Uppu Puli Kaaram

Season 1

A hotel owner and father of four faces a predicament with the arrival of his abandoned son. Will the family dynamics get spicier or sour?

Where to Watch Season 1

128 Episodes

  • Meet the UPK Family
    Meet the UPK FamilyMeet the lovely family of Subramani and Subbu. As they try to convince Chinmayi to wed, her siblings eavesdrop on them. Shiva is surprised to run into his past love, Chinmayi.
  • Matchmaking
    MatchmakingShiva is elated that Chinmayi is unmarried, but she is irked when he questions her. As her parents struggle to stall a matchmaking, the groom is shocked by Chinmayi's confession.
  • Hurdles and Hope
    Hurdles and HopeThippu is angry as he becomes a meme material for his acting performance. Subramani gets a notice to vacate the hotel premises. Shiva is excited to learn about the college reunion.
  • Showdown
    ShowdownSubbu argues with Sharmila only to realise that she is the new owner. Shiva is irked as Chinmayi evades him. All hell breaks loose as the siblings turn the house into a war ground.
  • Conundrum
    ConundrumYashika finally clears an interview but lands in a fix as she meets Sushi, her college senior. Thippu is elated to get a chance to star in a web series but it is a father-son story.
  • Resolutions
    ResolutionsChinmayi convinces Yashika to take up the job. Thippu feels humiliated as the director rejects him for his soulless acting. He decides to find out about his father.
  • Celebration and Chaos
    Celebration and ChaosAs the family celebrates Yashika's new job, Thippu learns his father's name. The mornings become more chaotic as the three sisters struggle to get ready on time.
  • New Beginnings
    New BeginningsThings get personal as Chinmayi and Shiva take centre stage in a debate show. While Yashika is excited on her first day of work, she gets into an embarrassing situation with Thippu.
  • Frustrated Souls
    Frustrated SoulsWhile Shiva gets warned by his boss, Chinmayi becomes drunk after losing a case for the first time in her career. Things take an unexpected turn when the frustrated duo meet again.
  • Restless Curiosity
    Restless CuriosityChinmayi gets disturbed after learning about what transpired the previous night. As Subramani and Subbu visit their friend, Keerthy gets curious about Uday's antics.
  • Unveiling Secrets
    Unveiling SecretsKeerthy decides to catch Uday red-handed, while Yashika learns that Thippu is a celebrity. Shiva and Chinmayi get excited about participating in a game show.
  • Unexpected Encounters
    Unexpected EncountersWhile Uday secretly visits the house in disguise, Shiva tricks Chinmayi into going out on a dinner date with him. Things go out of control when Subbu and Sharmila come face to face.
  • Emotional Transformations
    Emotional TransformationsImpressed with Udhay's cooking, Sushi desires to marry him. Chinmayi gets rebuked by Subbu, while Thippu recreates a scene with enthusiasm after learning about his father.
  • Ambitions Revealed
    Ambitions RevealedKeerthi doubts Udhay and checks his wallet to find a shopping bill. Chinmay is happy for Yashika. Udhay tells Chinmayi about his wish to open a restaurant instead of studying.
  • Family Dynamics
    Family DynamicsKeerthi doubts Udhay and checks his wallet to find a shopping bill. Chinmay is happy for Yashika. Udhay tells Chinmayi about his wish to quit studying and open a multi-cuisine eatery.
  • Critical Acts
    Critical ActsSharmila rescues Sharmila in time as the name board of her new coffee shop collapses. While the sisters bully Udhay, Shiva threatens to wed someone else if Chinmayi rejects him.
  • Parental Longing
    Parental LongingSharmila expresses her feelings to her son, Shiva and tells him how much she misses him. One of Chinmayi's seniors asks her to meet his friend's son.
  • Guidance and Care
    Guidance and CareThippu teaches dialogue delivery to an unwilling Yashika. Chinmayi feels anxious as Shiva has neither called nor responded to her text messages.
