
Season 17

Featuring national and international news, headline-making investigations, exclusive interviews with celebrities and policymakers, as well as in-depth reporting on a variety of topics.

Where to Watch Season 17

30 Episodes

  • The Pension Revolution
    The Pension RevolutionThis April, the biggest changes in pension rules for a generation promise to deliver unprecedented freedom and choice for millions of people approaching retirement. From the age of 55 onwards - if we want - we’ll be able to empty our entire pension pot and spend, or invest the cash how we see fit. But will this really mean a greater prospect of wealth in our later years, or are there dangers lurking? Fiona Foster investigates.
  • Spotlight - David Cameron
    Spotlight - David CameronThe first of five films painting intimate portraits of the party leaders in the run up to the election. Tom Bradby spends time at Number 10 with David Cameron and his family.
  • Spotlight - Nick Clegg
    Spotlight - Nick CleggSecond of five films painting intimate portraits of the party leaders in the run up to the election. Tom Bradby talks to deputy prime minister Nick Clegg at his home, and at work.
  • Spotlight - Ed Miliband
    Spotlight - Ed MilibandThird of five films painting intimate portraits of the party leaders in the run up to the election. Tom Bradby meets the man who would be prime minister, Ed Miliband, at home, at work and relaxing at the pub. He reveals how the rift with his brother is beginning to heal, and over a pint describes how he wants to change British politics. We see Ed Miliband making brunch for his children, and giving a post-match interview after a bruising PMQs.
  • Spotlight - Nigel Farage
    Spotlight - Nigel FarageJulie Etchingham spends time with UKIP leader Nigel Farage in the countryside and coastal towns where he spent his youth. She talks to him about the experiences that shaped him - taking an in-depth look at the man behind Britain's newest and most controversial major political party. The fourth of five films hosted by News at Ten's Julie Etchingham and political editor Tom Bradby which paint intimate portraits of the party leaders ahead of the 2015 the general election.
  • Spotlight - Nicola Sturgeon
    Spotlight - Nicola SturgeonWith two weeks till polling day, the Tonight series of intimate portraits of all the party leaders reaches the SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon
  • New Players, New Politics?
    New Players, New Politics?Julie Etchingham investigates how smaller political parties could hold the balance of power this election and finds out what drives the politicians leading them. She discusses power and childhood memories with the SNP's Nicola Sturgeon and her husband over breakfast, Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood takes Julie back to her old school to meet the teacher who inspired her politics, and the Green Party's Natalie Bennett talks about her infamous 'brain fade' moment over a coffee.
  • Eat Fat Stay Fit?
    Eat Fat Stay Fit?For years we have been told that saturated fats are bad for our health - but new research suggests this may not actually be right.
  • How to Get into a Good School
    How to Get into a Good SchoolThe Tonight programme examines the measures some parents are resorting to to get their children into a good school.
  • The Air We Breathe
    The Air We BreatheWhen you think of air pollution you may imagine smog filled cities from bygone times, but today our air quality has reached dangerous levels. Much of this pollution is from the dash for diesel and it’s now landed our Government in court. Tonight Fiona Foster investigates why levels are so high and what’s being done to protect the nation’s health from the air we breathe.
  • Coping Without Cops
    Coping Without CopsMany of us have felt the effect of the cuts over the past five years as spending has been reduced for many public services including the police. Since 2010 in England and Wales we’ve lost 17,000 police officers, a quarter of police helicopter bases have closed and some forces have retired almost half of their police dogs. This reduction in budget has led some people to take matters into their own hands. But experts warn that the actions of these people can cause serious problems for police forces under pressure and even make prosecutions more difficult.
  • Alien Invaders
    Alien InvadersBritain is in the grips of an alien invasion, but it’s not little green men and flying saucers that we need to watch out for, but invasive plant and animal species from overseas. It costs the UK economy nearly two billion pounds a year to control invasive 'non-­native' creatures. While some some foreign species are harmless, others pose a real threat to British biodoversity.
  • Alien Invaders
    Alien Invaders
  • Bargains, Budgets & Breadline Britain
    Bargains, Budgets & Breadline BritainWhen the recession hit hard after 2008, unemployment rose, incomes fell, and lots of families began to struggle. Many businesses failed. Others, like discount supermarkets, went from strength to strength. Now the economy has turned a corner, wages are rising and unemployment is falling, but despite this it seems many people are still having to be incredibly careful shopping for the daily essentials like food and clothes. The discount stores are still doing well. In April this year Aldi has replaced Waitrose to become the sixth largest supermarket retailer and Poundland saw their turnover break £1 billion.
  • How Safe is My Summer Holiday?
    How Safe is My Summer Holiday?In light of the recent massacre at a resort in Sousse, Tunisia, where at least 38 people were killed, many Brits may be questioning whether their holiday destinations are a possible target for extremists. Chris Choi investigates how much is really known about the safety of popular tourist hotspots and asks whether vital warnings are being missed.
  • Over the Counter Addiction
