The Third Day


A unique story told over two distinct halves, "Summer" follows Sam, a man drawn to a mysterious island off the British coast where he encounters a group of islanders set on preserving their traditions at any cost. "Winter" follows Helen, a strong-willed outsider who comes to the island seeking answers, but whose arrival precipitates a fractious battle to decide its fate.
Where to Watch Specials
1 Episode
  • The Third Day: Autumn
    The Third Day: AutumnCapturing events live and in one continuous take, this cinematic broadcast invites viewers deeper into the mysterious and suspenseful world, and blurs and distorts the lines between what’s real and what’s not.
Cast of Specials
  • Jude LawSam
  • Katherine WaterstonJess
  • John DagleishLarry
  • Mark Lewis JonesJason

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