The Young Turks
Season 13
A daring, funny, and brutally honest show that covers politics, entertainment, movies, sports, and pop culture.
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300 Episodes
- January 3, 2017 Post GameE3
January 3, 2017 Post GameAna and John talk about the movie, Lion. Ana realized how much perspective that movie gave her. John discusses the humble roots he comes from and despite growing up in poverty, he acknowledges that his situation was still a lot better than 90% of the world. - January 13, 2017 Post GameE27
January 13, 2017 Post GameMalcolm, Steve, & Dave talk whether Disneyland is the happiest or crappiest place on Earth. Malcolm’s Weekly Whirled News featuring indigenous rights leaders killed in Colombia, Namibia suing German government, Moroccan government’s ban, Turkmenistan cracking down on journalism, and what a Vietnamese man got removed from his abdomen. - January 27, 2017 Post GameE57
January 27, 2017 Post GameSteve, Irma, Asher, and Gigi watch a hilarious Dutch video inviting Trump to visit the Netherlands. They discuss the benefits of knowing another language, the importance of the Women’s March, and Steve’s man-trip to Charleston. Also, stick to the end to watch Steve’s awkward love advice. - February 3, 2017 Post GameE72
February 3, 2017 Post GameBrett Erlich (replacing the beloved Steve Oh) makes a special guest appearance on the FPG with the usual hosts, Malcolm and Dave. The trio play the standard FPG games: Totally True or Totally Bullshit (TTOTB) and Weekly Whirled News.Malcolm also introduces a new segment on how to spot an American abroad. - March 3, 2017 Post GameE131
March 3, 2017 Post GameMalcolm, Dave, Steve, and former Baltimore cop, Michael Wood hosting. Dave’s obituaries including Mildred Dresselhaus, Queen of Carbon. Michael Wood talks about some crooked cops he attended the Academy today and indictments in Baltimore. The trio play Weekly Whirled News with stories from Nicaragua, Cambodia, Ecuador, Tanzania, and Austria. - March 24, 2017 Post GameE176
March 24, 2017 Post GameSteve Oh, Irma Brito, Gigi Manukyan, and Michael Wood present the Friday PRE-game with smuggled Armenian vodka and Steve’s bougie French press coffee. Steve brags about his college party days. Gigi gives an Armenian history lesson. Michael shares a funny poop story. Irma reads some great and not-so-great Friday PG comments. - March 28, 2017 Hour 1E180
March 28, 2017 Hour 1Trump’s Russia investigation tweets. O’Reilly’s Maxine Waters comments. Fox News CFO offered immunity to testify against Aisles. Kayleigh McEnany’s false Obama comments. Dems against Gorsuch filibuster. Yates testimony blocked. Nunes won’t step down. Russian protests. - March 31, 2017 Hour 1E189
March 31, 2017 Hour 1Hosted by Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, John Iadarola and Jimmy Dore. Flynn asking for immunity. Chaffetz not worried Trump will gain financially from presidency. CT bill would allow police to put deadly weapons on drones. Anaversary! TX lawmaker blames deep state for fraud charges. - March 31, 2017 Post GameE191
March 31, 2017 Post GameMalcolm, Dave, and Steve share some anecdotes in light of Ana’s 10-year TYT anniversary. Dave Koller gives another cheery obituary, while Malcolm tests Steve’s and Dave’s international news knowledge. Will Steve continue his losing streak? The trio also spread false news about Michael Wood. - April 3, 2017 Hour 1E192
April 3, 2017 Hour 1Cenk hosting. Neil Gorsuch hearings are still ongoing. Democrat Joe Donnelly isn’t putting up a fight. Cenk says that what Donnelly is doing is not going to make people want to vote for Dems because he’s saying the Dems are wrong. Cenk presents “Stand” poll and “No Gorsuch” poll. Dems have decided they’re going to filibuster Neil Gorsuch, and they have the numbers to do so. Republican senators criticize Dems for this. Cenk says GOP only like and respected filibustering when it benefitted them. GOP acts as though the Dems are going to make the GOP take away the filibuster. Even mainstream media is stating this and blaming Dems. Bernie Sanders has started an online show, racking up millions of views. The mainstream media hasn’t covered any of it. Bernie talks about issues like voter fraud and climate change. Five women who claimed Bill O’Reilly had sexually assaulted have settled lawsuits with him. Roger Ailes has settled lawsuits with 6 women with similar claims. O’Reilly doesn’t deny these things happened, but rather hides behind his children, despite the fact that he was barely ever there for his children when they were growing up. Cenk goes over the allegations made by the women who accused O’Reilly of sexually harassing them. Megyn Kelly says the environment of Fox News was setup to isolate accusers. Cenk read the transcript of O’Reilly’s phone sex calls, then continues describes the accounts of the victims. Russian subway attack kills 11 and injures 40 in St. Petersburg. Putin was visiting the city during the attack. Former National Security Adviser, Susan Rice, requested the identities of people in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign. If she had done this for political reasons, she could get in trouble. It would however be hard to prove what her intent was. - April 3, 2017 Hour 2E193
