Widget, the World Watcher

Season 1

Widget, the World Watcher is an animated television series which debuted in syndication on September 29, 1990. The series ran for two seasons; in the first season, it aired once a week, and in the second season, the series expanded to 5 days a week. The show featured environmentalist themes and was recognized by the National Education Association as recommended viewing for children.
Where to Watch Season 1
13 Episodes
  • Widget's Great Whale Adventure
    Episode 1Widget's Great Whale AdventureWidget reluctantly travels to Earth and he saves a whale caught by some poachers.
  • Gorilla My Dreams
    Episode 2Gorilla My DreamsOn a school trip, Kevin and Brian adopt a gorilla named Johnny Africa.
  • Kona, the Captive Whale
    Episode 3Kona, the Captive WhaleOn a trip with Kevin, Brian, and Kristine, Widget assumes the zookeeper of a baby whale named Kona is hurting her; while really the zookeeper is just doing his job.
  • Widget of the Jungle
    Episode 4Widget of the JungleWidget travels to the jungles of Africa where evil poachers, Bob and Betty try to capture an elephant for his tusks.
  • Widget's Walkabout
    Episode 5Widget's WalkaboutWidget travels to Australia to ensure its red kangaroos enjoy their new habitat.
  • Amazon Adventure
    Episode 6Amazon AdventureConstruction men are building a giant highway through the rainforest, cutting down special trees used by the natives as medicine.
  • Mediterranean Adventure
    Episode 7Mediterranean AdventureA trip to the Mediterranean Sea gets Kevin, Brian, Kristine, and Mega Brain captured by fishermen, while Widget has to help out a cattle farmer.
  • Slime Sleuths
    Episode 8Slime SleuthsDr. Dante presumably has invented a machine to solve the issue of toxic waste disposal. Widget wonders about that when problems arise when the barrels containing the waste are reused.
  • Rock 'n' Roll Widget
    Episode 9Rock 'n' Roll Widget
  • Teacher's Pets
    Episode 10Teacher's PetsWidget gets to be the children's substitute teacher of biology and zoology after their regular teacher keeps having car trouble.
  • The Carnival Kids
    Episode 11The Carnival Kids
  • Mega-Slank from Titanium
    Episode 12Mega-Slank from TitaniumThe evil Mega Slank steals animals to bring back to his planet.
  • That's the Spirit
    Episode 13That's the Spirit
Cast of Season 1
  • Russi TaylorWidget (voice)
  • Jim CummingsMega Brain (voice)
  • Kath SoucieBrian / Kristine (voice)
  • Dana HillKevin (voice)
  • Peter Cullen
  • Cree Summer
  • Cam Clarke
  • Tress MacNeille

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