  • Crucial Messages
    Crucial MessagesChinmayi tells Anirudh to inform Shiva that she is going to meet a prospective groom. Subbu and her mother explore commercial properties for a shop.
  • Curious Provocations
    Curious ProvocationsKeerthi takes a picture of Mahi to analyse why girls are drooling over him. Chinmayi meets her prospective groom and sends a selfie with him to Shiva.
  • Unvoiced Desires
    Unvoiced DesiresThippu visits Subramani's hotel and yearns to call him father. A jealous Chinmayi rushes to Shiva's house at night to check on him.
  • Shaming Revelations
    Shaming RevelationsSushi ridicules Yashika and informs her colleagues about her being overweight in college. Keerthi is astonished to receive an invite to her ex-boyfriend's wedding.
  • Meeting Mayhem
    Meeting MayhemChinmay bashes the matchmaker for bringing proposals for her. Yashika loses her calm and unleashes her karate skills when Sushi tries to oust her from the office meeting.
  • Shocking Disclosure
    Shocking DisclosureThippu feels terrible when he is replaced in a project based on a father-son relationship. Subramani's past comes back to haunt him when he meets a drunk Thippu.
  • Mysterious Aroma
    Mysterious AromaGowtham helps Chinmayi defuse the attempts of the marriage broker. While Sharmila smells a lady's perfume on Shiva, Subbu tries to get Thippu's details.
  • Unseen Omen
    Unseen OmenSushi calls Udhay to meet for dinner, but he refuses. Sharmila's order shocks Subbu while Sheela questions Shiva about Chinmay. A dizzy spell leads to a startling revelation for Sushi.
  • The Tangled Consequence
    The Tangled ConsequenceThippu insists on firing Yashika from the job when he falls and gets hurt as she accidentally pulls a wire entangled in his chair. Keerthi encounters the unexpected at the gym.
  • Heartfelt Commitment
    Heartfelt CommitmentSharmila feels touched after reading Chandrashekar's poem. While Yashika tries to apologise to Thippu, Subramani vows to take care of him as his son. The doctor confirms Sushi's doubt.
  • Hidden Pursuits
    Hidden PursuitsSubramani's search for Thippu's number leads him to Yashika's office, and he hides to avoid being noticed. Sharmila turns suspicious after finding a hairband in Shiva's room.
  • Ultimatum and Disclosure
    Ultimatum and DisclosureKeerthi demands Mahi's presence at a wedding, or she warns about divulging his secret. Sushi's revelation turns Udhay's life into a nightmare.
  • Deceptive Disarray
    Deceptive DisarrayChinmayi delights everyone with breakfast and announces her plans to relocate closer to work for convenience. Udhay's lies regarding riches and the restaurant come to the fore.
  • Intriguing Mysteries
    Intriguing MysteriesKeerthi is intrigued by Mahi's rich appearance in a photo and doubts his true identity. The chaos intensifies when Sushi discovers Udhay's lies.
  • Verdicts and Visions
    Verdicts and VisionsAs the family debates Chinmayi moving out, Subramani's decision disappoints her. Mahi's contrived closeness makes Keerthi wish their act is real.
  • Verbal Duel
    Verbal DuelSushi visits Annam Mess and learns of Udhay's lies. Much against his wish, Shiva is forced to collaborate with Thippu on a fictional show. An anxious Subramani visits Thippu.
  • Tense Transition
    Tense TransitionRamya is shocked to learn about Udhay's pregnant girlfriend from Kalyan. Chinmayi panics when her parents decide to accompany her to her new house. Sushi feels unwell in the office.
  • Authentic Assurance
    Authentic AssuranceThippu gets angry when Yashika asks him about his father. Elated, Keerthi questions Mahi about his feelings. A worried Subramani takes food for Thippu. Sushi faints on the road.
