The Secret

سر 1

Amer, who avenges the killing of his brother by killing a man and his wife. Amer becomes the target of several murder attempts by his wife Taline and his partner Bahaa. When Amer disappears, the investigation seeks to uncover where he is.
Where to Watch سر 1
60 Episodes
  • Episode 1
    Episode 1The unexpected disappearance of Amer Badran leaves everyone suspicious and worried, especially his wife.
  • Episode 2
    Episode 2Talin decides to go the police for her missing husband, meanwhile he meets with the detective Jad Harb. An unexpected person shows up at Talin’s home.
  • Episode 3
    Episode 3The detective Jad Harb starts off his investigation into the disappearance of Amer Badran. Meanwhile Bahaa (partner of Amer) tries again to get into contact with the gangsters.
  • Episode 4
    Episode 4Jad Harb helplessly questions Amer Badran’s sister Hend. Meanwhile Talin and Mohanad try to get away the leftover money of Amer Badran.
  • Episode 5
    Episode 5New face is revealed, which may have connection with the disappearance of Amer Badran. Talin is being cautious about her next move. Meanwhile Jad Harb is coming to a dead end with his investigation.
  • Episode 6
    Episode 6Facts got revealed that everyone around Amer is capable of killing him and also has the motif to. Some flashbacks come to light.
  • Episode 7
    Episode 7Bahaa is now trying to take over the company of Amer Badran, meanwhile Talin and Mohanad are trying to take over it with help from Amer Badran’s lawyer.
  • Episode 8
    Episode 8Talin pays a visit to her sister to unravel somethings about Talin’s family and her forced marriage. Meanwhile Jad also pays another visit to Hend and questions her about her personal life, including her missing husband.
  • Episode 9
    Episode 9The backstory of Hend’s husband is revealed and what Amer Badran has to do with his disappearance. Meanwhile Mohanad and Bahaa are still fighting over the company. Jad is having problems dealing with his personal life’s issues.
  • Episode 10
    Episode 10The fight between Mohanad and Bahaa is still going on. Meanwhile Talin feels herself under pressure as the detective Jad visits her at the company, but Bahaa unexpectedly reveals some information about the relationship between Talin and Amer.
  • Episode 11
    Episode 11While Jad was questioning Talin an unexpected person came in, which makes the situation difficult for Jad. Meanwhile the calmness of Bahaa und him doing nothing although his partner (Amer) is missing, makes Jad suspect him.
  • Episode 12
    Episode 12Jad tries to make with his fiancée (Rama), after she has caught him with Talin. Meanwhile Bahaa keeps searching for the ‘contract‘. A flashback unravels Hend’s secret about her hatred towards her brother.
  • Episode 13
    Episode 13Jad discovers the place where Amer might been kidnapped to, but the reality hits as nothing can confirm this theory. Talin reveals her personal information to Jad and about her past; as they both getting closer to each other. Meanwhile Bahaa tries to convince Mohanad to let him take the lead at the company.
  • Episode 14
    Episode 14The lawyer (Barhan) convinces Mohanad to accept the offer from Bahaa. Meanwhile a friend warns Rana of Mohanad. After a push from a Talin Jad makes it up with Rana and they came back together.
  • Episode 15
    Episode 15Jad makes an unexpected visit to Talin’s sister and questions her about the relationship between her and Talin as well as between Talin and her husband. Suzan feels that Bahaa is cheating on her.
  • Episode 16
    Episode 16Jad makes a special move that he visits Talin at her home and then he starts asking her about her personal life with Amer. Meanwhile Mohanad is getting closer to Jad‘s fiancée Rana.
  • Episode 17
    Episode 17Mohanad confesses his love to Rana and she falls for it. Jad’s talk brings sad memories to Talin.
  • Episode 18
    Episode 18Suzan is having hard time dealing with her daughter as she has no respect for her mom. Meanwhile, Mohanad is judging Talin for the close relationship between her and Jad. Jad finds the money for his Auntie‘s (Rana’s mother) medical operation, but it doesn’t go as expected.
