Follows a Turkish agent working under the assumed identity of Polat Alemdar attempting to infiltrate the Turkish mafia.
Where to Watch Season 2
35 Episodes
Episode 21
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 28
Episode 29
Episode 29
Episode 30
Episode 30
Episode 31
Episode 31
Episode 32
Episode 32
Episode 33
Episode 33
Episode 34
Episode 34
Episode 35
Episode 35
Episode 36
Episode 36After Cakir executes Tombalaci Mehmet, the Wolves Council questions Cakir and Polat's place in the underworld. Karahanli orders Cakir to head the Istanbul mafia in order to learn the mystery behind Polat.
Episode 37
Episode 37Suleyman Cakir became the head of the Istanbul mafia. A meeting is held with the crime bosses in Istanbul, but the organized crime organization "Cerrahpasas", which does not respect Cakir, will cause trouble.
Episode 38
Episode 38Cakir's crew changes the order of the drug trade belonging to the Cerrahpasas' crew. In the Cakir-Cerrahpasas mob conflict initiated by Polat, the balances change in the Istanbul mafia.
Episode 39
Episode 39
Episode 40
Episode 40The drug trafficking belonging to Necmi, who is a member of the wolves council, has been affected by the mob war between Cakir and Halit. Due to this war, various problems will befall the crime bosses in the underworld in Istanbul.
Episode 41
Episode 41
Episode 42
Episode 42Cerrahpasa gang organizes various attacks on Cakir's places. Polat and Abdulhey went to a coffee house in the Cerrahpasa gang's area to intimidate.
Episode 43
Episode 43After the assassination attempt against Karahanli is prevented by Aslan Akbey's operation, there is internal turmoil in the Wolves Council. Karahanli conveys his decision to Testere Necmi about the Cakir-Cerrahpasas gang war.
Episode 44
Episode 44
Episode 45
Episode 45After Cerrahpasa gang leader Halit's armed attack, Cakir fights for his life in the hospital. Polat decides to go to the crime bosses of Istanbul's underworld.
Episode 46
Episode 46With the death of Cakir, Polat's murder of six crime bosses in one night left a shock effect in the underworld of Istanbul.
Episode 47
Episode 47After Laz Ziya's genius move, the Wolves Council determined Polat's fate. The hostility between Testere Necmi and Polat will intensify.
Episode 48
Episode 48Laz Ziya and Hüsrev Agha accuse Testere Necmi of treason. The Wolves Council has to make a decision about Testere Necmi.
Episode 49
Episode 49Polat finds the mole in Aslan Akbey's secret organization. Polat makes a plan for Kirkor Terzioglu the moneylender, who is the source of millions of dollars transferred to Cakir's bank account.
Episode 50
Episode 50The narcotic seizure of the drug-laden ship "Lucky-S" and the allegations about Cakir confused the Wolves Council. The conflict between Polat and Testere Necmi has now turned into a serious animosity.
Episode 51
Episode 51
Episode 52
Episode 52
Episode 53
Episode 53
Episode 54
Episode 54
Episode 55
Episode 55
Cast of Season 2
Necati ŞaşmazPolat Alemdar
Özgü NamalElif Eylül
Kenan ÇobanAbdülhey Çoban / Zülfü Yüksel
Oktay KaynarcaSüleyman Çakır
Gürkan UygunMemati Baş
İpek TenolcayNesrin Çakır
Erhan UfakErhan Ufuk
Tarık ÜnlüoğluTestere Necmi
Emin OlcayÖmer Candan
Serpil TamurNazife Candan
Hande KazanovaCanan Çavan
Zafer ErginMehmet Karahanlı
Selçuk YöntemAslan Akbey
Atilla OlgaçKılıç
İstemi BetilLaz Ziya
Baykal SaranHüsrev Ağa
Haldun BoysanTombalacı Mehmet
Adnan BiricikNizamettin Güvenç
Nişan ŞirinyanSamuel Vanunu
İsmail İncekaraİplikçi Nedim
Osman WöberTuncay Kantarcı
Abidin YerebakanAbidin Seferoğlu
Güray KipKürt Bedo
Erdal CindorukÜstün Kısa
Latif AkgedikDemir Görkemli
Ali YaylıFariz Sarıyayla
Engin ÖzsayınFreud Fethi
Turgay TanülküŞahin Ağa
Sefa ZenginErdal Kömürcü
Nedim DoğanŞehmuz
Devrim ParscanOrhan Karadeniz
Hayat OlcayAyşe Eylül
Muhammed CangörenAbuzer Kömürcü
Hakkı ErgökSavcı
Erdoğdu UsluSavcı
Ömür ArpacıÇaycı
Eriş AkmanHakim
Büşra AyaydınSelvi Çakır
Kerem FırtınaEren Eylül
Erdem ErgüneyDeli Hikmet
Vildan AtaseverNazlı Bekiroğlu
Nihat NikerelSeyfo Dayı
Müge UlusoyMeral Yılmaz
Raci ŞaşmazAli Candan
Nilay DorsaEscort
Sibel CeylanEscort
Begüm KütükSafiye Karahanlı
Özcan VaraylıCerrahpaşalı Halit
Şıvga GerezCerrahpaşalı Halit'in Ablası
Altan AkışıkDoğu Eşrefoğlu
Nevzat YakışırboyNevzat
Sinem BayerEsther Hirch
Mehmet Emin YanıkAlexander Ivanov
İsmail DüvenciHakim
Sertan KaraağaçPusat Çakır
Hüsnü MahalliGazeteci
Erdoğan PoyrazErdoğan
Muzaffer DemirelDoktor
Faruk AkgörenTerörist
Ayberk PekcanDoktor
Orhan AyçaMilletvekili
Çetin YeltekinNedim
Yaşar KarakulakYahya Reis
İcmal AktunaNergiz Karahanlı'nın Bakıcısı
Nigar Alkan
Nihat Altınkaya
Fuad Poladov
Yıldıray Yıldızoğlu
Nami Esatgil
Erol Babaoğlu
Burçin Üçüncüoğlu
Halil İbrahim Aras
Halil Can
Cengiz Şahin
Gökhan Çelebi
Matthew BakerAndy Garcia'nın Dublörü
Semih Ürgün
Burcu Canbaş
Nihat Kantemir
Serhat Arvas
Oba Kalkancı
Hakan Öztaş
İbrahim Murat Tanır
Cem Şen
Dara Tan
Lori Barokas
Ali Sağ
Şafak Orbay
Efe Çadırcıoğlu
Süleyman Aksoy
Serkan Albayrak
Serhat Mert
Levent Çapkın
Ali Kil
Ruhi Yalçıner
Maşuka Altın
Seval Gökçe
Koray Gedik
Erol Çolak
Yeşim Mazıcıoğlu
Recep Terzi
Ahsen Yoldemir
Yasemin Balık
Murat Taygur
Akın Ardan
Volkan Adıyaman
Zeki Ocak
Mustafa Şen
Şafak Güçlü
Deniz Demireğen
İbrahim Olam
Bülent Emrah Parlak
Barbaros Levent Seçkin
Mehmet Uslu
Ahmet Özuğurlu
Yahya Doğu Demir
Elçin Altındağ
Adnan ÖzbekAdnan
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