  • Boundaries and Celebrations
    Boundaries and CelebrationsChinmayi sets ground rules for living with Shiva. Udhay returns home after his exam to a delightful surprise from his loving family.
  • Dawn Discord
    Dawn DiscordChaos ensues when Sushi walks into Annam Mess and introduces herself to Subramani. Chinmay, Keerthi and Yashika resolve not to let Sushi trouble the family.
  • Tactical Insight
    Tactical InsightYashika advises Thippu, using a sports analogy, leading him to make a significant decision. Keerthi changes her voice to feign illness and skip work.
  • Ring Ruckus
    Ring RuckusSharmila appoints Subbu to help with her new coffee shop. Trouble ensues when Sharmila loses her diamond ring.
  • Prejudice and Fixation
    Prejudice and FixationSharmila accuses Subbu when her ring gets lost. The sisters are eager to know about Udhay's girlfriend, while Thippu feels anxious over a phone call.
  • Memories and Murmurs
    Memories and MurmursChinmayi tries to deal with her bittersweet memories. Meanwhile, is Thippu head over heels in love?
  • Mixed Emotions
    Mixed EmotionsYashika is happy yet confused over Thippu's situation. Shiva's impatience boggles his decisions. The tables turn for Sushi, leaving her in shock.
  • Confrontations Over Dinner
    Confrontations Over DinnerYashika and Sushi feel awkward at the dinner table. Thippu's bond with Subramani moulds his acting. Sushi's efforts towards atonement fail to mend her deeds.
  • Remedies and Regret
    Remedies and RegretShiva visits his mom with a request. Thippu's acting skills are put to the test for his new show. How will he perform?
  • Longing of Unloved Souls
    Longing of Unloved SoulsThippu asks Subramani an important question and waits anxiously for his reply. Keerthi's boss suspects someone is squatting in the gym and decides to investigate, alarming her.
  • Uneasy Love
    Uneasy LoveA discussion at breakfast with Chinmayi gives Shiva a new perspective on this career. Ramya gets suspicious about Subramani's whereabouts and tells Subbu.
  • Ruined Dreams
    Ruined DreamsSubramani's visit to Thippu's house creates tension, leading to a confrontation with Subbu. Keerthi's dreams get shattered when Mahi receives a ring.
  • Reconciliations
    ReconciliationsMani tries to convince Subbu to allow him his fatherly duties. Thippu's oversharing makes him feel awkward around Yashika. Sushi worries about her secrets being exposed.
  • Conditional/Unconditional
    Conditional/UnconditionalMahi thanks his brother for the timely help. While Shiva and Chinmayi get ready to make dinner, Sharmila suddenly visits her son's house to give him an ultimatum.
  • Tangled Conflicts
    Tangled ConflictsThe family worries about Mani's ulcer. Shiva's mornings are not the same with Chinmayi around. Thippu gets provoked during a photoshoot.
  • Dazed and Confused
    Dazed and ConfusedKalyan's advice dampens Udhay's excitement over the wedding. The kids become confused by Subbu's unusual message.
  • House-quake
    House-quakeThippu's moving in takes everyone off guard. Frustrated, the four siblings express their objections to the decision.
  • Lost in Rumination
    Lost in RuminationSubbu conveys Thippu's existence to her mother, Kalyan and Ramya. The siblings worry about living with their half-brother.
  • Arrivals in Waiting
    Arrivals in WaitingUdhay fusses over Sushi after visiting the doctor. Sharmila surprises Shiva with a blind date. Disappointed with her dad, Keerthi drowns her sorrows in alcohol at the gym.
  • Rising Dilemma
    Rising DilemmaThippu breaks the news of his new living situation to Yashika. Armed with his lucky charm, he gets ready to move houses.
  • Trying to Fit In
    Trying to Fit InDespite Subramani's assurances, Thippu gets a lukewarm welcome. Yashika grows increasingly anxious when she is faced with the new reality.
