Svetlaya lichnost

Directed by Aleksandr Pavlovskiy
1989    82mComedy, Musical
In the provincial town of Pishcheslav (the original name of the city is Kukuev), where bureaucracy flourishes, the inventor Babskiy comes up with 'vesnulin' - soap for freckles. Egor Filyurin lathers himself with vesnulin and becomes invisible. Its ability to get unnoticed into all institutions makes it possible to identify such vices as arrogance, careerism, nepotism, and so on.

Where to Watch Svetlaya lichnost

Cast of Svetlaya lichnost

  • Nikolai KarachentsovЕгор Филюрин / человек-невидимка
  • Aleksandra Yakovleva-AasmyaeРита Харитуллина
  • Galina PolskikhПташникова
  • Svetlana KryuchkovaСигидилия Карповна
  • Mikhail SvetinПташников
  • Andrei AnkudinovКостя Пташников
  • Boryslav Brondukovначальник отдела кадров
  • Viktor PavlovКаин Доброгласов
  • Aleksandr Demyanenkoдоктор Справченко
  • Igor DmitrievБернардов
  • Mikhail KokshenovБорис Годунов
  • Viktor IlichyovЮсупов
  • Nikolay Slyozkaбанщик Михеич



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