Whicker's World

Hong Kong

The Chinese may be a closed race who keep their feelings to themselves, but not in Whicker's World. Alan Whicker's new series looks into the lives of the people of free-market Hong Kong, soon to be repossessed by China.

Where to Watch Hong Kong

8 Episodes

  • When You Lose Power You Don't Go and Grow Raspberries... You Get Hanged
    When You Lose Power You Don't Go and Grow Raspberries... You Get HangedThirty years after his first visit there, Alan Whicker returns to Hong Kong and looks at its society and its political and economic structure.
  • My Great Grandfather Had Six Wives...
    My Great Grandfather Had Six Wives...Alan Whicker tours the waterfront on a craft owned by a Chinese man who reads The Times and smokes cigars, meets a businessman who serves caviar with a pearl shovel, and a woman who is a telecommunications tycoon who visits soothsayers.
  • Face Had to Be Provided for Both Sides...
    Face Had to Be Provided for Both Sides...Alan Whicker looks at the treatment of the widows of the men killed when defending the colony in 1941, to a police chief about how illegal immigrants are treated on both sides of the border, and the immensely wealthy Kadoorie family.
  • Jesus Makes You Fat!
    Jesus Makes You Fat!Alan Whicker looks at drugs, crime and capital punishment in Hong Kong, and meets Christian missionary Jackie Pullinger who rescues drug addicts in the Walled City.
  • The Psychological Protection of Mr Lo and His Magic Compass
    The Psychological Protection of Mr Lo and His Magic CompassAlan Whicker looks into the superstitions and belief in fortune tellers of many Hong Kong citizens.
  • I Didn't Chop Their Important Organs
    I Didn't Chop Their Important OrgansAlan Whicker examines Hong Kong's organised crime syndicate, The Triads, and meets a lawyer who used to prosecute them, a priest who befriended them, and a Traid "enforcer" who is now on the run from them.
  • I Don't Think You'll Find Many Doormats Here
    I Don't Think You'll Find Many Doormats HereAlan Whicker talks to some of the working, professional women of Hong Kong, both Chinese and European, about their work, roles and the attitudes towards them.
  • A Fundamental Need for Insecurity
    A Fundamental Need for InsecurityAlan Whicker talks to some of the many expatriates who live and work in Hong Kong.



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