  • Cloud Burst
    Cloud BurstChinmayi reveals the Thippu situation to Shiva, who finally connects the dots. Yashika calls out Sushi in front of Udhay, angering the former bully.
  • Flat-Footed
    Flat-FootedSushi and Udhay go house hunting but become disappointed, till Udhay offers a solution. Shiva calls out Sheela's name in his sleep, angering Chinmayi. A shock awaits Subbu at home.
  • Running in Circles
    Running in CirclesMahi sees a new side to Keerthi. Chinmayi comes across an unpleasant voice recording. Yashika strongly opposes Udhay's solution to his house problem and gets Thippu's support.
  • Unspoken Strains
    Unspoken StrainsUdhay prepares breakfast and eagerly awaits Thippu's praise for his food. Chinmayi meets Yashika and subtly probes what's troubling her about Sushi.
  • Fractured Bonds
    Fractured BondsSushi reveals the reason behind her bullying of Yashika. Shiva asks Chinmayi's opinion on marriage, but she hopes he'll directly propose instead.
  • Annoyed Reaction
    Annoyed ReactionKalyan spills paint at work and gets harshly scolded by his boss, which Ramya sees. Mahi gets irritated by Keerthi's touch and sternly warns her to keep her distance.
  • Heightened Tensions
    Heightened TensionsSushi's emotional outburst stirs Yashika. Keerthi spots Chinmayi and Shiva together at a convenience store. What follows next sends Chinmayi into a tizzy.
  • Tote for Truths
    Tote for TruthsChinmayi resolves the issue with Keerthi by buying her a branded bag. Shiva feels elated to learn that Chinmayi is interested in marrying him.
  • Shadows of the Past
    Shadows of the PastThippu requests George to take Yashika off her role as his manager. Subramani delves into his past and uncovers a devastating tragedy from his childhood.
  • Solitary Whispers
    Solitary WhispersSubramani gives Udhay money for a wedding dress and advises him to be responsible. Subbu takes the girls shopping. Udhay's words make Thippu feel isolated within the family.
  • Forbidden Entanglements
    Forbidden EntanglementsKeerthi reveals about Chinmayi to Yashika and Udhay. What happens when Subbu learns about Chinmayi's live-in relationship?
  • Shattered Loyalties
    Shattered LoyaltiesSubbu is dumbfounded when she spots Chinmayi with Shiva. Sharmila cannot believe her ears when she learns that her son is in love with Chinmayi. What will the lovers do?
  • Fatherly Sentiments
    Fatherly SentimentsDuring an interview, Thippu becomes emotional when asked about his bond with his father. Keerthi learns the truth about Mahi and Raj.
  • Healing Distance
    Healing DistanceShiva's dad advises and asks him to seek Sharmila's forgiveness, but she sets conditions. Chinmayi and Shiva decide to stay away till the problem is resolved.
  • Fury Unleashed
    Fury UnleashedA furious Sharmila lashes out at Subramani and decides to sell the entire property. Yashika is impressed with Thippu's progress. Shiva arrives at Chinmayi's home to meet her family.
  • Heartfelt Crossroads
    Heartfelt CrossroadsChinmayi feels torn between her furious parents and Shiva's request to wed. Thippu pacifies an irate Subbu by bringing her favourite Burmese food with Yashika. Why is Udhay angry?
  • Guilt Trip
    Guilt TripSharmila's condition leaves Shiva feeling frustrated. Sushi's shocking revelation about her parents astounds Udhay. Besieged by guilt, Keerthi prepares to encounter Mahi at the gym.
  • Performance Plummet
    Performance PlummetSubbu asks Thippu to shift to Udhay's 'cramped' room. Thippu's web series gets launched. However, the director is not pleased with his lacklustre performance.
  • Mentorship and Awakening
    Mentorship and AwakeningSubramani advises Thippu on how to hone his acting abilities. Chinmayi and Sharmila have a heated argument. Shiva discovers a startling revelation about Chinmayi and his mother.
