Triple threat tag title match: Edge & Y2J vs The Colons vs The Legacy. Intercontinental title match: Mysterio vs Y2J. World title match: CM punk vs Jeff Hardy. 3 stages of hell WWE title match: Orton vs HHH.
Where to Watch WWE: The Bash
Cast of WWE: The Bash
Randy OrtonRandy Orton
Paul LévesqueTriple H
John CenaJohn Cena
Mike MizaninThe Miz
Phil BrooksCM Punk
Jeff HardyJeff Hardy
Melina PerezMelina
Michelle CalawayMichelle McCool
Carlos Colón Jr.Carlito
Eddie ColónPrimo
Chris IrvineChris Jericho
Adam CopelandEdge
Cody RhodesCody Rhodes
Ted DiBiase Jr.Ted DiBiase Jr.
Nick NemethDolph Ziggler
Dalip SinghThe Great Khali
Óscar GutiérrezRey Mysterio
Tom LaughlinTommy Dreamer
Donald Hager Jr.Jack Swagger
Jason ResoChristian
Mark HenryMark Henry
Dave FinlayFinlay
Victoria CrawfordAlicia Fox (Ringside)
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