Coffin Joe

2015    45mComedy, Drama,
Life of director who made death an art. The series focuses on the figure of José Mojica Marins and his film career, showing the footage of the filmmaker productions. In parallel, the work tells stories of his personal life and discusses its relationship with the cast, producers and staff . Each episode uses an iconic film of Mojica's career as a thread of the plot, exploring since the pioneering Brazil horror cinema to the adventures in the porn industry. Six works were selected: "A Sina do Aventureiro" ("The Adventurer's Fate"), "À Meia-Noite Levarei sua Alma" ("At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul"), "Esta Noite Encarnarei no Teu Cadáver" ("This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse"), "O Despertar da Besta" ("Awakening Of The Beast"), "Perversão - Estupro" ("Perversion - Rape") e "24 Horas de Sexo Explícito" ("24 Hours of Explicit Sex").
Where to Watch Coffin Joe
1 Season
  • Season 1
    Season 17 Episodes
Cast of Coffin Joe
  • Matheus NachtergaeleJosé Mojica Marins / Zé do Caixão
  • Felipe BarrosFreitas
  • Bruno AutranChico
  • Anamaria BarretoDona Carmem Marins
  • Luiz AmorimBatateiro
  • Gabriela Amaral AlmeidaGraça
  • Antonio VanfillOséias

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