Till Death Us Do Part
Series 2
Alf Garnet is the original of the American TV character Archie Bunker of '"All in the Family" (1971)'. He is a profane, bigoted cockney constantly fighting against the system, his family and the younger generation.
Where to Watch Series 2
10 Episodes
- Peace and GoodwillE1
Peace and GoodwillChristmas lunch in the Garnett household is anything but peaceful as it turns into a debate of politics, the Monarchy, the Monarchy's politics, religion, whether there is a heaven or hell, the fuel to burn the Christmas pudding and a trip to the hospital for Alf to remove a coin he has swallowed accidentally eventually follows in the episode "In Sickness and in Health". - I Can Give it Up Any Time I LikeE3
I Can Give it Up Any Time I LikeThe two men of the household make pledges to give up smoking after Mike catches a cold and is left coughing because of his smoking a cigarette and that of his father-in-law smoking a pipe. It's every man for himself as whoever loses must pledge the savings they make from not smoking to their respective spouses and Mike begins enjoying his new found healthiness from giving up smoking. Alf, however, struggles and is left tempted by both Harold Wilson seen smoking a pipe on TV (a popular image that Wilson cultivated) and Rita and Else both still smoking. Then Alf has a brainwave and makes sure the rest of the household see him smoking his pipe, claiming he is being patriotic by smoking, his logic being that by smoking, he is paying extra tax to support British public services. He takes Else out to dinner on his savings from temporarily giving up smoking. For once, the tables are turned on Mike and Rita, who are both left speechless. - A Woman's Place is in the HomeE6
A Woman's Place is in the HomeAlf comes home late from work and finds that his dinner has burned to a crisp in the oven. Else tells him that Mike is at the chip shop and that if he phones through to him it will not be too late for Alf to place his own order. However Alf is thwarted by others trying to use the phone box. - A Wapping MythologyE7
A Wapping MythologyAlf returns home full of pride having bought a portrait photograph of the Duke of Windsor, he astonishes his family by telling them that his late father was a personal friend and drinking companion of the Duke, and also the Duke is an ardent supporter of Alf's beloved West Ham United. - In Sickness and in HealthE8
In Sickness and in HealthAlf is in hospital for a short stay and he is not a model patient. Uncomfortable with a black nurse, he defies hygiene by trying to clean his pipe out with a syringe. To make matters worse he gets a visit from relatives, something he can truly do without. - Alf's Dilemma (aka Cleaning Up TV)E10
Alf's Dilemma (aka Cleaning Up TV)A quiet afternoon in the Garnett household is the result of Mike and Alf both reading their own new books, and Else and Rita boredly sitting by, wondering what their respective husbands are reading. It transpires that Alf is reading "Cleaning up TV", the book written by the TV morality, anti-swearing, anti-blasphemy, anti-violence campaigner Mary Whitehouse. After ridicule levelled at him from both Mike and Rita ("She's concerned, for the bleedin' moral fibre of the nation!"), whose moral standards are at almost polar opposites from those of Mrs Whitehouse and Mr Garnett, Alf suffers a bout of diarrhoea, which he has been suffering from all day.