1945 • E5 Jul 8, 1945 7mAndy Panda, as a farmer, has a fine-looking field of corn about ready for the harvest. However, a flock of crows has discovered the corn and is busily devouring every kernel in sight when Andy discovers what's going on. He rushes out into the cornfield and fires a shotgun into the air. The crows fly away in every direction- all, that is to say, but one crow who continues to eat undisturbed. After many futile attempts to get rid of the wise-guy crow, Andy finds that he's unable to cope with the crow's sagacity. Andy then calls in his dumb dog Milo for assistance in keeping the crows from eating his corn, especially the one who's causing all the trouble. Again, the crow outsmarts the dog, with disastrous results for both Andy and Milo. Finally, the crow is seen rowing a boat filled with corn away into the sunset as Andy and Milo watch his departure with undisguised chagrin, and not a little relief.