  • Sorrowful Solace
    Sorrowful SolaceSubramani overhears as Chinmayi shares her sorrow with Yashika and Keerthi. Angry with his mother, Shiva leaves his house. Yashika and Udhay help Thippu move into a new room.
  • Heartfelt Confrontation
    Heartfelt ConfrontationUdhay confides about his fear to his father. Shiva admonishes Sheela for talking ill about Chinmayi. Will Mahi confess his love to Keerthi?
  • Candid Exchanges
    Candid ExchangesA dejected Shiva informs his father of his resolution to end his relationship with Chinmayi. Sharmila is adamant about her decision. Thippu expresses his feelings to Subramani.
  • Essential Modifications
    Essential ModificationsSubramani requests Udhay to revise the catering plan in light of the budget constraints. Depressed, Shiva packs his things to move abroad.
  • Sorrowful Hearts
    Sorrowful HeartsSubbu reflects on the sorrowful past of Kasinathan and his mother, pondering how they endured such hardships and how the hospital nurse helped them. How was the kind nurse?
  • Troubled Turns
    Troubled TurnsThippu accidentally loses Keerthi's handbag. Kalyan worries about his job. For his action practice scenes, Thippu gets stunt masters. But what happens to put him in a tough spot?
  • Support and Departure
    Support and DepartureKeerthi helps Thippu to relieve his body pain. Kalyan puts Subbu in a tough spot. While Shiva returns Chinmayi’s belongings, she learns that he has vacated the house.
  • Gifted Frustrations
    Gifted FrustrationsKeerthi gets furious as Udhay gives her handbag to Suchi. Thippu treats a depressed Chinmay to dinner. Later, Chinmay is shocked to see Sharmila at her doorstep. What is her motive?
  • Radiant Makeover
    Radiant MakeoverSharmila pleads with Chinmayi to help her search for her son, Shiva. A fabulous makeover of Keerthi, Chinmayi and Yashika for Udhay and Sushi's marriage leaves everyone in awe.
  • Embracing Truths
    Embracing TruthsAt Udhay and Sushi's wedding reception, Grandma's disclosure leaves the family shocked. Chinmayi heads to her friend's house, looking for a clue to locate Shiva. Will she succeed?
  • Jealousy Unveiled
    Jealousy UnveiledSeeing Yashika with Sunil, a jealous Thippu berates her. A reluctant Mahi admits his feelings to Keerthi. Sushi gets irked as she is removed from a vital project due to her pregnancy.
  • Condition and Preparations
    Condition and PreparationsChinmayi imposes conditions on Shiva for their marriage. Subramani prepares food and sends Udhay to deliver it to Thippu's shooting location. How will Sushi react?
  • Balanced Discretion
    Balanced DiscretionSubbu tells Subramani to treat Thippu and Udhay equally. Keerthi wants Mahi to keep their relationship a secret. Sushi fusses over food.
  • Fear and Future
    Fear and FutureAfter watching the scary movie, Thippu freaks out. Chinmayi and Shiva inform their respective parents about their final decision. Will their families agree to their alliance?
  • Dissonant Voices
    Dissonant VoicesSubbu's mother watches Thippu making trip plans with Subramani and assigns him some work. Sushi gets angry with Udhay's grandmother's interference and berates him for being jobless.
  • Serious Commitment
    Serious CommitmentSerious about marriage, Chinmayi and Shiva try to convince their respective parents of the alliance. Thippu gets enraged as Yashika gets an acting opportunity alongside Sunil.
  • Emotional Gambit
    Emotional GambitChinmayi meets Shiva's parents while the latter visits her family to persuade them of their marriage. Thippu decides to test Shiva's love for Chinmayi. Will he succeed?
  • Exposed Frames
    Exposed FramesShiva and Chinmayi get Subbu and Subramani's consent. Keerthi is surprised as Mahi does not have his photo on his phone. Thippu flares up when Yashika and Sunil's selfie goes viral.
