You Can't Do That on Television

Season 9

Sketch TV by young amateur actors in true classic Nick-style. But whatever you do, never admit that you don't know or ask for water.

Where to Watch Season 9

25 Episodes

  • Choice
    ChoiceWhere No Man Has Gone Before will not be seen at this time so that we may present... Ted decides whether or not to tell Chris about his being turned down for a part in a Hollywood movie.
  • Chores
    ChoresHulk Hogan Tidies His Room will not be seen at this time so that we may present... In order to get the cast to clean the set, Ross makes the cleaning part of the sketches.
  • Communication
    CommunicationE.T. Phones Home and Gets a $1,000,000 Phone Bill will not be seen at this time so that we may present... An alien ship is approaching Earth and causes the show's transmission satellites to malfunction. The Aliens have come in search of Green Slime.
  • Fitness
    FitnessJane Fonda Overworked will not be seen at this time so that we may present... Kevin is having trouble writing this episode as it is being filmed. In the sketches, the cast makes fun of exercise programs. Ted, as the Fitness Genie, makes Rekha's fitness program impossible.
  • Malfunctions
    MalfunctionsBatman's Hairdryer Fries Robin will not be seen at this time so that we may present... The studio's cameras keep breaking because of Ted's ugliness.
  • Cleanliness
    CleanlinessMr. Clean Falls Into a Tar Pit will not be seen at this time so that we may present... Ross makes the cast wear sailor suits to prepare for a visit from the Senate's Committee to Clean Television. In the end, the inspector only wants to be sure the camera lenses are clean.
  • Security
    SecurityTeenage Mutant Ninja Turkeys will not be seen at this time so that we may present... The cast wants to take martial arts lessons, but have to teach themselves because the show's budget can't afford an instructor.
  • Pollution
    PollutionThe Love Boat Becomes a Garbage Barge will not be seen at this time so that we may present... The cast talks about the major dangers to the environment.
  • Fantasy
    FantasyFantasy Island Becomes a Volcano will not be seen at this time so that we may present... Ross has a box that can grant anyone's wishes. He plans to give it to the producer's daughter. The rest of the cast has all their dreams come true.
  • Time
    TimeThe Days of Our Lives will not be seen at this time so that we may present... The budget for the show has been cut so it must be filmed in black and white. All the kids go into a decolorization machine. When the producers realize that color shows are more profitable the kids can't switch back. In their attempts to overcome the glitch, they turn the show into a silent movie at the end.
  • Mistakes
    MistakesGeorge Bush Shoots the Wrong Quail will not be seen at this time so that we may present... The cast looks at their mistakes, and Ross has to confront some of his errors.
  • Punishments
    PunishmentsMothers of the World Paddle Rambo will not be seen at this time so that we may present... To improve the ratings, and to punish the cast for bad acting, Ross sees to it that at least one cast member is slimed between each sketch.
  • Beliefs
    BeliefsElvis Presley Is Alive and Working In a Supermarket will not be seen at this time so that we may present... The cast debates the fantasy and reality of people's beliefs.
  • Age
    AgeMichael Jackson Gets Old and Wrinkled will not be seen at this time so that we may present... Ross drags Vanessa back onto the show 3 years after she left because she still has an episode under her contract (because the Adoption episode was banned). Meanwhile, Chris is nervous about being fired because of his upcoming birthday and fear that he has reached ""the age"".
  • Excess
    ExcessThe Fat Boys Eat New York will not be seen at this time so that we may present... The show deals with the problems of excess: too much slime, too many cast members, too much wardrobe, etc...
  • Cool
    CoolPee-Wee Herman Wins the Mr. Macho America Contest will not be seen at this time so that we may present... The cast is willing to do anything to become cool.
  • Lost
    LostSuperman Loses His Tights will not be seen at this time so that we may present... Nick enlists the help of the Genie of the Lost Sock to find Chris' jacket and a camera the Nick borrowed from Ross. In the search, he finds everything that every cast member of the show since it first went on the air had lost.
  • Failure
    FailureRoss doesn't show up for work, leaving the kids to run this week's show.
  • First Times
    First TimesThe Wright Brothers Lost Their Luggage will not be seen at this time so that we may present... Ross tries to improve the show's ratings by having this episode be the first to be shot in several different locations.
  • Celebrations
    CelebrationsParents and Teachers Celebrate the Cancellation of You Can't Do That On Television will not be seen at this time so that we may present... Ross decides to show how all of the countries around the world celebrate special events.
  • Effort
    EffortRambo Thinks will not be seen at this time so that we may present... Some of the cast members try to do certain things, all unsuccessfully. Nick tries to remember his name, Sariya tries to keep her new hairstyle from getting slimed, Christian tries to nice to Jennifer, and Jennifer tries to wear a dress.
  • Sports
    SportsRoseanne Barr Goes Synchronized Swimming will not be seen at this time so that we may present... Ross goes sports crazy. He makes Chris use the eternal flame to light the gas grill, causing him to blow up, he uses special effects to give Carlos athletes foot, and he uses a ""Test Your Strength"" machine to scam the cast out of money.
  • Smoking
    SmokingThis episode examines the negative effects of smoking and its origin. The kids go through scenarios of what smoking can do to you and why kids shouldn't smoke. Lisa questions why those who smoke want to quit and why those who don't smoke, want to try it?
  • Generosity
    GenerosityBatman Gives Away His Batmobile will not be seen at this time so that we may present... In order to get him slimed, Chris lets Patrick do the introduction. The make-up lady makes Stephanie look like a senior citizen. When the boom mike breaks, Ross makes Christian hang from the ceiling to operate the mike.
  • Embarrassment
    EmbarrassmentRambo Takes Ballet Lessons will not be seen at this time so that we may present... Ross, in an effort to embarrass the cast, has their parents come to the studio.

Cast of Season 9

  • Christine McGlade
  • Les Lye
  • Adam Greydon Reid
  • Lisa Ruddy
  • Alasdair Gillis
  • Ruth Buzzi
  • Klea Scott
  • Alanis Morissette
  • Matthew Godfrey
  • Vanessa Lindores
  • Vik Sahay



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