True to Love

Season 1

Dating coach Bo-ra, whose relationship is failing, and prickly publisher Su-hyeok team up to save Bo-ra’s love life for the sake of her upcoming book about dating. The collaboration results in the mind game of romance.

14 Episodes

  • Something Small and Sparkly
    Something Small and SparklyBo-ra, aka dating coach Deborah, believes that a strategy is necessary in a relationship. In order to lead the relationship with her boyfriend Ju-wan to a happy ending, Bo-ra strategically plans to get a proposal from him. However, her plan is ruined by Su-hyeok who is also determined to propose to his girlfriend, Yu-ri.
  • Sad Ending
    Sad EndingDeborah, it is all your fault. Su Hyeok blames Deborah for his breakup with Yu Ri, and they go head-to-head at their first work meeting together. But the tension between them has unexpected outcomes.
  • The End of a Pathetic Relationship
    The End of a Pathetic RelationshipBo-ra still denies Ju-wan is cheating on her, even after she witnesses it herself. She rationalizes his behavior and hopes he will sort out the situation. But things don't go as planned. Bo-ra overhears the truth Ju-wan has been hiding and it all leads to a devastating consequence.
  • Crazier Than Joker
    Crazier Than JokerBefore overcoming her breakup, Bo-ra hides her pain behind a smile and attends a major party for singles. At an important moment, drunk Bo-ra is invited to the stage, and with the microphone in her hands, she goes crazy. Knowing the pain behind her smile, the one person ready to jump on stage to save her is Su-hyeok.
  • A Cold Is Incurable
    A Cold Is IncurableJust when Bo-ra thinks everyone has forgotten about her incident, her column is released and she is humiliated once again. Things get worse when she runs into Ju-wan, and out of all people, Su-hyeok witnesses yet another embarassing moment. Su-hyeok unexpectedly comforts her and Bo-ra musters up the courage just one last time.
  • I Will Survive in This Beautiful Breeze
    I Will Survive in This Beautiful BreezeBo-ra finally decides to gather herself, being free from Ju-wan for good. While sharing the good news, Bo-ra also says goodbye to Su-hyeok. Just when Su-hyeok thought he won't see her again, Bo-ra reaches out to him once again.
  • Shall We?
    Shall We?After Bo-ra finalizes her dating book contract, she joins the dinner with the staff of the publishing company. Just when Su-hyeok thought he has seen all the embarrassing moments he can of Bo-ra... She strikes again.
  • Rewrite the Ending of This Story
    Rewrite the Ending of This StorySu-hyeok is invited to Bo-ra’s housewarming party. As the two of them start a plan to win back Ju-wan’s heart, they get closer. And a sudden silence leads them into an unexpected happening.
  • Things We Say After A Kiss
    Things We Say After A KissAfter the unexpected kiss, both Bo-ra and Su-hyeok are confused. They agree it was a simple mistake and decide to forget about it. Yet, a little disappointed Bo-ra makes a mistake again and Su-hyeok is determined to not let her off this time. Before they clear the air, they run into each other in an unexpected place.
  • Catfish Makes Way, Sardine Makes a Move
    Catfish Makes Way, Sardine Makes a MoveWomen's Secret Party turns into a crazy couples’ party. Bo-ra and Su-hyeok reconcile their relationship by defining each other as Mulder/Scully and DiCaprio/Kate Winslet. At night, Bo-ra receives a surprising message. If a catfish makes way, is the sardine going to make a move?
  • Can't Wait for Winter to Come
    Can't Wait for Winter to ComeThe presence of the tough catfish Yu-ri shakes Su-hyeok. Bo-ra tries to stop Su-hyeok when he is about to leave for Yu-ri. Bo-ra criticizes Yu-ri for being clingy but soon realizes she does not have the right to do so. And finally, Bo-ra decides to face her disguised relationship with Ju-wan.
  • Like a Scene From a Drama
    Like a Scene From a DramaBo-ra and Su-hyeok walk a very thin line on their exciting first date, and Bo-ra is more confused about her relationship with him. Bo-ra accompanies Su-hyeok to Yu-ri’s wedding as his girlfriend, and she recalls a memory during the ceremony. The memory makes Bo-ra anticipate that something like a scene from a drama could happen to her as well.
  • It's All About Timing, Take Courage First
    It's All About Timing, Take Courage FirstWith Su-hyeok’s support, Bo-ra returns to the radio. She expresses her feelings towards Su-hyeok on the radio, and Su-hyeok runs to Bo-ra to show her how he feels about her too. But Su-hyeok sees Ju-wan arrive before him and the bad timing makes them misunderstand each other.
  • True to Love
    True to LoveDating someone at work is the worst. Bo-ra and Su-hyeok explode with anger during a meeting, and the publishing of Bo-ra's dating book ends up in failure. At night, Bo-ra storms out when Su-hyeok calls her as she realizes it is time to write the ending of their story once and for all.

Cast of Season 1

  • Yoo In-naYeon Bo-ra ("Deborah")
  • Yoon Hyun-minLee Su-hyeok
  • Ju Sang-ukHan Sang-jin
  • Park So-jinLee Yu-jeong
  • Hwang Chan-seongNo Ju-wan
  • Ju-neYang Jin-ho
  • Kim Ye-jiYeon Bo-mi
  • Hong Hwa-yeonBang U-ri
  • Lee Sang-unYang Jin-u
  • Kim Ji-anIm Yu-ri
  • Song Min-jiSeo Su-jin



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