  • Episode 19
    Episode 19The fight between Talin and Mohanad still ongoing and it got more intense. It’s because of jealousy or something else?
  • Episode 20
    Episode 20Now is the maid’s turn for the questioning, but her information aren’t as helpful as Jad hoped. Bahaa makes a big move ahead and convinces the members of the board kick Mohanad out of the company as they withdraw confidence from him.
  • Episode 21
    Episode 21With help of (Samurai) Jad was finally able to rescue the daughter of Bahaa and he brings her back to her family. Meanwhile, Talin has some worries about the maid as the maid makes some obvious threats.
  • Episode 22
    Episode 22The relationship between Jad and Rana gets tense again. Talin and Mohanad are back on planing.
  • Episode 23
    Episode 23Jad takes advantage of the broken and helpless daughter of Bahaa to get secret information about Bahaa. Talin feels unsafe, as she’s been told that she still is a suspect.
  • Episode 24
    Episode 24Jad is now sure that Bahaa is connected with the disappearance of Amer.
  • Episode 25
    Episode 25Suzan makes it up with her daughter. Mohanad discovers an important secret from his dealer. Talin shows up at the company and threateningly faces Bahaa to take the chair from him.
  • Episode 26
    Episode 26Talin calls for an urgent meeting for the shareholders at the company and they together vote Bahaa out of his position, so Talin will be the chairwoman of the company.
  • Episode 27
    Episode 27Bahaa blackmails Bahran (lawyer) with the stolen files to get the contract back from him.
  • Episode 28
    Episode 28Jad leaves his fiancée for a made-up meeting with Talin. Mohanad is still searching in his uncle’s history, therefore he meets a very close friend of Amer. Men, sent by Bahran the lawyer, break into Samurai’s home.
  • Episode 29
    Episode 29A flashback shows Amer telling Talin about his old adventures with his many foes and warns her that he dies it means one of his foes killed him. Now that a ghost of Amer following Talin she must now act, and with Mohannad‘s help. But how will Mohannad respond or he will falls for it?
  • Episode 30
    Episode 30Tallinn is embittered by the nightmare of Amir returning home, so she questions Mohannad if he really killed him or not, but she doubts his words, after she received a mysterious message.
  • Episode 31
    Episode 31Hend calls for Jad to visit her, but apparently wants to warn him not come near her. Bahaa now has a new Boss ‘Talin’, however he convinces her to have an assistant, so he can rule her.
  • Episode 32
    Episode 32Jad forces Suzan to unravel her past with Amer Badran.
  • Episode 33
    Episode 33Talin visits her sister ‘Diana’ to make it up with her. Mohannad is feeling upset about Talin, as she is always pushing him away. Suzan hurries to Hend asking her about Jad knowing that she was in relationship with Amer.
  • Episode 34
    Episode 34Bahaa faces his wife with the truth that she is the one who sent the pictures to Talin, but the both ends up with a conflict and Suzan kicks him out of the house.
  • Episode 35
    Episode 35Based on her own experience Talin warns Jad to not marry Rana if he isn’t in love with her, at the very same moment, Rana catches them sitting together. A flashback reveals that Amer has an illegal daughter.
  • Episode 36
    Episode 36Rana‘s mother dies and Jad joins her in her sorrow. Bahaa blackmails Talin in order to step back from her position as a chairwoman.
  • Episode 37
    Episode 37Rana feel apart after the death of her mother and began to howl with pain at Jad. Meanwhile, the illegal daughter of Amer shows up and tells the truth to Bahaa.
  • Episode 38
    Episode 38Jad receives a shocking call from Talin, warning him to withdraw from the police raid.
  • Episode 39
    Episode 39A mass shooting happens and despite Talin warning, Jad was there. Apparently, Mohannad and Talin were behind the ambush. Meanwhile, the Samurai guy visits Bahaa’s house making a marriage proposal to Bahaa’s daughter.
  • Episode 40
    Episode 40Jad argues with Talin, in order to find out how could she warn him about the planned mass shooting before it actually happens.
