World's Biggest Shipbuilders

Season 1

From Norway to Korea, follow the core crew of the largest shipping company in the world. These engineers, shipbuilders, captains and designers work on giant tankers the size of football fields as well as a mighty super tug with the power of 180 cars.

6 Episodes

  • Mega Yards
    Mega YardsIn the South Korean shipyards of Okpo and Sungdong, two teams are building a giant tanker– the Maersk Tangier, along with the world's biggest jack-up rig – the XLE4.
  • Huge Hulls
    Huge HullsAfter a meal in one of the 19 canteens that provide the shipyard 8000 meals a day, the workers start to lift a 3,000 tonne leg well into position on Invincible, but the weather stops work. The Tangier parts are being painted, and quality checked.
  • Emergency
    EmergencySafety always first, the yard holds an emergency drill. The Tangier, receives the last block, its bow section, engine and propeller. The top of the Invincibles drill derrick is hoisted into position. In the yard, the teams face more difficulties, and tempers start to flare.
  • Super Tug
    Super TugThe construction of the tug Starfish's bow and stern begins In Poland, but it's a bumpy start for the new build. The tanker team complete the biggest lift yet, the Bridge block of vessel Tangier. Meanwhile the Invincibles sister rig, the Maersk Integrator is at risk when it collides with a ship.
  • Launch
    LaunchIn Norway, workers prepare for the delivery of the super tug's hull pieces. Back in South Korea, the Tangier is about to take to the open sea for the very first time.
  • Maiden Voyage
    Maiden VoyageFinally complete, the Tangier has left port to begin her maiden voyage. On the other side of the world, the super tug team race against the clock to finish the build.



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