April 3, 2017 Hour 2Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur hosting. Cenk reads names of donors and promotes Aspiration Bank. New sexual harassment lawsuit filed against Fox News and Roger Ailes. Julie Roginsky alleged that Ailes commented on her personal life and attractiveness and ‘insisted on a kiss ‘hello’ during private meetings with Roginsky. When she refused his advances, Roginsky alleged, Ailes refused to meet with her and took her out of regular rotation on Fox’s “The Five.” Like O’Reilly, Ailes offers women success in their work in exchange for sexual relations. Judge will not drop lawsuit against Trump for inciting violence during rallies. The judge said that Trump urging his supporters to get certain audience members at his rally “out of here” made him partially responsible for the violence that ensued. More than 100 gay men have been detained and at least three have been killed by authorities in Chechnya, according to a Russian newspaper. Not only did Chechen leader deny such events, but he claimed that there are now gay people in Russia. Cenk reads tweets and donor names for journalism drive. He goes over the results of recent polls issued by TYT. New York Times reporter went to Arkansas to see how Trump supporters felt about his budget cut, and whether or not it affected their support for him. While they are upset about the budget cuts, they said they would still vote for Trump again. Reasons range from the fact that liberals continuously call Trump supporters call them stupid, so they want to stay steadfast in their beliefs against them, to those who want to give Trump more time and see where things go. California is proposing legislation that would make the state a “sanctuary city” for marijuana. Assembly Bill 1578 would bar cooperation by police in the state with federal authorities seeking to bust marijuana growers and sellers operating legally under California law. - April 4, 2017 Hour 1E195
April 4, 2017 Hour 1Cenk hosting. Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Keith Ellison, and Pramila Jayapal are trying to pass a bill that would provide free college for students of families making less than a $125,000 a year. Cenk says that it’s things like this that makes Bernie Sanders the most popular politicians in America. If Democrats fought for issues like this, they would be much more popular among their constituents, and it would be a great investment in future generations. Donald Trump halted all U.S. grants to the United Nations Population Fund, an international humanitarian aid organization that provides reductive health care and works to end child marriage and female genital cutting more than 150 countries. Cenk says this move illustrates that Trump and the Republicans don’t actually care about women. In 2016, the funding provided access to contraceptives to 800,000 people around the world and prevented an estimated 100,000 unsafe abortions and 10,000 maternal deaths, according to the organization. Mike Pence has presented a new healthcare bill to the Freedom Caucus that cuts the Obamacare mandate that would require insurers to cover people with pre-existing conditions. Ditching those protections would let insurers charge exorbitant rates for people with pre-existing conditions while also offering plans that don’t offer key services, like maternity care, hospitalization or lab services. The United Arab Emirates arranged a secret meeting in January between Blackwater founder Erik Prince and a Russian close to President Vladimir Putin as part of an apparent effort to establish a back-channel line of communication between Moscow and President-elect Donald Trump, according to U.S., European and Arab officials. While Prince refrained from playing a direct role in the Trump transition, his name surfaced so frequently in internal discussions that he seemed to function as an outside adviser whose opinions were valued on a range of issues, including plans for overhauling the - April 4, 2017 Hour 2E196
April 4, 2017 Hour 2Ana and Cenk hosting. Cenk reads tweets and new donation drive donors. Some Trumps supporters are finally starting to experience buyer’s remorse, especially individuals who will be displaced because of the placement of the border wall through the use of eminent domain. Ana talks about how she feels bad for the people who will be displaced because of Trump’s wall. Cenk has no sympathy. Thousands of landowners may have to either sell their land to the government, or “stay and live in changed circumstances.” 80% of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents hate the new Internet Service Provider law. Cenk discusses how Trump doesn’t actually care about his constituents. Ana says there is a problem of willful ignorance among the electorate. 