  • Episode 41
    Episode 41Jad arrests Talin for the planned mass shooting as an officer has been shot dead, but his heart says something else about arresting Talin.
  • Episode 42
    Episode 42Mohannad calls the lawyer Bahran for help as Talin is still under Arrest. Jad decides that he will believe his heart and will believe that Talin is innocent.
  • Episode 43
    Episode 43It’s got tense, when a detective tries to take the case away from Jad. Talin remains under arrest for the investigation.
  • Episode 44
    Episode 44Jad questions Talin as a suspect, but rather than answering the questions about her connection with the planned mass shooting, Talin confesses her love to Jad. The chief of the police station gets a call from an unexpected person demanding to release Talin. Bahaa didn’t miss taking advantage of arrested Talin, so he makes a meeting of the shareholders of the company to kick Talin out as a chairwoman.
  • Episode 45
    Episode 45Bahaa tells his wife ’Suzan’ the stolen files by the ‘Samurai Guy’ and that he’s blackmailing Bahaa, in order to marry his daughter. Meanwhile, Suzan digs more in Amer’s personal life, so she discovers an unexpected thing.
  • Episode 46
    Episode 46Talin and Mohannad‘s relationship gets even more complicated and intense, as lawyer Bahran tries make the clear between them.
  • Episode 47
    Episode 47The investigation is still ongoing as Jad now questions the illegal daughter of Amer.
  • Episode 48
    Episode 48Bahaa’s daughter rejects Samurai’s marriage proposal, therefore he threatens Bahaa to send the files to the lawyer, if he doesn’t persuade his daughter to marry him. Jad shocks his mother with the truth and Talin reveals her secret to Jad
  • Episode 49
    Episode 49Talin and Mohanad turn against each other as both try make their side story. Talin makes Jad believe that Mohanad is behind the disappearance of Amer and the other makes Rana believe that Talin killed Amer in order to have a relationship with her ex-fiancé Jad. Bahaa has now a plan to keep Samurai away from his daughter.
  • Episode 50
    Episode 50Jad arrests Mohannad und puts him in jail for the investigation. Talin catches her assistant sneaking information about her to Suzan.
  • Episode 51
    Episode 51Mohannad is under investigation and Jad therefore questions him as a suspect for murdering Amer. Although Mohannad denies all charges.
  • Episode 52
    Episode 52Mohannad shows his hidden card; a video of him and Rana saved on his phone. With this video he blackmails Jad to get out. Samurai guy is also under investigation.
  • Episode 53
    Episode 53Mohannad got released, which bringer fear to Talin. Talin visits Hend‘s husband.
  • Episode 54
    Episode 54It’s Hend‘s turn for the questioning. Mohannad makes his move with hiding his Dealer away from Jad. Talin brings her sister‘s family to her home. Bahaa sees Mohannad and Talin responsible for the disappearance of Amer.
  • Episode 55
    Episode 55Jad seizures all of Amer’s properties including the company, however Talin refuses to hand her house over. Bahaa encourages Mohannad to partner up.
  • Episode 56
    Episode 56Jad makes a big move with arresting Hend‘s husband. A shocking secret is finally revealed that Jad is behind the disappearance of Amer.
  • Episode 57
    Episode 57Talin faces Hend with the truth about her husband Ziad, that he is a drug dealer.
  • Episode 58
    Episode 58Everything gets intense and complicated. Talin falls in Mohannad’s trap and gets kidnapped. Jad arrests Bahaa for killing samurai guy.
  • Episode 59
    Episode 59Amer is free again after a man who works for him released him. Amer joins his daughter and plans for taking revenge from Talin and Mohannad.
  • Episode 60
    Episode 60The series concludes and all the secrets are revealed. Khawla the housekeeper who’s been working at Amer’s home is Jad’s sister and they both are behind the disappearance of Amer as they both kidnapped him from the party. Meanwhile Amer faces Talin and Mohannad and shoots them down to be able to run away from the police. Talin and Mohannad recover and Amer is still free out there.

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