PEEPS Eating Contest Is Peepstacular, Painful
2008 E21 Mar 26, 2008 5m
Nerdfighters who miss the scavenger hunt, or are interested in my new book "Paper Towns," should check out http://www.omnictionary.com (Click around to learn a secret.)
In which John's stomach still hurts four hours later. And suggest your punishments/rewards for winning/losing.
Thanks to all the nerdfighters who submit such awesome material to the Ning, and thanks to the greatest ska band in Russian history, Distemper (http://www.distemper.ru)
p.s. I figure the photo montage allows me to go over the four-minute time limit. If not, I'll be punished.
In which John's stomach still hurts four hours later. And suggest your punishments/rewards for winning/losing.
Thanks to all the nerdfighters who submit such awesome material to the Ning, and thanks to the greatest ska band in Russian history, Distemper (http://www.distemper.ru)
p.s. I figure the photo montage allows me to go over the four-minute time limit. If not, I'll be punished.
Where to Watch PEEPS Eating Contest Is Peepstacular, Painful