74% of the public thinks Trump should veto the ISP bill. The Trump administration wants to increase vetting by asking for people’s mobile devices and even their social media account passwords. Cenk says this will decrease tourism in the US even more. According to the Wall Street Journal, questions under consideration now include whether visa applicants believe in so-called honor killings, how they view the treatment of women in society, whether they value the ‘sanctity of human life’ and who they view as a legitimate target in a military operation. Cenk reads tweets. Trump is taking away workplace protections, most of which will affect women. Trump’s order undoes paycheck transparency and a ban on forced arbitration clauses for sexual harassment, sexual assault or discrimination claims — which helped women workers remain safe on the job. While people thought Ivanka Trump would be a champion of women within Trumps administration, she has failed to do so. Cenk and Ana say she is complicit to his administration because she is voluntarily working for it and not speaking against the issues the administration is perpetrating against women. A WWII vet has come out at the age of 90 as a transgender woman. The only per - April 4, 2017 Post GameE197
April 4, 2017 Post GameCenk and Ana hosting. Ana talks about the necklace TYT gave her for her 10-year anniversary on the show. She doesn’t wear jewelry much, but she loves this necklace because it means so much to her. She then talks about how she feels like she’s losing her edge in life. She doesn’t understand why young people wear so many rings on their fingers. Cenk talks about Hasan Piker, and how his social media presence is expanding, especially on Facebook. He wears lots of rings and Cenk doesn’t get it. Ana says she misses the days where she was younger and would do slightly crazier things in life. She has a cousin who’s about 7 years younger, and she’s disappointed that he’d never heard of the Pony Song. Cenk says he stopped listening to the radio because he hates the ads. Ana says she will charge the things she needs on her credit card, and then get points after she pays it. Ana loves reading disclosure agreements. Ana and Cenk talk about certain protections and strategies you can use to get yourself out of debt. - April 5, 2017 Hour 1E198
April 5, 2017 Hour 1Cenk and John is hosting. There are 45 companies that are pull back because of Bill O’Reilly because of sexual harassment factor. North Korea did another missile test. Yesterday Syria there was chemical attack, many of them were children. This was the worst chemical attack ever in Syria. Trump blames Obama for Syria attacks. Trump said that he will carry out the responsible of Syria. According to Trump’s twitter, he was tell Obama not do nothing with Syria. Trump said this attack crossed many lines. His mind has been about Assad. Nikki Haley speak out on deadly Syria chemical attack. Russia is responsible for chemical weapons. Steven Bannon has been kicked out of NSC. Bannon move come alongside a broader NSC shake -up the restores the traditional roles and power of the chairman of Joint Chief of Staff. Bannon tried to portray his removal in the positive possible light. McMaster has also told the NSC staff that he opposed the term radical Islamic terrorism. Because it mistakenly implies the militants are being true to religion. Senator Jeff Merekly filibuster on Gorsuch. He spoke for 15 hours. Trump can withdraw money from his Trust with no plenty. He is going to give his business to his sons. His lawyer said he is isolating himself from his business. In the paper work his able to communicate with his son about withdrawing money, yet he will communicating with his son about businesses. - April 5, 2017 Hour 2E199
April 5, 2017 Hour 2Cenk and Ana is hosting. The public service job program is to suppose to help out Student who have student loan however the program to wipe out student loans isn’t going to cancel the debt . The federal government approved this program in the 2007. The borrower has filed a lawsuit. Several women filed lawsuit against Judith Slater from Fox News to due racism discrimination. Several women discuss their encounter with Judith Slater’s racial acts. Teen got accepted to Stanford for writing Black Live Matter 100 times at application, but it was part of the essay. The teen has done impressive thing in his community. He was accepted to other Top School. Also, he started a nonprofit organization. Pepsi pull an ad. Show attractive people holding milquetoast sigh non nonspecific please like join the conversation. Kendrall Jenner sparks outrage by mocking a protest that occur. Kendrall offers a Pepsi to a police officer gratefully accepts it however that doesn’t happen in protest. Honey Boo Boo’s mother lost 300 pounds with surgery and plastic surgery. - April 5, 2017 Post GameE200
