Univer. 13 let spustya

2024    45mComedy
Kristina finally said goodbye to Anton, who is trying to live in his own pleasure and opens a pub. However, suddenly an adult daughter appears in his life, whom he did not know about before, because of which the lover of alcohol and parties will have to completely change his lifestyle. Meanwhile, Maykl is desperate to win back Varya, who has filed for divorce because of her husband's infidelity. And Masha alone drags two children on herself, while Valya disappears at work in anticipation of a great scientific discovery. At this moment, her ex-boyfriend Kuzya suddenly appears in her life, who became a wealthy businessman and came to Moscow to expand his business. But the true goal of the "dumpling king" is to return Masha, for whom he retained feelings after many years of separation.

Where to Watch Univer. 13 let spustya

1 Season

  • Season 1
    Season 112 Episodes

Cast of Univer. 13 let spustya

  • Stanislav YarushinАнтон Мартынов
  • Ararat KeshchyanАртур Микаэлян (Майкл)
  • Ekaterina MolokhovskayaВарвара Зуева
  • Anna KhilkevichМария Белова
  • Vitaly GogunskyЭдуард Кузьмин (Кузя)
  • Aleksandr MartynovВалентин Будейко
  • Anastasia DragolyubДаша
  • Elena Polyanskaya



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