The Old Fox
Not Rated
S1 • E6 Jul 23, 1977 60m7.5
Marie Sandtner , who manages a small florist's shop, received a surprise visit.Her alcoholic husband Hasso Sandtner that she hasn't seen for a year , says that he is happy to see her again, shows her a lot of 50 DM bank notes and wants to drink with her.She asks him from where he has the money ,but Hasso no answers.She says that she will not drink with him and finally went out leaving about 1000 DM on a table.After he is gone, Marie asks Toni Wiener about Hasso,but Toni doesn't know nothing.She decides to shadow Hasso and notices that Hasso is drinking with some friends under one of the bridges upon the Isar.The following day Hasso has been found dead by a hit with a bottle on his head under one of these bridges.The police makes a roundup in a tavern where the homeless companions of Hasso where drinking paying with 50 DM bank notes.The Old Fox gets confirmation that the bank notes are false.