  • Love's Test
    Love's TestMahi's father visits the gym to see him and runs into Keerthi. Sharmila consents to Shiva and Chinmayi's marriage but on one condition.
  • Moments of Destiny
    Moments of DestinyThanks to their parents, Chinmayi and Shiva decide what's best for their relationship. Thippu enjoys a joyful birthday until he has a fateful encounter at his shoot location.
  • Clarifications and Confessions
    Clarifications and ConfessionsMahi promises to be an ideal partner to a tense Keerthi. Sharmila tries to blackmail Shiva emotionally. Thippu informs George that Yashika is family. Udhay's exam results are out.
  • Endorsement
    EndorsementSharmila invites Subbu for coffee and agrees to Shiva and Chinmayi's wedding without any condition. Yashika helps a pregnant Sushi at work. However, what is Sushi hiding from Udhay?
  • Wedding Prelude
    Wedding PreludeChinmayi conveys her joy to Shiva, but Sheela tries to dissuade him from marrying her. Yashika warns Sushi against going on an outdoor shoot. The excited girls shop for the wedding.
  • Celebration of Love
    Celebration of LoveEveryone is happy at Shiva and Chinmayi's wedding. Subbu and Sharmila give emotional speeches. This time, Thippu joins in for a family photo.
  • Pivotal Moments
    Pivotal MomentsThe family misses Chinmayi. Sharmila tries to ruin Shiva and Chinmayi's wedding night. Raj seeks Keerthi's aid to convince Mahi to join the family business.
  • Buzzing Headlines
    Buzzing HeadlinesSushi is urged to rest and to refrain from going to work during her pregnancy. Thippu feels uneasy doing romantic scenes in front of Yashika. Thippu and Subramani’s news goes viral.
  • Silent Confrontations
    Silent ConfrontationsChinmayi advises Subramani and Subbu to stay silent and not to respond to anyone. Thippu’s mother unexpectedly turns up and pressurises him to set up a meeting with Subramani.
  • Fateful Encounters
    Fateful EncountersChinmayi informs Shiva that his mother's arm is not fractured. Yashoda visits the mess to meet Subramani and leaves her address. Subramani decides to tell Thippu the truth.
  • Unexpected Arrival
    Unexpected ArrivalMahi's father, C. Mohan, agrees to help him start a sports academy. Chinmayi and Shiva pay her family a surprise visit. Is Subramani's truth in jeopardy with Yashoda's arrival?
  • Solemn Confessions
    Solemn ConfessionsThippu informs Yashoda of the joyous days he shared with his father and the family. Keerthi gets a prominent post in Mahi's company. Thippu learns about his father's car driving skills.
  • The Blooming Doubts
    The Blooming DoubtsSubbu cautions Subramani to stay composed. Sharmila experiences an unexpected pain in her chest. Thippu begins to wonder if Subramani is indeed his father.
  • Web of Confusion
    Web of ConfusionSharmila is rushed to the hospital after Shiva and Chinmayi ignore her calls. Keerthi informs Subbu that she loves Mahi. Thippu initiates an investigation to find who Subramani truly is.
  • Masked Agendas
    Masked AgendasSubbu and Subramani go to the hospital to meet Sharmila. Mahi's father makes a cunning move in the guise of a gift for Keerthi. Yashoda denies knowing the person in the photo.
  • Heartbreaking Losses
    Heartbreaking LossesSushi suddenly loses her balance and faints at work, leading to complications. After causing a drunken scene in front of Annam Mess, Thippu finally receives the DNA test result.
  • Reckonings of Truth
    Reckonings of TruthA misunderstanding causes Udhay to hit Mahi. Subramani visits the old-age home and learns of Thippu's visit on his birthday. Subbu receives the DNA report and tries calling Thippu.