April 5, 2017 Post GameAna got a spray tan for her wedding. Cenk talks about Pepsi commerical and Pepsi had to apologize to Kendrall Jenner. Cenk is disguised the apology. Koreatown is popular right now to due upcoming establishment. Cenk got spanked 3 times by his father. There was a lot of discrimination in Armenia. Different groups in Armenia would discriminate with each other. Ana’s mother was whooped by her mother because she throw a chair at a teacher, however the reason she did that is because the teacher insult her mother. Nevertheless, her mother got a wooping because she disrespected a teacher. Some Armenia like Trump because he has some ties to Russia. Turkey is 99 percent muslims. Ana want to visit Armenia however she doesn’t want to go Istanbul. - April 6, 2017 Hour 1E201
April 6, 2017 Hour 1Cenk is hosting. Trump promises to build an impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful, beautiful southern border wall. Homeland Security Secretary says many parts of the wall will actually be a high-tech, monitored fence. It will be some sort of “physical barrier”. Nunes will no longer be involved in the Russian probe investigation. Nunes says the claims against him are baseless, but will be stepping down from the investigation anyway. Conaway claims that Democrats inviting a Mexican band to perform after a Las Vegas presidential debate is just as bad as the GOP colluding with the Russians to influence the election. CNN reporter claims that progressives want to apply a “litmus test” for Dems to make sure they support single-payer healthcare. He claims that Democrats who live in states and districts that were carried in 2016 by Trump are certain to be sensitive to the political risks of supporting what Republicans call socialized medicine. He makes this assumption despite plenty of evidence that almost two thirds of Americans are for single-payer healthcare. Cenk urges people to sign the Justice Democrats petition to fight for medicare for all. Cenk thanks members and reads out tweets. He talks about our recent victory in New Mexico to get money out of politics. Wolf PAC has over 35,000 volunteers. Common Cause is using their lobbyists to fight our efforts to try to get a constitutional convention to repeal Citizens United. Their plan is to nickel and dime the effort to get money out of politics. They’re lobbyists are crushing the efforts of Wolf PAC’s volunteers. Common Cause called Wolf Pac “Far Left” and Cenk a “Left-wing political commentator”. Cenk asks viewers to sign a petition saying they’ll never support organizations like Common Cause that fight against having a convention to get money out of politics. They’re idea is that status quo is better than having a convention. Cenk shows a video of Wolf-PAC volunteers who fought to get a vot - April 6, 2017 Hour 2E202
April 6, 2017 Hour 2Ana and Cenk are hosting. Cenk reads tweets. A woman in a restaurant get mad at couple for kissing in a restaurant. Ana commends the couple for keeping their cool during the whole situation. It turns out the woman began having mental issues starting in her early 20’s. She is also employed as a camgirl. Cenk and Ana hope the woman is able to get the mental health help she needs. The husband of a woman who voted for Trump has officially been deported. They told him to get his stuff, get in the back of a van, and drove him away. He didn’t even have a chance to speak to his lawyer. Cenk and Ana don’t feel bad for this woman because she chose to vote for Trump. Evangelical Christians are now reconsidering their support for Trump. Cenk reads tweets. Rahm Emanuel doesn’t believe students should be able to graduate from high school unless you get a letter of acceptance from a college, community college, trade school, or the military. Ana says she doesn’t think politicians understand how difficult it is to even apply for colleges for a lot of people. Cenk thinks it might be a better idea to have kids assigned to a college counselor who help students figure out their plans for the future. Forcing people to apply and getting accepted into college is wrong. Ana and Cenk give Emanuel credit for Chicago’s community college program. Russia has banned a picture of Vladmir Putin in drag. Ana talks about the problem of having male politicians like Trump need their ego stroked constantly. - April 7, 2017 Hour 1E204
April 7, 2017 Hour 1John, Cenk, Alonzo, and Jimmy are hosting with Jayar on the side. The US has launched 59 tomahawk cruise missiles into the Syrian airbase where the chemical attack on Syrian civilians was supposedly based. About 6 Syrian military personnel were killed. A drone belonging either to Russia or Syria was seen hovering over the site of the chemical weapons attack Tuesday after it happened. The drone returned late in the day as citizens were going to a nearby hospital for treatment. Shortly afterward, officials say the hospital was bombed. The officials say they believe the hospital attack may have been an effort to cover up evidence of the attack. Cenk says that the US attacks and kills Syrian civilians all the time. The U.N., the media, etc. selectively decide what they are going to get outraged by. A number of people decided to get outraged at this particular time for some particular reason. There