Tomorrow with Tom Snyder

Season 6

Tomorrow is an American late-night television talk show hosted by Tom Snyder. The show aired on NBC from 1973 to 1982 and featured many prominent guests, including Paul McCartney, "Weird Al" Yankovic, Ayn Rand, John Lennon, Jerry Garcia, the Grateful Dead, Ken Kesey, Charles Manson, The Clash, Johnny Rotten, Ramones, and U2. Los Angeles news anchor Kelly Lange, a good friend of Snyder, was the regular substitute guest host.
Where to Watch Season 6
6 Episodes
  • Ward Kimball At Grizzly Flats
    Ward Kimball At Grizzly FlatsHost Tom Snyder's guest is Ward Kimball, a former Disney animator.
  • Meatloaf, Steve Dahl
    Meatloaf, Steve DahlHost Tom Snyder's guests are singer Meatloaf discusses his Platinum Album "Bat Out of Hell." He explains the origin of his name (an epithet unleashed by an angry football coach). He comments on his often violent Texas childhood, his early theatrical roles i.e. in "Hair" and Joe Papps' production of "As You Like It," his song "Paradise by the Dashboard Light" which has narration by Phil Rizzuto, meeting Bill Paley, his water diet and his performance style. Tape shown of Meat Loaf singing, then scenes of the recent anti-disco riot in Comiskey Park. Clip is shown from Meat Loaf's movie "Americathon" in which he kills a car. Disc jockey Steve Dahl of WLUP-FM (Chicago) joins the discussion and explains how his plan to explode a pile of Disco records at a doubleheader intermission turned into a full-scale riot. Dahl inhales helium to sing in a high voice like the Bee Gees then Tom inhales it to say goodnight.
  • White couple adopting black baby
    White couple adopting black baby
  • Author Albert Lowry
    Author Albert Lowry
  • NY Chief Medical Examiner Michael Baden
    NY Chief Medical Examiner Michael Baden
  • Unknown

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