  • Thippu's Fury
    Thippu's FuryHurt and angry, Thippu speaks harshly to reporters during a press meet. Subbu tells Thippu the whole truth, which drives Thippu over the edge.
  • Celebrating Milestones
    Celebrating MilestonesKeerthi makes arrangements for Subramani’s 60th birthday. Yashika stands firm when Sunil asks George to appoint her as his manager. Thippu is invited to Subramani’s birthday.
  • Bewildered Hearts
    Bewildered HeartsEveryone enjoys Subramani's birthday party. But, Thippu's words hurt Subramani and Subbu. Unaware of the situation, the rest of the family gets perplexed by Thippu's unusual behaviour.
  • Secrets Unravelled
    Secrets UnravelledKeerthi receives her first incentive for successfully achieving the sales target. Yashika tries to avoid Thippu. Meanwhile, Chinmayi finds the DNA report.
  • The Investigation Unfolds
    The Investigation UnfoldsYashika seeks Chinmayi's help to find a house to rent. While Chinmayi begins to investigate the truth of the DNA report, Yashoda decides to take legal action against Subramani.
  • Web of Deceit
    Web of DeceitYashika is shocked to learn from Thippu about their fathers. Chinmayi seeks a friend's help to gather information about Subramani. Thippu forgives Subramani and leaves the house.
  • Path to Redemption
    Path to RedemptionThippu admits his feelings to Yashika. Mahi meets Keerthi's family to seek consent for marriage. Subbu opens up to her children as Chinmayi confronts her parents about Subramani's lies.
  • Quest for Justice
    Quest for JusticeChinmayi decides to revive Kasinadhan's case. Mahi's father taunts Keerthi for falling for his son. Chinmayi tells Shiva the truth and resolves to stay with her father for a few days.
  • Clues Uncovered
    Clues UncoveredYashika decides to resign from her job to distance herself from Thippu. Chinmayi begins to gather proof for the case in Kerala. Meanwhile, Yashoda lodges a complaint against Kasinadhan.
  • Release Dilemma
    Release DilemmaChinmayi orchestrates a way to evade her father's arrest. The news spreads, creating a sensation. Thippu tries to convince his mother to withdraw the case, but she has other plans.
  • Words Unleashed
    Words UnleashedMahi decides to reconcile with Keerthi once again. Chinmayi reveals her father's truth to her in-laws. Thippu apologises to Kasinathan.
  • Threads Intertwined
    Threads IntertwinedYashodha's lawyer attempts to gather information from Thippu. Chinmayi finds Rangan and tries to talk to him. Sushi prepares a gift for Udhay for his interview.
  • The Last Supper?
    The Last Supper?Kasinathan gathers the whole family for a meal, believing it might be his last with them. The court hearing begins. Will Kasinathan be able to prove his innocence?
  • Legal Battle
    Legal BattleIn the court, Rangan appears as an eyewitness. Udhay impresses the IAS panel with his confidence and insight. Mahi's father apologises to Keerthi for his past misconduct.
  • Innocence Proven
    Innocence ProvenChinmayi presents irrefutable evidence, proving that Kasinathan is not a criminal but a man wrongly accused of murder. She questions Thippu and Yashodha and amazes all with her arguments.
  • Heart’s Desire
    Heart’s DesireKeerthi delights everyone with her anchoring skills. Yashika unveils her web series titled 'Uppu Puli Kaaram'. Thippu informs Kasinathan and Subbu about his intention to wed Yashika.
  • Happy Ever After
    Happy Ever AfterThe court issues a favourable verdict for Kasinathan. The wedding bells chime for Yashika and Thippu. There is happiness and laughter as everyone enjoys the special occasion together.

Cast of Season 1

  • Ponvannan
  • Vanitha Krishnachandran
  • Deepika Venkatachalam
  • Raj Aiyyappa
  • Ayesha Zeenath
  • Deepak Paramesh
  • M. Farina Azad
  • Ashwini Aanandita
  • Naveen Kumar



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