchin obizhat ne rekomenduetsya · as Nastya |
1999 | |
1999 | Lyubit po-russki 3: Gubernator · as Катерина Ивановна |
1996 | Lyubit po-russki 2 · as Катерина Ивановна |
1995 | Lyubit po-russki · as Катерина Ивановна |
1994 | Amerikanskiy dedushka · as Соседка |
1994 | Peterburgskie tayny (TV Series) · as Midwife |
1993 | The Alaska Kid (TV Series) · as Ellie Kincade |
1993 | Chtoby Pomnili (TV Series) · as Narrator |
1992 | The Shroud of Alexander Nevsky · as Olga Andreyevna |
1991 | Butterflies · as Mama |
1990 | |
1989 | Svetlaya lichnost · as Пташникова |
1988 | |
1988 | |
1988 | Razorvannyy krug · as Лидия Васильевна (гражданская Жена Львова, Директора Фабрики) |
1987 | Akseleratka · as Красновязова |
1987 | A Man from Boulevard des Capucines · as Mrs. Thompson |
1986 | Voskresnyy papa · as Зоя Александрова, Тёща |
1986 | Vyshe radugi · as Alexandra Il'initchna |
1986 | Zmeelov · as Nina |
1984 | Belye rosy · as Маруся (жена Василия) |
1984 | Park · as Matis |
1983 | Vitya Glushakov, drug Apachey · as Klavdia Matveevna, Nina's Mother |
1983 | Nezhdanno-negadanno · as Valentina Sergeyevna |
1982 | |
1982 | Gonki po vertikali · as Зося, Подруга Батона |
1982 | Ottsy i dedy · as Mother |
1981 | Nochnoye proishestviye · as Галина Укладова |
1980 | When We Grow Up · as Yekaterina Nikolayevna Malkova |
1980 | Borrowing Matchsticks · as Kaisa Karhutar |
1979 | Sueta suet · as Marina Petrovna |
1978 | |
1978 | Po semeynym obstoyatelstvam · as Galina |
1976 | |
1976 | Kogda nastupaet sentyabr · as Дворник Настасья Васильевна |
1975 | Front bez flangov · as Zina, The Nurse |
1975 | Avtomobil, skripka i sobaka Klyaksa · as Мама Хорошаевых |
1971 | Shadows Disappear at Noon (TV Series) |
1971 | Derzhis za oblaka · as Маруся |
1971 | Obratnoy dorogi net (TV Series) |
1968 | I Was Nineteen · as Sowjetisches Mädchen |
1967 | Zhurnalist · as Shura Okayomova |
1966 | |
1965 | Faithfulness · as Zoya |
1965 | |
1964 | Walking the Streets of Moscow · as Alyona |
1962 | Dikaya sobaka Dingo · as Tanya |