    Over the Counter AddictionMore than 900,000 people across the UK could be misusing over-the-counter painkillers containing codeine, a drug derived from morphine, the Tonight programme has found. There are no firm figures about the scale of this problem yet so Tonight commissioned a survey. We asked 2000 people whether they took these drugs, what they used them for and if they took them in accordance with the guidance of 6-8 tablets a day for a maximum of three days.
  • Rent Your Life
    Rent Your LifeFrom your spare room to a seat in your car, that drill that sits in the shed waiting to be used, even the family pet…. Ordinary families across the country are discovering they can make thousands of pounds by renting out their lives on the internet.
  • The Migrant Crisis: Hope and Heartbreak
    The Migrant Crisis: Hope and HeartbreakIt’s a year since Ranvir Singh visited Calais, the French port town at the forefront of what’s been dubbed the worst migration crisis since WW2. Over the last six weeks Tonight has spent time in the Calais camp known as the 'jungle'. We met Maroof, Zubair, and Adil, all three have fled Afghanistan and the lawless rule and persecution of the Taliban and Islamic State. Each night the trio attempt to break into trucks and trains bound for Britain.
  • Britain's Noise Nuisance
    Britain's Noise NuisanceIn "Britain's Noise Nuisance", the Tonight programme looks at a number of projects where concerns have been raised about noise levels for local residents.
  • Growing Old - Care In Crisis
    Growing Old - Care In CrisisPenny Marshall examines the funding crisis affecting standards of home care, which threatens to impact many more than those at the point of care, from families to the NHS itself.
  • Our Kids - Whats the cost?
    Our Kids - Whats the cost?Tonight investigates where the money spent on raising a child from nursery to university goes and advises what families can do to keep the cost down. Duration 28 minutes
  • Cheap Food - Whats the cost?
    Cheap Food - Whats the cost?Jonathan Maitland investigates the real cost of cheap food. It is good news for the consumer, but is it bad news for some British farmers, and is quality being compromised? Duration:30 minutes
  • XXL Britain
    XXL BritainMore people in Britain now die from a bad diet than from smoking. Being overweight can increase the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, some cancers and having a stroke - and medical treatments related to obesity is costing the country billions every year. So why do so many people continue to eat unhealthily? Fiona Foster investigates and looks at a pioneering new drug treatment that could help in the fight against the flab.
  • Diet Fact, Diet Fiction?
    Diet Fact, Diet Fiction?The UK has the highest level of obesity in Western Europe, and in response a billion pound dieting industry has sprung up with a glut of advice on how to lose weight. But there are questions over the effectiveness of some diets: are they based on myths rather than science? And could some diets lead us to cut out important food groups? In Tonight’s programme, Diet Fact: Diet Fiction, Coronation Street’s Cath Tyldesley investigates the diet industry. Cath, who plays the fiery Eva Price in Coronation Street, knows what it’s like to have your image and appearance constantly scrutinised by the public and the media. She’s now a healthy size 10 but back when she was 17, she was a size 22. In Tonight’s programme, Cath meets David and Beverley, who are trying a new programme commissioned by Oxfordshire County Council. Both David and Beverley are currently obese, and have had little success with other diets. However, their current programme aims to deal with their psychological relationship with food, which could help them maintain weight loss. To wade through the mountain of conflicting information on what we should and shouldn’t eat, Cath consulted expert Tim Spector, a Professor of Genetics at Kings College London. After a personal health scare, Tim decided to research into diets, dieting and food.
  • Property The True Cost
    Property The True CostNearly a fifth of all properties in England are classified as social housing, but with a staggering 1.3 million people on the waiting list many fear there’s a housing crisis brewing which could have serious knock on effects for all of us.
  • After Paris, Can We Be Safe?
    After Paris, Can We Be Safe?Julie Etchingham is in Paris to investigate one of the worst terrorist attacks in recent memory, talking to survivors about the terrible events of last Friday night and asking security experts why the city has become so vulnerable to attack. She also questions how the UK Government can keep people safe at home and wonders how to balance freedom and security in a world that is increasingly under threat from terror.
  • How Safe is Meat?
    How Safe is Meat?An English breakfast, bangers and mash, a bacon butty, and the traditional Sunday roast: dishes synonymous with the great British cuisine. But when the World Health Organisation (WHO) recently said that eating processed meat can cause bowel cancer, and red meat probably causes cancer, many people became concerned that their favourite dinners could be harmful to their health. Tonight How Safe is Meat? Examines the evidence behind the WHO’s announcement, and puts the risks of eating meat in context. Reporter Fiona Foster speaks to leading scientists, medical professionals and representatives of the meat industry to find out: do you really need to bin your bacon buttie?
  • Does Work Pay?
    Does Work Pay?We’re told Britain’s economic outlook is brighter than it has been for years, in the first quarter of the year employment rates reached the highest level since records began with 73.5% of the country in work.
  • The Secrets of the Taxi Wars
    The Secrets of the Taxi WarsFor years black taxis and mini cab firms have only ever competed with each other but there is a new kid on the block – a Californian tech giant – that’s trying to take over the streets and its name is Uber.
  • The Secrets of the Taxi Wars
    The Secrets of the Taxi Wars

Cast of Season 17

  • Julie EtchinghamSelf - Host



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