are plenty of other outrageous events to get outraged over. Russia has warned the U.S. over interfering with Syria again. John says that even with Trump having a senate that is very friendly to him and will always take his side, he still doesn’t trust their judgment. Cenk talks about how hypocritical Republicans are who were very critical of Obama interfering in Syria, who are now fine with Trump doing the same thing. Bombing the Syrian government is not part of the 2001 Use of Force Agreement. Alonzo says we’re doing this to show people how “strong” we are. Jimmy says that he’s skeptical about the reasons for the Syrian chemical attack, and that he doesn’t trust the government. Cenk’s theory is that the Russians and Trump worked on doing this together, because all Russia cares about are the sanctions. They don’t want to think the U.S. and the Russians are buddies, so Trump will bomb Syria and then the Russias can act mad. Jimmy agrees. The panel is glad that this was only a “fake” attack by the U.S., or at least one that wasn’t meant to do any real damag - April 7, 2017 Hour 2E205
April 7, 2017 Hour 2Ana, Cenk, Jimmy, and Amberia are hosting. Cenk reads tweets. The O’Reilly Factor ended 15 minutes early on Thursday. Ana supposes that it could be because of so many advertisers backing out. They cut to a “breaking news” story that was already announced, but they didn’t play the O’Reilly Factor re-run later in the night like they usually do. Ana says it’s ridiculous that they are speculating over whether O’Reilly’s career is over. He’s sexually assaulted so many women, and the network doesn’t seem to care. Cenk talks about how in the old days, boss’s got away with sexually assaulting their employees and threatening to fire them if they refuse their advances. Alabama governor not only had an affair, but he used public funds to continue on with that affair. Now, the state is calling to impeach him, but he’s fighting tooth and nail to remain in office. Ana says she doesn’t care that he’s having the affair. The problem is that he was using public funds to aid his affair. Cenk said the problem is that he’s been lying. Cenk doesn’t buy Bentley saying he “found Jesus” and has sought forgiveness. Twitter is suing the Trump administration, who is trying to reveal the identity of a Twitter account of someone who is supposedly in the government relating to immigration policy. The panel hopes Trump’s supporters will be against Trump in this because if there’s what the the alt-right loves, it’s freedom of speech. Ana says what Trump is doing is similar to what Putin does in Russia, like having the Russian government ban a picture of Putin in makeup/drag. Facebook has developed a system to prevent revenge porn from being posted. The system will prevent porn from being reposted by assessing videos like YouTube does with Content ID. The panel is concerned about how this database will be handled. - April 10, 2017 Hour 1E207
April 10, 2017 Hour 1John and Ana are hosting. There was a murder-suicide at a San Bernardino elementary school. Huge distances of the Great Barrier Reef are now bleached. Egypt has imposed a state of emergency after a series of church bombings on Palm Sunday. Following a meeting with Chinese president, Trump said he made “tremendous progress” on a number of issues. The Chinese state-run news agency said the syrian bombings were that of a “weakened man who wanted to flex his muscles.” Nikki Haley says there will be large consequences to the Assad regime. Ana says Russia will probably take no part in getting Assad out of office or supporting a regime change. Rex Tillerson believes it is up to the people of Syria to decide whether or not they want regime change, not the U.S. John says that the Syrian people have lost this ability largely due to Russian interference. Ana believes that there’s not way Trump will be able to unite his administration to make unified decisions on what to do in Syria. Ana questions the judgment of those who say Trump firing the missiles makes him look “presidential”. John reads tweets. Donald Trump may have profited from the Syrian missile strikes in Syria. He may have sold his Raytheon stocks between 2015 and now, but we don’t know that. Even if Trump personally doesn’t own these stocks anymore, there’s no doubt those close to him do. Ana says anyone who invests in stocks and wants to see their investments grow, the best stock to invest in to make money is in military weaponry. John says we need to fight for more transparency in Trump’s financially dealings, and mentioned the marches going on on Tax Day against Trump. Ana says many people don’t realize how dangerous Trump’s conflicts of interest can be, especially when it comes to military decisions. Many of Trump’s supporters are blaming Trump’s attacking Syria on the Jews. Ana says she doesn’t understand how someone like Alex Jones can claim to be anti-government while he wo - April 10, 2017 Hour 2E208
