The Young Turks

Season 10

A daring, funny, and brutally honest show that covers politics, entertainment, movies, sports, and pop culture.

Where to Watch Season 10

75 Episodes

  • Hour 1 & 2
    Hour 1 & 2Is Voter Fraud A Major Problem? (Poll), Anti-Abortion Crisis Pregnancy Centers Thriving In Texas, Ice in Antarctica Proves 'Global Cooling', says Fox Host
  • Hour 1 & 2
    Hour 1 & 2Yes, a 52-Year-Old Politician Can Evolve on Gay Marriage, Most Americans Think Life Will Suck In 2050, Could This NSA Computer Destroy Your Privacy?
  • Hour 1 & 2
    Hour 1 & 2Prayer In Public Schools Pushed By Southern Democrats, New Fitness Trend = Workout Wear Fridays, How Does Emotion Change Our Bodies
  • Hour 1 & 2
    Hour 1 & 2Do You Believe In Pasta? This [Ballsy] Politician Does, What Obama Doesn't Want Latinos To Know, Is This The Dumbest Talking Point Ever?
  • Hour 1 & 2
    Hour 1 & 2The Book Causing Drama at The Whitehouse and All of Washington, Traffic Revenge Scandal: Do You Believe Chris Christie?, Did The Liberal Media Create The Polar Vortex?
  • Hour 1 & 2
    Hour 1 & 2Do Women Have Babies To Get Welfare?, Chris Christie Bridge Scandal Growing, Shocking That Fox News Wants To Bury This Story
  • Hour 1 & 2
    Hour 1 & 2Bridgegate Lawsuit - Chris Christie Apologizes, Is Chris Christie A Bully? Watch This Mashup Before You Decide, War on Poverty 'Handouts' Encouraged Women to Stay Single and Pop Out Babies?
  • Hour 1 & 2
    Hour 1 & 2Toothache Healed By TV Preacher?, O'Reilly Calls The Daily Show Audience Stoners and Slackers, Shocking Abuse of Mentally Ill Prisoners
  • Hour 1 & 2
    Hour 1 & 2Why This Ruling On Net Neutrality Is A Disaster, It's Official: IRS Scandal Is Complete BS, Proof Mormons Love Gangnam Style Too
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  • Hour 1 & 2
    Hour 1 & 2Cenk, John, and Jimmy Dore hosting. Late Breaking News: The environmental impact study on the Keystone Pipeline is in, and it says that there isn’t much of an impact on the environment if its passed. Ana joins Cenk and Jimmy for SCS. Talk about whether or not Cenk should wear TYT t-shirts under suit jackets.
  • Hour 1 & 2
    Hour 1 & 2Cenk hosting. Taking time to brag about how the Broncos were beaten and how Cenk won some money back by betting against Peyton Manning. Chris Christie was booed at a couple of events surrounding the Super Bowl in NJ.
  • Hour 1 & 2
    Hour 1 & 2Cenk hosting. WolfPAC news. After a setback, our California organizer/volunteer regrouped and had the bill reintroduced, where it passed the State House vote. Our deficit has reached its lowest since Obama entered office at $680 billion, down from the $1.2 trillion that Bush left for him. The 2014 deficit is projected to drop to $514 billion.
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    Hour 1 & 2John and Ana hosting. Bill Nye debated Ken Ham last night about creationism vs evolution. A reporter had some creationism believers from the audience write up a sentence or two of what they want to say to believers in evolution.
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    Hour 1 & 2Hour 1 with Jimmy and Ben. That is all.
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    Hour 1 & 2Cenk hosting today. The man that played McGruff the Crime Dog has been sentenced to 16 years in prison for drug and weapons charges. He was stopped for speeding in 2011 when a drug sniffing dog discovered that he had extensive marijuana growing blueprints. A search of his home found 1000 weed plants, 9000 rounds of ammo, 27 weapons, and a grenade launcher. Videos of some old McGruff commercials.
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    Hour 1 & 2Cenk hosting today. Update on the Scott Walker/Reagan story from yesterday when he claimed to have voted for Reagan when he was 17 years old. Marco Rubio dodged the question of whether or not he’s ever smoked marijuana while legislating against legalizing it. Rep Boehner announced today that the Republicans will agree to a clean debt limit increase.
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    Hour 1 & 2Cenk hosting today. Comcast buying Time Warner is the issue of discussion, and the fear of monopoly over what goes on air. Mass protests in Turkey over government censorship of the internet, and trials against generals who supposedly were trying to start a coupe. The government used pepper spray water cannons against protesters and reporters.
  • Hour 1 & 2
    Hour 1 & 2Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, Ben Mankiewicz, and Cara Santa Maria all on today’s power panel. Norwegian mass-murderer Anders Brelvik is threatening a hunger strike until his demands of better prison conditions are met. This is in Norway which already has one of the most lenient corrections system in the world.
  • Hour 1 & 2
    Hour 1 & 2Michael Dunn guilty of attempted murder on the Black kids he didn’t kill while shooting into their car for playing loud music. On the count of murder of the kid he did kill, the jury was hung. Stand your ground was evoked even though Dunn admitted to his fiancee that he never believed to see a weapon on the victims.
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    Hour 1 & 2Republican Gregg Abbott is running for governor in Texas, who has a history of fighting for child sexual assault victims, is inviting known pedophile Ted Nugent to campaign alongside him. A VH1 documentary outlined how he had an addiction to young girls.
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    Hour 1 & 2Cenk hosting. The Net Neutrality debate is back after bad news from several months ago after Tom Wheeler of the FCC stood up for a free and open internet. A push to restore voting rights for ex-felons that served their prison time has come forward due to the urging of Eric Holder and Rand Paul.
  • Hour 1 & 2
    Hour 1 & 2Cenk Uygur hosting from TYT Headquarters. Things are only getting worse in the Ukraine protests. The death count is now over 100 people. 67 police officers have been captured. There seems to be significant violent action on both sides and things seem to be spinning out of control and toward civil war. Massive protests are also occurring in Venezuela.
  • Hour 1 & 2
    Hour 1 & 2Cenk, Ben, John, and RJ Eskow hosting. The violence in the Ukraine appears to be coming to an end as the opposition and government are coming to an agreement. Pictures of the degree of damage after the fighting and fires.
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    Hour 1 & 2Cenk hosting. Rep John Dingell, the longest serving Congressman in American history is retiring. Cenk goes through the amazing facts surrounding Dingell. A new deal has been reached between Netflix and Comcast which requires Netflix to pay Comcast a huge amount of money to still have their same rate of service for their customers.
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    Hour 1 & 2Cenk hosting today. Pressure to veto the religious freedom bill is coming down hard on Arizona governor Jan Brewer from businesses. Cenk thinks this is a clear indication that she will definitely veto the bill, as money is what truly runs the Republican Party.
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