With the Forsaken loose in the world, the heroes of the Light must chart their own courses and muster hidden strengths as they face the Darkness within themselves.
To Race the ShadowThe fate of the world rests on Moiraine and Egwene's ability to save Rand al'Thor, the Dragon Reborn, from the corrupting influence of his immense powers before he is consumed by the Dark One's taint.
A Question of Crimson
A Question of CrimsonA dangerous visitor comes to the White Tower. Perrin returns home. Rand and Egwene forge their own path under Moiraine’s watchful eye.
Seeds of Shadow
Seeds of ShadowNynaeve and Elayne are given a deadly mission. Perrin learns the consequences of his rage. Lanfear begins to play a dangerous game.
Thu, Mar 20
The Road to the SpearRand faces the forgotten history of his family as Moiraine learns the devastating truth of her future.
Mar 27
Tel’aran’rhiodEgwene learns Rand's dark secret. Perrin stages a daring rescue. Nynaeve, Elayne, Mat, and Min hunt the Black Ajah.
Apr 3
The Shadow in the NightWith the Forsaken loose in the world, the heroes of the Light must chart their own courses and muster hidden strengths as they face the Darkness within themselves.
Apr 10
GoldeneyesWith the Forsaken loose in the world, the heroes of the Light must chart their own courses and muster hidden strengths as they face the Darkness within themselves.
Apr 17
He Who Comes with the DawnWith the Forsaken loose in the world, the heroes of the Light must chart their own courses and muster hidden strengths as they face the Darkness within themselves.
Cast of Season 3
Rosamund PikeMoiraine Damodred
Daniel Henneyal'Lan Mandragoran
Josha StradowskiRand al'Thor
Zoë RobinsNynaeve al'Meara
Madeleine MaddenEgwene al'Vere
Marcus RutherfordPerrin Aybara
Dónal FinnMat Cauthon
Ceara CoveneyElayne Trakand
Natasha O'KeeffeLanfear
Ayoola SmartAviendha
Kae AlexanderMin Farshaw
Kate FleetwoodLiandrin Guirale
Sophie OkonedoSiuan Sanche
Priyanka BoseAlanna Mosvani
Taylor NapierMaksim
Jennifer Cheon GarciaLeane Sharif
Hammed AnimashaunLoial
Meera SyalVerin Mathwin
Jay DuffyDain Bornhald
Laia CostaMoghedien
Olivia WilliamsQueen Morgase Trakand
Shohreh AghdashlooElaida do Avriny a’Roihan
Isabella BucceriFaile Bashere
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