April 10, 2017 Hour 2Ana and John are hosting. John reads tweets. United Airlines dragged a man off a flight who refused to give up his seats since the flight was overbooked. They show a video that was filmed of the incident. Ana is frustrated by this situation because people, despite buying plane tickets, get kicked off flights all the time, because flights always overbook. John says this video perfectly illustrate the relation between regular people and corporations in this country. 20th Century Fox agrees to investigate the sexual harassment claims against Bill O’Reilly. The investigation comes after a complaint made to the company’s corporate phone line by a former frequent guest on Fox News. John and Ana don’t think the statements made by Fox News over the issue are sincere and genuine. O’Reilly’s viewership has increased substantially since these allegations were released. Ana reads tweets. Fox and Friends hosts a segment on how to clean your home, featuring women in tight dresses. Ana says it’s ridiculous for a news show to teach you how to clean. The songs “Yakkety Yak” is playing in the background as they clean, a song telling women to shut up and clean or they won’t get money to spend. It’s especially creepy when one of the hosts says he’s going to enjoy watching the women clean. Ana says this is especially problematic in the midst of Fox News dealing with Bill O’Reilly and Roger Ailes’ sexual harassment allegations. British Columbia has made an amendment to a law, now banning companies from requiring employees to wear heels to work. Ana recounts her own experience in work where she was expected to look/dress a certain way. Florida police officer, in an effort to scare heroin dealers, made an interesting video and posted it to their Facebook page. Ana says that the opioid epidemic is a serious problem, and this video does nothing to help solve the problem. It makes a joke of it. More than 400 architects have submitted plans for Trump’s border wal - April 12, 2017 Post GameE215
April 12, 2017 Post GameAna and Brett’s legalizing pot debate. Brett explains why at the time he did not care for legalizing marijuana. Ana lists the reasons why she was so dependent on marijuana last year. Ana and Brett share their thoughts on producing Facebook Originals. - April 14, 2017 Post GameE221
April 14, 2017 Post GameSteve Oh & Dave Koller drink London gin brought back from their FAVORITE TYT employee. Steve Oh gives a shout out to Aspiration Bank and talks about upcoming projects. Dave reads his cheery obituaries, while Steve brags about his daughter. Steve also reads his favorite comment from the AP comment section. - April 18, 2017 Post GameE227
April 18, 2017 Post GameCenk talks about his physics teacher’s story with the Turkish commander he met in combat during the Korean War. He shares another story featuring Turks and the Korean War involving Steve Oh’s father. The conversation shifts to how Cenk explains his job to his kids. - April 21, 2017 Post GameE236
April 21, 2017 Post GameMalcolm, Dave, and Steve share some dank 4/20 memories. Steve’s reads member feedback on who to send to cover the refugee camps. Malcolm gives a Niger Delta Avengers update. Dave shares another cheery obituary. Weekly Whirled News: Chile, Canada, Nigeria, Lesotho, and Scotland. TTOTB featuring two of America’s favorite neo-Nazis: Bill O’Reilly and Steve Bannon. - April 27, 2017 Post GameE247
April 27, 2017 Post GameAna talks about the Cuban stereotypes because of Scarface. The conversation shifts to the best and worst of Quentin Tarantino films. Ana explains why she can’t watch extremely violent films anymore. Brett breaks down the increasing violence in day-time television. Ana’s and Brett’s favorite TV shows. - April 28, 2017 Post GameE250
April 28, 2017 Post GameA solo Dave Koller for today’s pre-recorded Post Game. Dave critiques Cenk on French politics. He also reads his favorite cheery newspaper obituaries and shares his excitement for a new obituary documentary. And it wouldn’t be a Dave Koller Post Game without some Latin American news. - May 1, 2017 Hour 2E252
May 1, 2017 Hour 2Hannah Cranston, Brett Erlich, & Francis Maxwell. “Stealthing.” Trump cuts Michelle Obama’s girl’s education program. Federal court ruling on women’s pay. FB targets emotionally vulnerable youth. Students harming themselves citing “13 Reasons Why.” Showing butts in landscape photos. - May 23, 2017 Hour 1E299
May 23, 2017 Hour 1Manchester bombing details. James Woolsey blames Obama for Manchester terrorism. Trump asks the Director of National Intelligence to stop the Comey investigation. John Brennan says intel shows enough evidence of collusion between Russia and Trump to concern him. Justice Democrats announces four new candidates. Melania avoids Trump’s hand again. - May 23, 2017 Hour 2E300
May 23, 2017 Hour 2Neo-Nazi converts to islam, murders his white supremacist friends after they mock his conversion. Leaked Facebook guidelines say posts about “beating up fat kids” are okay. Trump’s tax breaks will screw over education. Man had hand sewn into stomach during surgery. Sologamy, or marrying yourself, is now a thing.