The Odd Couple
Season 1
One is neat, one is a slob. Both are divorced and need a place to stay. That's how fussy photographer Felix Unger and sloppy sportswriter Oscar Madison end up sharing a New York City apartment. The arguments are endless but funny; it's like watching your parents fight.
Where to Watch Season 1
24 Episodes
- The Laundry OrgyE1
The Laundry OrgyOscar has arranged dates for himself and Felix with Gwendolyn and Cecily Pigeon who live upstairs. Oscar is excited, but Felix is nervous and uncertain. Oscar tries to rally Felix to get back in the dating game, but then both realize that the date will conflict with poker night. Felix wants to cancel the date, but Oscar wants to trick the guys into breaking up the game early. - The Fight of the FelixE2
The Fight of the FelixSplint McCullough is a rough and tough hockey player who spends as much time in the penalty box for fighting as he does on the ice. He and Oscar have just gone a round at a sports bar and Oscar comes away the loser with a black eye. He is determined to get revenge in his column by writing an expose about McCullough. Felix thinks revenge is wrong and when he confronts McCullough he too is forced into a fight. - Felix Gets SickE3
Felix Gets SickOscar has a date with an airline stewardess while Felix is away for the weekend on business. Only Felix isn't away...he's in bed sick with a 48 hour flu. With a high fever Oscar feels guilty about leaving Felix alone and is going to cancel his date. Felix convinces him to bring her to the apartment instead and assures Oscar he'll be quiet. This is just the beginning of a disastrous weekend for Oscar. - The BreakupE5
The BreakupOscar has a bad hangover and has zero tolerance for Felix or the noise he's making cleaning. They have an argument and Oscar tells Felix to get out. Felix moves in with Murray, Vinnie and the Pigeon sisters and promptly begins driving them all crazy. Meanwhile Oscar is having his own problems with cooking, cleaning and ironing and it isn't long before he realizes how much he wants Felix to move back in. - Oscar's UlcerE6
Oscar's UlcerFelix is warning Oscar that he needs to change his lifestyle and get healthy or it could catch up with him. He could be right when Oscar folds during a poker game with a full house due to stomach pains. The doctor thinks it could be the beginning of an ulcer. Felix is determined to prevent this and begins to monitor Oscar's meals and habits to the point of creating the tension in Oscar's life he wanted to avoid in the first place. - What Makes Felix RunE22
What Makes Felix RunAfter having another bad date with Gloria and having a nightmare that he can't get into heaven because of his neatness, Felix asks Oscar to help him. And what Oscar does is to help him loosen up. And what he does is to get him to not mind having a little mess around. But in the end the whole thing shocks Felix into becoming like Oscar. So Oscar calls Nancy to help him. - What Does a Naked Lady Say to You?E23
What Does a Naked Lady Say to You?Felix is dating a girl he says is a librarian. She comes to the apartment during one of the poker games and Murray can't help but think he knows her. He then recalls he arrested her for illegal exposure. He says they(the police) raids a play called Bathtub wherein actors appear naked onstage. Oscar upon learning this decides to find out if it's true so he goes to the play to find out.