Families from the Metro Atlanta area swap the lives of the wife. In this social experiment, they experience the different lives of other families and then flip the script and have the new family live their ways.
Akinbode Vs MullisA strict Nigerian mom who insists on respect from her kids swaps places with an overwhelmed mom who gets little help from her husband in raising their spoiled children.
Frayall Vs. Dutcher
Frayall Vs. DutcherA by-the-book school teacher swaps lives with a conspiracy-obsessed homeschooling mom who teaches her kids the world is flat.
Villalpando Vs. Price
Villalpando Vs. PriceA take-charge social media influencer clashes with a sexist biker when she swaps lives with his subservient homemaker wife who prefers regressive gender roles.
Floyd-Ely Vs. Clanton
Floyd-Ely Vs. ClantonA wife, who's a Pagan Witch, swaps lives with an Evangelical pastor wife who specializes in casting out demons.
Fussell Vs. Rodriguez
Fussell Vs. RodriguezAn outspoken school teacher who is very involved in the Latinx community swaps lives with a conservative wife whose husband is a Trump supporter.
Parker Vs. Mross
Parker Vs. MrossAn animal conservationist and professional snake wrangler mom swaps places with a sport-hunting mother of six whose family owns a hunting preserve.
DiCesare Vs. Brown
DiCesare Vs. BrownA picture-perfect wife whose husband is obsessed with cleaning swaps lives with a non-stop party wife whose three-year-old son stays up all night long.
Steele vs. Shepherd
Steele vs. ShepherdA circus wife with an overworked sword-swallowing husband trades places with an overwhelmed mother of four rambunctious boys with an antique-addicted spouse.
Sharrer Vs. Peete
Sharrer Vs. PeeteA professional wrestler wife swaps lives with a devoted wife and mom whose disconnected husband prefers video games over family time.
Jackson Vs. Green
Jackson Vs. GreenA materialistic city wife who believes appearance is everything swaps lives with a charity-minded farmer wife.
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